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Project Uncensored

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Project Censored has released a valuable new book called "Censored 2009: The Top 25 Stories of 2007-08".

The book includes summaries of the censored stories, in some cases citing multiple small and independent sources that told the stories, plus updates on new developments in the stories.  Also included are substantial updates on the top censored stories of the previous year, most of which are still making news except that they're not making news: they're still ignored by the U.S. corporate media cartel.  Meanwhile it's so easy to waste our energy complaining about how the corporate media reports stories, while greater harm is done by it not telling stories at all.

"Censored 2009" also includes hundreds of pages of analysis of corporate media conduct on a variety of issues from numerous talented authors.  Here are the best recent concrete examples of how debates are conducted in a manner that completely shuts out important and popular positions.  

This week we're being lied to about a bankers' bailout.  We're being told that the stock market is the same thing as the economy, that both are about to implode unless we borrow more money than most national budgets and give it to banks with no questions asked.  And the public is being ridiculed for interfering in our democracy by telling our representatives that we don't believe the lies.

Yet, too many of us do believe the lies.  After the media outlets told us Monday's No vote was a disaster, they polled us on which party was more responsible for it, not on who should get the most credit for it.  Then they reported that huge numbers of us blamed this party and huge numbers blamed that party.  And I don't need a poll to tell you that huge numbers of people heard those reports and FORGOT the possibility that someone might be given credit rather than blame for a vote that, for once, matched the will of the public.

Small and independent media outlets are trying to do the work of a democratic communications system right now on this issue, as always.  And grassroots groups that understand the problem are buying advertisements stating their admirable viewpoints in the New York Times, funding a company that daily defends the military-banker complex.  They hate to do it, of course.  They feel really, really bad about doing it.  But what choice do they have?  The smaller outlets are too small.  And all the money we aren't giving to message ads we're giving to political campaigns to spend on election ads on corporate television -- more than enough money every election to have gone out and created new television networks from scratch.

Here's an idea that must be more brilliant than it sounds, since nobody seems capable of grasping it: small media outlets are small because WE DON'T FUND THEM.  The right-wingers have the Washington Times and Fox News because THEY FUND THEM.

Think about it.

I'm serious.  



And think about it.

Here are some media outlets that show up in "Censored 2009" as having reported the news: Truthout, Alternet, The Progressive, Global Research, In These Times, The Nation, Pacifica Radio, Inter Press Service, Common Dreams.  Why not support these media outlets?  Why not advertise with them?  Why not hold events to promote them, and Seven Stories Press, the publisher of "Censored 2009" and many other great books?  How can the thrill of seeing your ad in the New York Times begin to compare to the importance of this?

I was happy to see that the first story honored by "Censored 2009" was one that I published on After Downing Street, which -- yes -- operates on your generous donations!  Here's that story:

Is The United States Killing 10,000 Iraqis Every Month? Or Is It More?
By Michael Schwartz
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David Swanson is the author of "When the World Outlawed War," "War Is A Lie" and "Daybreak: Undoing the Imperial Presidency and Forming a More Perfect Union." He blogs at http://davidswanson.org and http://warisacrime.org and works for the online (more...)
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