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Life Arts    H2'ed 6/12/15

Fertility Awareness and Electronics

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fertility chart with basal thermometer
fertility chart with basal thermometer
(Image by vetilden)
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A Conversation with Sarah Bly's FA Teacher-Trainers and Katie Singer

June 1, 2015 * Notes compiled by Katie Singer


When I started teaching Fertility Awareness in the mid-1990s, at least one third of my students had irregular cycles. They weren't ovulating; or they weren't ovulating regularly. They had extremely low waking temperatures (lower than 97.0). When they came off of the Pill or Depo Provera or had an IUD removed, their signals were often impossible to read for as long as a year. Some students had taken the Pill since their teens--for more than ten years straight. Doctors often gave women Clomid (to increase production of mature eggs at ovulation) for a dozen rounds--even though the manufacturer warned against more than three rounds, and even though some women gained 50 pounds and developed insulin resistance while taking this "treatment."

My students wanted to know how to encourage healthy cycling--without pharmaceuticals. I asked about their diets. Mostly, they ate muffins, tuna fish, chips and soda. I wondered if they might try organic butter and eggs for breakfast. And some kind of greens. Quickly--often within a cycle or two--they started ovulating. Everyone was amazed and delighted.

I also learned about sleeping in the absence of light except during nights 13-15. This do-able remedy also encouraged healthy cycling. Often, women reported that it mean turning off their TVs. Apparently, lots of people fall asleep with their TV on. Yikes. Exposure to light at night inhibits melatonin production.

So FA has always supported my interest in health. For me, that's what FA is about. And--no one can use charts to prevent pregnancy or to time the best chances of conceiving unless she's got healthy cycles.

Learning Section 704 of the Telecommunications Act

A year or two after I published The Garden of Fertility, I learned Section 704 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996. It states that no health or environmental concern can interfere with the placement of a cell tower.

I was shocked.

Then I learned more federal rules and regulations that exclude health. Or, they only consider the immediate, thermal effects of exposure to electromagnetic radiation (EMR) emitted by a cell phone on a 200-pound male mannequin; and they do not consider effects when exposure lasts for more than six minutes, comes from multiple sources (i.e. a cell phone, Wi-Fi, a cell tower, a transmitting utility meter and/or a baby monitor), begins in utero or takes place during childhood while brains are developing.

I learned about damage caused by EMR emitted by powerlines, transmitting utility meters, switch-mode power supplies in digital devices, mobile phones, cell towers, DECT cordless telephones, baby monitors and Wi-Fi. I read studies about EMR causing DNA damage, damage to sperm motility, changes in blood-glucose metabolism, blood-brain barrier leakage, increased cancer risk, increased behavioral problems (as much as 85% increased risk when a woman uses a cell phone during pregnancy), dementia (including dementia among teens), insomnia, addiction (including toddlers addicted to iPads), harm to wildlife (including bee colony collapse), malfunctioning of medical implants and much much more.

My orientation to health felt zapped.

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Katie Singer writes about nature and technology in Letters to Greta. She spoke about the Internet's footprint in 2018, at the United Nations' Forum on Science, Technology & Innovation, and, in 2019, on a panel with the climatologist Dr. (more...)

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