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Life Arts    H4'ed 2/20/22

So, what exactly is synchronicity and how does it help us exit the Matrix?

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Message Gary Lindorff
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Here I am defining synchronicity, elucidating Jung's definition, so those of us who are close to understanding it can get it. Believe me, it is very liberating when we do "get it". We understand that we are not pawns or victims but co-creators of our lives. I am saying that our lives are influenced by the archetypes that are constellating for us, and I am saying that events in our lives need not be determined by the past, or who we were, up to this moment, but who we are becoming!

Just in general, so you understand, synchronicity is an experiential and observable phenomenon of improbable coincidences, but it is also a principle. And to understand it one has to comprehend that the psyche is not just inside us. The psyche is not just subjective when an archetype is constellated, because the "field" of an archetype is transpersonal. The psyche is both personal and transpersonal and archetypes (which are the engines of the transpersonal [or collective] psyche), are also personal and transpersonal, which explains how I might dream of a bridge being out and then the next day (while that archetype is still constellating in my psyche) I might come to a bridge that is out.

In other words, if the archetype of the bridge-out is constellating in my psyche, and I am awake and in the world, then the field of the archetype is also in the world and becomes an active agent in precipitating events that coincide with my inner experience of the bridge out. My dream did not "cause" this synchronicity, it is only connected acausally to a larger pattern in which I am participating.

So another way to look at a synchronicity is to see it as the coincidence of an inner and outer event that share unmistakable commonalities. Synchronicity only makes sense if one understands the dynamics of the psyche, how the unconscious is not individual but shared, or transpersonal, and how archetypes have a field-aspect.

The "acausal" principle of Synchronicity accounts for, or explains, the improbable coincidences that play out in our own stories, some of which never make it onto our radar. I find that most people who write about Jung and his theories, don't quite understand what they are talking about. To grasp the "acausal" nature of synchronicities, which is a quantum concept, we usually have to make a quantum leap because 95% of the human race lives in the Matrix -- that is the causal universe.

As your radar sensitizes to the synchronistic universe you enter the "probability field"; in other words, you stop wasting your time seeking what is possible, but what is probable, i.e., soft places in reality where the universe is meeting you halfway. That is what it feels like to step into life-as-dreaming, meaning that when we realize that we are co-creators in who we are becoming, and as we take our power that way, we begin to see how the world is always being created, right before our eyes. Then we start noticing more and more synchronicities, not just because we are sensitizing to the post-matix universe but because there are more synchronicities happening as our dreaming becomes more intentional. (This also has to do with stepping into the Tao.)

(Article changed on Feb 21, 2022 at 8:34 AM EST)

(Article changed on Feb 21, 2022 at 9:22 AM EST)

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Gary Lindorff is a poet, writer, blogger and author of five nonfiction books, three collections of poetry, "Children to the Mountain", "The Last recurrent Dream" (Two Plum Press), "Conversations with Poetry (coauthored with Tom Cowan), and (more...)

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