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Message Dan Cooper

A favored principle in competitive Capitalism circles has been that of planned obsolescence. The idea being the creation of a need for replacing things previously purchased, a need caused by the prior item having gotten "past its prime", and therefore in need of replacement. It played on the older theme characterized as "out with the old, and in with the new". And products were therefore designed to become somewhat outdated and in need of replacement. In other words, it is practical and even necessary to establish a repetitive, ongoing, indeed growing, need for replacements to be purchased. This, of course, is the antithesis of admiring durability and long-lasting performance. It is one reason your old cast-iron skillets are now replaced with Teflon-coated aluminum that "wears out."

Some parts of our social fabric have resisted this sort of planned obsolescence. For example, until recently, we seemed to revere certain characteristics that have been favored for quite some time. We have appreciated things identified as really good traits in human beings. We have valued laudable characteristics like reliability of friendships, trustworthiness in business dealings, and so forth. But today we see a distinct rise in an acceptance of characteristics we once thought of as weak, unattractive faults. And one of the two major political parties seems to have taken this trend to all new lows. The Party that once held the title of Grand Old Party, now has embraced things that were once repudiated as weaknesses to be avoided. And while the obsolescence was not necessarily planned, it has been embraced almost enthusiastically. Things once held as examples of virtue are now treated as needless and obsolete. The acceleration of this trend we can easily lay at the feet of Donald Trump and the resulting Trumpism that has developed as a leading light in the GOP. So, if you believe you are ready to vote in the upcoming presidential election, you might want to consider taking note of what all is on the table for obsolescence. And we can include things like the old military concept of "conduct unbecoming of an officer". Yes, the military does still hang onto that notion, but we are not at all certain how much longer it can withstand the effort to cast it out with the trash. And with Donald Trump as the ideal next president, according to Republicans, we can start whittling away at a number of other things, as well. For the sake of convenience and expediency, I have started to list what appears to be on the cutting block.

Following Trump's example, we can easily dispense with morality, science, and truth. Those won't be needed anymore. Let's also talk about respect. Respect won't be needed for women and how they want to foolishly deal with their own reproductive health. Respect certainly won't be needed for the physically handicapped. We have learned just how unnecessary that is. We also won't need to waste any if it on Gold Star Families, or, for that matter, on service members who have died in the line of duty. And while we are at it, we can dispense with an a-political military. Because we certainly can't have a military that won't respond to presidential orders to eliminate political rivals. Facts are also no longer needed. We can live in a world where alternative facts are far more convenient and useful.

What else can be made expendable?

Police accountability.

Immigration. We are already full. All we need is a wall.

Taking seriously all of those silly sexual-abuse allegations.

Loyalty to allies and international commitments, since NATO is unnecessary.

Independent news networks. Who needs all that fake news?

The Emoluments clause.

Voter rights.

First amendment protests.

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Dan Cooper is an award winning freelance writer/editor living in the Texas Hill Country. He has worked in news and sports journalism and is currently working on several projects, including a memoir and the editing of a California Gold Rush (more...)

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