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Life Arts    H4'ed 7/31/21

One big dream

Message Gary Lindorff
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We were out back talking about dreams

One big dream in particular, yours.

(We were on the edge of the meadow)

While we talked the spaces between the trees

Grew darker and darker

As if the day had suddenly decided to end.

It got so dark I started having a hard time seeing you

Because of the black cloud overhead.

But no wind and no rain yet.

Still, we both agreed we better move inside.

The moment we stood up the wind appeared

Without warning from above

Even the trees were caught off guard.

There was no telling what would happen next

As we fled for the basement. Then it poured.

The wind blew against the rain for a while

But finally it was just the rain thundering down.

We watched hypnotically from the windows

For a few minutes but finally we settled down

To continue talking about your dream

Which began to make perfect sense

As if our confusion had suddenly decided to end.

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Gary Lindorff is a poet, writer, blogger and author of five nonfiction books, three collections of poetry, "Children to the Mountain", "The Last recurrent Dream" (Two Plum Press), "Conversations with Poetry (coauthored with Tom Cowan), and (more...)

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