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In the name of co-existence

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Bald-faced Hornets at Nest
Bald-faced Hornets at Nest
(Image by treegrow)
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I want to tell a little story about an unlikely truce between two species who are normally adversaries -- me and some hornets. A couple of months ago I noticed that there was a hornet nest under the railing of our back deck. It was small, about the size of an eight ball, and I forgot about it. A few weeks later, the nest had doubled in size and the hornets were more active. I am against spraying for a number of reasons, because it is heartless and because it poisons the environment. Instead, I decided to knock the nest down. Being a pacifist, at least in principle, if not in consummate practice, destroying the nest was also against my principles because it would cause the hornets to suffer, and I just felt bad about destroying their home. In terms of my things-to-do list, it was at the very bottom. My sense of revulsion at the task I was preparing to undertake was visceral. I therefore put it off for another couple of weeks.

The nest was now the size of a large grapefruit. Finally I decided to take some action. I decided to knock it down during daylight to give the hornets a chance to recover and reconnoiter. I pictured leaving the cats in and the hornets swarming around the fallen nest on the ground. After a few hours of initial confusion I figured they would divide up; some would rebuild while others would start another nest somewhere or maybe most of them would just, sadly, disperse and I would eventually be able to forgive myself and forget about them. I duck-taped a hoe to a broom handle, which put about ten feet between me and the nest and used the hoe blade to sort of push the nest down. I thought it would release and fall, giving me a chance to safely withdraw. The nest did not release. It was much more resilient than I thought it would be. All I managed to do was damage it before I had to back off and concede failure. The hornets went crazy, swarming within 6-10 feet of the nest, but within a few hours they had settled down, like people after a hurricane, and all their energy went to inspecting the damage.

The next day I kept the cats in and watched the hornets begin to rebuild. I girded my heart, determined not to let them repair the nest because if they stayed we would not be able to use the deck for the last months of summer. I replaced the hoe with a flat scraper to remove it at its base. I waited a day to build up my will for the unpleasantness of upsetting them again. This time I was more focused, plotting exactly where I wanted to come in with the blade, my goal being two-fold, to dislodge the nest and to minimize the casualties. Once again, the nest resisted my best efforts. I was able to scrape off half the nest and the same chaos followed. The bees angrily swarmed, looking for their nemesis but settled down in a couple of hours to inspect the damage. The next day, they were rebuilding.

Within a week the nest was round again. It was a little misshapen but the hive recovered. Now about a month later some kind of truce has set in. The hornets have not bothered us or our cats. My wife and I just avoid their territory which extends about 6 feet from the railing. I notice that they added one interesting feature to the architecture: there is an entrance (a hole) facing the porch. I guess they want to keep their eye on us. We have made some concessions to their presence. We do not entertain on the deck and we do not act in a way that might alarm them. Except for that, we have learned to live with them. In a month or so, with the first frost, they will all naturally perish and our summer with the hornets will be over.

What have I learned? From now on I will look for hornets' nests wherever we intend to spend time and if I find one I will knock it down before it grows. I do not regret that I didn't spray. That will continue to be against my principles even though when I tell this story to people we know, even if they don't, out of politeness, I know that they want to shake their heads at my foolishness... but I really wish everyone would stop spraying all insects. What it boils down to is, I have to live with myself, and I love all the creatures, even the ones with terrible tempers and stingers. I am still trying to extend that love to my own species. I may be making some progress but, between you and me, I have a ways to go.

(Article changed on September 3, 2019 at 15:44)

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Gary Lindorff is a poet, writer, blogger and author of five nonfiction books, three collections of poetry, "Children to the Mountain", "The Last recurrent Dream" (Two Plum Press), "Conversations with Poetry (coauthored with Tom Cowan), and (more...)

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