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Life Arts    H4'ed 9/5/21

Rebirth (a poem)

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Message Gary Lindorff
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Phoenix Hawk
Phoenix Hawk
(Image by Derell Licht)
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What am I running from?
Where am I going?
My feet hurt, but I don't have time to rub them,
No time to cool them in a stream.
Like a deer in a burning forest,
I bound over smoldering hotspots,
Or like an old dog dreaming,
I still have it in me to run!
Running for joy ephemeral
And then to escape
The fools who think they own me.
I can barely see the cities rushing past.
I have wings on my feet now.
My sight skims over the bones of things.
I see too much.
I smell fear . . .
I smell my own fear.
It surrounds me
Like the smoke of a never-ending fire.
I see the future like a slow-motion wave
That is carrying me forward.
My legs simulate a leap
But no need;
I am riding a wave that seems to know me.
And now I am looking around.
What message am I carrying,
From god to impotent god?
I leap from the wave,
Which is moving too slow,
Into silver-winged flight.
I am flying from mist-draped ledge to fog to cloud.
When will it be my time to rest?
Down there is not safe.
Valley after valley
War has carved a garish theater
Out of bedrock
Where there used to be a paradise.
I hear the echoes of anthems,
That merge into a drone
While sweet ballads swarm
Around my ears.
The booms of manmade thunder
Trail off behind me.
And now I hear only the wind in my ears
And the thumping of my heart
Trying to tell me something.
I'm evanescent,
Like a falling star
About to flare in the upper atmosphere.
Where have I been?
What do I know?
How can I know anything?
I would have to stop to know
But first I must be born.
Exploding like a harmless bomb
I am rising like a phoenix
A burning bird
Recalled by flames of vision.

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Gary Lindorff is a poet, writer, blogger and author of five nonfiction books, three collections of poetry, "Children to the Mountain", "The Last recurrent Dream" (Two Plum Press), "Conversations with Poetry (coauthored with Tom Cowan), and (more...)

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