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OpEdNews Op Eds    H3'ed 8/6/22

The Fear of Yellow Dragon

By       (Page 1 of 1 pages)   3 comments
Message Mohammad Ala

One should add here that with all the news about China and Taiwan, we are all human beings and citizens of this planet. War is not the answer. However, the mainland China has not treated people in many countries honestly and have taken advantage of them.

When we talk about any country that has old and deep-rooted history, we should keep in mind the historical facts. There are many countries that have rich histories such as Iran in West Asia (heir to the Persian Empire), India (heir to Ashoka Empire), Egypt in Africa (heir to Pyramids), Italy (heir to the Roman Empire) in Europe, Mexico (heir to the Maya civilization and Aztec Empire), and Peru (heir to Inca Empire) in Central and South America.

In regard to China, its Great Wall is over two thousand years old. China's claim to Taiwan is historically maybe correct. Moreover, the people of Taiwan are originally Chinese and speak Mandarin with Taiwanese accent. The majority of people in China speak Mandarin.

Because of rise and fall of civilizations, China was weak in the 19th and 20th centuries. And the island of Taiwan was separated from the mainland of China. Now that the mainland is strong, it is demanding the return of island of Taiwan by force.

If one considers historical facts and issues, logically, according to Western mainstream media China is an expansionist county. Because of its size and population and military strength, similar to 1971 time frame, the United Nations Security Council should pass a similar measure to resolution 2758, which ended Taiwan's membership in the council and accepted one China policy. Western countries accepted the reality in 1979.

Mainland China using force has announced sovereignty over Taiwan. Iran claiming sovereignty of the Strait of Hormuz in the Persian Gulf without using force unless it is attacked at which time it can close the waterway.

What is the solution? China should be contained. There is no good reasons many people to get killed from all sides similar to when Iraq with the encouragement of Western countries attacked Iran. The United Nations should return Taiwan to China through a peaceful process, as it returned Hong Kong and Macao to China peacefully in 1997 and 1999 respectfully.

As for China's harassment of Taiwan with military aircraft, warships, unreasonable suppression and political actions, the one being most unreasonable is mainland China.

Taiwan does not want to close the door to China. It is China that has used various means to oppress and treat Taiwan unreasonably.

Russian invasion of Ukraine has captured the attention of the world. Based on expert observations some have warned that China might take the opportunity to make a similar move on Taiwan.

Relations between China and Taiwan have been on a deteriorating trend over the past few years. Since the split between Taiwan (Republic of China -ROC) and mainland China (People's Republic of China -PRC), Beijing has long viewed the island of Taiwan as a rightful part of its territory and has expressed plans to reunify Taiwan with the mainland eventually. Despite occasional flare-ups in diplomatic tensions over issues such as Taiwan's potential independence, both sides have maintained cross-strait relations, mutually benefiting their economies, trade, and cultural sectors over the past decades.

However, Taiwanese officials have described current tensions between the two as the worst in 40 years. On April 12, 2021, Taiwan's military reportedly issued a civil defense handbook aimed at educating the public on what to do in case of nationwide emergencies such as military conflict. Taiwanese policymakers have also accelerated discussion around reforming its reservist and conscription training to increase the overall readiness of its military.

The successful reclamation of Taiwan as its territory would allow the Chinese government to use Taiwan as a strategic reinforcement against the "containment policy" by the US and its military allies such as Japan and South Korea. Reclaiming Taiwan will also allow China to expand its maritime-territorial boundaries in the region and give it greater power projection in the South and East China Sea, as well as further into the western Pacific. US military officials are concerned that this would pose a threat to US military bases as far as Guam and Hawaii, as well as to US "freedom of Navigation (FON)" operations in the region.

China has always taken advantage of African and West Asian countries, similar to IMF. Chinese should not be welcomed in most countries because of their destructive commercial practices. In the Persian Gulf, Chinese fishing boats are destroying fishing industry and have caused the Persian Gulf fishermen lose their livelihood of feeding their families. Simply put, mainland China should be avoided at all costs.

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Iran, pronounced Eeran NOT Eye-ran...".> Hint: Italy: Eetaly not Eye-taly. Iran has been in the region properly termed 'West Asia' -- not the 'Middle East' for thousand of years. (more...)

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