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OpEdNews Op Eds    H3'ed 12/16/20

Holocausts in different countries

By       (Page 1 of 1 pages)   8 comments
Message Mohammad Ala

There have been many holocausts during the past years especially since WWI and WWII.

A 2014 poll in the UK found that 59% of people thought the British Empire was something to be proud of and nearly half believed countries were better off for having been colonized.

Tharoor's book provides a rebuttal of such ideas with regard to India. The subjugation of his people was "a monstrous crime" and any positives were mere by-products of actions not intended to benefit Indians.

Shashi Tharoor on Britain's colonial genocide in India.

British army leaded by war criminal Winston Churchill were responsible for killings, stealing food, and natural resources in India and Iran.

Causing the death of 35,000,000 innocent people in India because of starvation.

Causing the death of over 8,000,000 innocent people in Iran because of stealing food to feed criminal British army. British army stole many things from Iran which most of them are displayed in British homes and museums.

Why western media is silent? Why these numbers are not mentioned millions of times in Western media similar to one holocaust? Why holocaust in Indonesia is not discussed or mentioned in Western media?

If one adds the killings of Africans by white Belgian kings, the numbers will surpass 70,000,000 people dead, and over 50,000,000,000 lost a limb, are suffering from the negative effects of bombs and poison gas sold by criminal West Germany to criminal Saddam Hussein that he even gassed his own people.

Killing Kurds. There are many pictures and atrocities committed by Saddam. France had no problem to sell Iraq Mirage jets, and the entire world supported criminal Saddam when he attacked Iran.

The hidden Holocaust: Killing 10, 000,000 Africans

What a shame on humanity.

Western countries continue to impose illegal sanctions and cause atrocities to countries which disagree with them.

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Iran, pronounced Eeran NOT Eye-ran...".> Hint: Italy: Eetaly not Eye-taly. Iran has been in the region properly termed 'West Asia' -- not the 'Middle East' for thousand of years. (more...)

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