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Life Arts    H4'ed 5/30/21

Notes from a burned-out time-traveler IV

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I want to tell you about Quat.
Quat is more horse than man.
He is about 125 years old. His DNA
Somehow repairs itself.
There seem to be no "bad germs" in the future,
No disease as we know it.

Quat carries enormous responsibility.
His people are responsible for the stories.
And for the education of the children.
By his "people" I mean the other horse-people.
And by "the children" I mean human-kind.
He has taught at the Brain Museum for a long time.

He believes in the human race
Which, it appears, is being given a second chance.
It is literally in its second infancy.
The "children", as I have explained before,
Are not really children as we would define them,
They are very old by our standards.

More on them later.
Many of you have asked me how I came
To possess the time-traveling app.
Also you have asked how The Brain Museum got its name.
Another common question is, Is there anything
That we can do to try to avoid The Event?

First question: I upgraded my phone to an iPhone in 2019.
I had been using a much older phone just for work.
When Covid hit, my job in the community ended
And I decided that I needed a new phone.
I left my old phone on my dresser where it sat for over a year.
One morning, last January, on my birthday,

At about 3:00 it started making a funny sound.
My wife is a very light sleeper. She nudged me awake
And asked me to deal with it.
I brought the phone to the basement
And looked at the window. There was a funny icon
In the lower corner, a spiral with an arrow at both ends.

I touched the spiral and was immediately transported
To the future outside The Brain Museum.
Second question: The Brain Museum was originally a laboratory
Where brains of a group of Event survivors were preserved.
But nothing remains of these specimens.
The legend persisted that there were preEvent human brains here

And that legendary history survived the actual building.
The place became a shrine of sorts
And, more recently, relative to the future time-line,
The horse people decided to honor the memory of the brains
By building a school called the Brain Museum.
Where human-people would be educated by the horse people

Who have since dedicated themselves
To preserving the fragile remnants of the human species.
Third question: There is nothing that we can do to avoid The Event.
If there was a way to bring Quat back to our time
He might be able to convince us that the Event is coming
But I doubt that even knowing about The Event would change our ways.

Quat has listened to my descriptions of my time
And he thinks that his time could be regarded
As a fresh start. By my estimation, Quat's time is 10 - 7,000 years from now.
I have learned a lot from Quat about his Earth.
The horse people have traveled extensively and
According to Quat there are forests growing around all the rivers.

The rivers he is referring to are new, massive springs
That issued after The Event from deep within the planet.
The ocean is sterile, but the up-welling rivers are all fresh and clean.
He has promised to show me one of these river springs
Nobody believes any of this, so I am not motivated
To answer any more questions right now.

From what I gather, the Atlantic Ocean is indeed sterile
And I assume that all the other oceans and seas are too.
Once I started staying in the future for longer conversations with Quat
My full brain functioning returned and even improved.
Time travel seems to have the effect of rinsing my brain.
It's like hitting a reset. I find that the longer I stay

The cleaner I feel. I think there is a lot more oxygen in the air.
Of course there is no pollution, but I think it is more than that.
And it's not just my brain but my whole being that feels refreshed.
I asked Quat where the rest of the horse people are.
He said they live near the river forests.
They decided to school the children far from the forests

Because there are animals in the forest who could kill them.
I asked Quat if anyone else
Has visited from my time.
He said No. I'm
The only

(Article changed on Jun 01, 2021 at 7:48 AM EDT)

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Gary Lindorff is a poet, writer, blogger and author of five nonfiction books, three collections of poetry, "Children to the Mountain", "The Last recurrent Dream" (Two Plum Press), "Conversations with Poetry (coauthored with Tom Cowan), and (more...)

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