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OpEdNews Op Eds    H3'ed 7/24/23

A President's Son Cops a Plea

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Message Arshad M Khan

Accountants in the US will warn you about unreported income in tax filings. While expenses may be disputable, not reporting income leaves little leeway, and will, depending on the amount, earn you free board and lodging at the government's expense in accommodations not of your choice.

That is unless you are Hunter Biden, the President's son who has just pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor (not a felony) and has been given the proverbial slap on the wrist. Reason magazine calls it a sweetheart deal and if it's not, then everyone should be treated with the same leniency.

Two Internal Revenue Service (IRS) officers, Gary Shapley, a supervisory official agent, and Joseph Ziegler, a criminal investigator, have now in disgust blown the whistle on the whole affair.

With 14 years of experience, Shapley is a team leader in the International Tax and Financial Crimes group that is responsible for the IRS investigation into Hunter Biden's taxes.

Mr. Ziegler, whose identity was finally revealed when he testified a few days ago (July 19) has worked for 13 years in the IRS Criminal Investigation Division that initiated the initial inquiry into Hunter Biden's 2017 tax return.

The investigation is headed by the US Attorney for Delaware, David Weiss, who was retained in his position by the newly elected President Biden -- possibly because of the impropriety of discharging a US Attorney who was also looking into Joe Biden's finances. These Joe and Hunter (father and son) investigations were subsequently merged. Yes, it's a complicated story.

The two whistleblowers accuse the Delaware US Attorney's Office of persistently blocking the investigation and making decisions to benefit the President and his son. Thus when they sought to search the President's Wilmington home, where Hunter Biden also kept some of his financial records, the request was denied by Lesley Wolf citing "optics". She is the Assistant US Attorney in the Delaware office.

She also prevented the investigators from interviewing the President's adult grandchildren who had been claimed as dependents on Hunter Biden's tax return. Worse, she let Mr. Biden's lawyers know that the investigators were interested in a Virginia storage unit where some of the documents were kept, allowing the lawyers prior access.

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Arshad M Khan is a former Professor. Educated at King's College London, Oklahoma State University and the University of Chicago, he has a multidisciplinary background that has frequently informed his research. He was elected a Fellow of the (more...)
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