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Steven Schmidt on the Republicans' Clear Advantage Upon Becoming the Nation's First Fascist Party

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Message Al Hirschfield
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Lincoln Project's Steve Schmidt: American Democracy Was Deliberately Poisoned | Amanpour and Company President Trump's impact on the Republican Party will be studied for decades to come. History will look not only at who joined the GOP in the Trump era, b
(Image by YouTube, Channel: Amanpour and Company)
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I think this is one of the most brilliant and important interviews ever given in this country. "Lincoln Project" co-founder, and former John McCain presidential campaign manager, Steven Schmidt, frames what happened in November, as well as the preceding five years, in a way that I have yet to hear anyone do so comprehensibly, and with such terrifying clarity. My understanding of Steve's message is this: Donald Trump and Fox News have turned the Republican Party into the country's first bona fide Fascist Party ("The Republican Party is our first autocratic party."), which is not going away whether Trump is President or not. And due to the structural advantages they have built into the Electoral College and elsewhere, the 2024 election could possibly be the nation's last ("We may be looking at a Tucker Carlson presidency in 2024") as even the very flawed Democracy it already is.

The bullet we may have "dodged" is being quickly followed by a Cruise Missile, and if something drastic doesn't happen soon, the very "fragile Biden coalition" which got him elected, could very quickly, and tragically, turn into just another fleeting bit of American political nostalgia....

PS Here is a 5-minute streamlined version of the above 18-minute PBS interview, which recently aired on MSNBC: Steve Schmidt on the very real and imminent danger of Republican autocracy.

PS Please save the "Biden's a fascist, too" comments. We've heard them before and they have been duly noted. This interview is only for those still capable of distinguishing between neo-liberalism and fascism.

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A rapidly aging boy from NJ, with a somewhat radical political bent, who, after quite some time, seems to finally (in the truest sense of the word) be getting it together... Om Sai Ram

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