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Life Arts    H4'ed 12/19/23

Dear Everyone: Solstice letter about the dark days and depression

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Message Gary Lindorff
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Short days, long nights
Short days, long nights
(Image by Bernt Snvisen)
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Depressed? I wish we all had a practice of some sort that would help with that. That is what "healers" are for. People have skills and gifts. If you are open to it, you could find someone.

There is sauna-ing, to release toxins from the body, like a detox.

There is dreamwork of course (my forte), but it's hard to find a good (affordable) dream-worker, (my word for Jungian analyst).

You can treat yourself to a deep massage.

Meditation helps but not for everyone. There is a learning and experiential curve for that. I am not good at it, but I can do it and I know it works. Many of us don't have a very good sense of what meditation is so we dismiss it. If you are like that, you could find someone who would show you how to meditate. (That would be a good Christmas present to give yourself.)

Even acupuncture can help. It depends on you, what your body responds to. You might be surprised. Sometimes acupuncturists bring other gifts to their work beside just sticking silver needles into your meridians.

We are not just physical bodies. I write about this all the time, hoping that people can begin to open to what I'm trying to say. We are emotional beings. We are energetic beings. We have a soul.

With shamanism, there is soul-retrieval. Parts of our soul get lost or split off by traumatic experiences and a shaman can help retrieve bits of our soul. The beauty of this is, you don't even have to believe that it works. You just find someone, a shaman, who does soul-retrieval and let them work on you. If you find someone who does shamanic work, ask them questions about their approach to healing. See if it resonates.

The best way to heal that I know is to ingest a little bit of the mushroom in the company of a trusted person, with head phones on, just a small amount, and chances are you will have a profound experience. The mushroom can re-set us. For every person it is different and the same. The mushroom appeared on the planet way before green plants. Its medicinal spiritual benefits are older than old and holistic. A mushroom journey can get us out of our ego-centric reality and we often experience that as an awakening or spiritual.

When we are depressed, shut down, our horizons close in, so it helps to have someone indicate viable options for helping ourselves.That's a troublesome irony for me, that when we get depressed that is when we are least likely to seek help. Sometimes just the tiniest effort to reach out for healing is all it takes!

Money is a factor. When I do dreamwork with people I usually start out charging them nothing, or accepting some kind of barter. If they keep going I work something out, for example asking them to pay whatever they can, or what feels right. There are other practitioners out there like that, I'm sure.

If you are a practitioner, please consider adjusting your fee to a client's ability to pay.

Hydrating. When our body (and brain) begin to dehydrate, that can lead to illness. Hydration literally gets us flowing. It's worth it even if it makes us pee more.

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Gary Lindorff is a poet, writer, blogger and author of five nonfiction books, three collections of poetry, "Children to the Mountain", "The Last recurrent Dream" (Two Plum Press), "Conversations with Poetry (coauthored with Tom Cowan), and (more...)

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