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OpEdNews Op Eds    H4'ed 7/28/23

Moving to the 1000 piece puzzle: making sense of UFOs

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Message Gary Lindorff
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A word on UFO sightings and declassified video footage of UFOs (so-called "anomalous phenomenon" or is it Unidentified Aerial Phenomena [UAPs]). I anticipate more whistleblowers will be coming forward, and I see this story as a kind of mushroom that pops up periodically in what would appear to be a random way, if we didn't know that mushrooms are just the fruiting body of an extensive understory of creeping mycelia. My gut tells me that there is some truth to these latest congressional testimonies but I don't think UFOs or UAPs are alien drones or spaceships from "out there". (This would appeal to a public raised on Star Trek and Star Wars reruns.) I think the government has been experimenting with quantum flight-technology (weightless flight technology that warps space) for some years, and the sightings are the robotic prototypes that they are testing in real space-time. This would explain the published footage and reports (lately declassified) of objects flying at great speed and changing direction without slowing down, and diving into the water without slowing down. The dead-aliens story is a red herring to throw people off while the pentagon continues with its secret research. Like David Fravor, retired Navy Commander, responded when asked if what he saw was beyond our current technology, without pausing, he answered yes, by 10 - 20 years, meaning we have the theoretical know-how to create UFOs / UAPs but we have a ways to go. (Huh?)

My brother is much more cautious. He reminds me: "The basics of both fission and fusion were known as early as the late 1920s among physicists in the UK, the US, the USSR and Germany , and even in Japan. In fact physicists have made it clear that the spying that occurred on the Manhattan Project was not a matter of stealing "nuclear secrets" of the working of an atomic or a hydrogen bomb, but rather of stealing engineering solutions to specific problems that arose in actually building those devices." As they say, the devil is in the details!

Characterizing what I am calling quantum flight (or maybe my brother would prefer anomalous flight capability), a futuristic technology is swallowing the big lie, but, like the technology of the creation of The Bomb, it has been kept under wraps because of (as with The Bomb) its potential to be weaponized or, more likely, it is being weaponized. The United States has always been obsessed with lording it over its enemies with the ultimate weapons system. Remember Reagan's enthusiasm for "Star Wars"? (Just to refresh our memories, Star Wars was the fun packaging label for the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) proposed by Reagan in a nationwide television address on March 23, 1983.)

This reflection on UFOs or UAPs is not fear-based, but it is a part of our world, and we can't afford to be afraid of the world we inhabit. The way I see it is, individuation is sometimes about moving from a 100-piece to a 1000-piece puzzle.

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Gary Lindorff is a poet, writer, blogger and author of five nonfiction books, three collections of poetry, "Children to the Mountain", "The Last recurrent Dream" (Two Plum Press), "Conversations with Poetry (coauthored with Tom Cowan), and (more...)

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