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A selection of notable work:

Bob Connolly has reviewed baby monitors and found safer options: http://www.electronicsilentspring.com/baby-monitors/

Cecelia Doucette has worked with the Ashland, Massachusetts Public Schools to create Best Practices for Mobile Devices: http://www.electronicsilentspring.com/practices-mobile-devices/

Jeromy Johnson has solutions for safer computer use at: http://www.emfanalysis.com/low-emf-computing/

Mitch Lazarus blogs about legal issues, including this recent one about hacking: http://www.commlawblog.com/2015/10/articles/intellectual-property/librarian-of-congress-who-okays-widespread-hacking-of-electronic-devices/

Paul McGavin posts actions for protecting children and reducing EMR exposure, including reconsidering cell phones as message-taking devices: Keep the cell phone off. Set its alarm to check for messages once every hour or two. Compose messages on a safer setting, then send them altogether. This way, you drastically reduce your EMR exposure. (Note: depending on how it's programmed, a mobile device may check for messages constantly, every minute, every five minutes. The device connects with the nearest base station each time it checks--and emits EMR for the check.) http://rfemf.com/actions.html#actions

Dr. Joel Moskowitz, researcher at UC/Berkeley's School of Public Health, posts new research about the health and environmental effects of EMR at www.saferemr.com. Recent posts include studies about harmful effects of mobile phone use on adolescents, cell tower radiation exposure's association with Type 2 Diabetes risk in adolescents, and a link between rising brain tumor rates and cell phone and cordless phone use. To get these posts, sign onto saferemr.com's Facebook page. https://www.facebook.com/SaferEMR

Ray Pealer has developed a way to help people learn to use meters, then remediate EMR in homes: www.emrsafety.net.

Applied physicist Dr. Ronald Powell has written "Message to Schools and Colleges about Wireless Devices and Health." http://www.electronicsilentspring.com/ron-powell-message-schools/

Peter Sullivan's discussion group, Autism and EMF on Facebook, has families sharing ways to reduce EMR exposure: https://www.facebook.com/groups/AutismEMF/

Posted by Katie Singer


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Katie Singer writes about nature and technology in Letters to Greta. She spoke about the Internet's footprint in 2018, at the United Nations' Forum on Science, Technology & Innovation, and, in 2019, on a panel with the climatologist Dr. (more...)

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