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OpEdNews Op Eds    H2'ed 6/18/15

The Four Horses Asses of the TPP Apocalypse

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Congress members are often pressured in how to vote by the moneyed interests that buy their television ads, which in turn persuade the media to "cover" them nicely and dumb people to vote for them. But more often they are pressured in how to vote by the leaders of their two mega-parties who in turn answer to greater moneyed interests.

Thus three Republicans who voted against their leader's wishes in one of a package of votes intended to ram through the Trans-Pacific Partnership disaster have now been stripped of their leadership positions.

But carrots are used as often as sticks. In May 2009, 60 congress members voted against dumping another $97 billion into the wars on Iraq and Afghanistan. My own misrepresentative Tom Perriello voted for it. Then, in June 2009, 202 congress members voted against that same war funding combined with a massive bailout for East European bankers. Perriello voted for both, even though both progressives AND the Tea Partiers in his district were opposed. The White House immediately rewarded him. Van Jones and Steny Hoyer came down to this district and did events, and shortly later the Secretary of Agriculture did the same. They were all rather pointless events intended as oppotrunities to pose for cameras with Perriello. Obama later did one himself.

At the end of last week, 28 Democrats voted against the interests of Obama, which happen to be identical on the TPP as on so many things with the interests of the Republican leadership. Some of those Democrats may not have needed carrots or sticks. But some clearly got them. Four in particular, we know, were given a ride in a aeroplane. Wheeeeee! Obama took them to the G7 with him on Air Force One. They are the four horses asses of the coming TPP apocalypse. They are:

Gerry Connolly D - 11 - VA 202 225 1492 @gerryconnolly
Jim Himes D - 4 - CT 202 225 5541 @jahimes
Eddie Bernice Johnson D - 30 - TX 202 225 8885 @repebj
Mike Quigley D - 5 - IL 202 225 4061 @repmikequigley

From ABC some images of Quigley and Bernice Johnson:

Here are the other Democrats who voted for corporate power on Friday. Watch how they vote today and in coming votes, and watch what rewards they're offered:

Brad Ashford D - 2 - NE 202 225 4155 @repbradashford
Ami Bera D - 7 - CA 202 225 5716 @repbera
Don Beyer D - 8 - VA 202 225 4376 @repdonbeyer
Earl Blumenauer D - 3 - OR 202 225 4811 @repblumenauer
Suzanne Bonamici D - 1 - OR 202 225 0855 @repbonamici
Jim Cooper D - 5 - TN 202 225 4311 @repjimcooper
Jim Costa D - 16 - CA 202 225 3341 @repjimcosta
Henry Cuellar D - 28 - TX 202 225 1640 @repcuellar
Susan Davis D - 53 - CA 202 225 2040 @repsusandavis
John Delaney D - 6 - MD 202 225 2721 @repjohndelaney
Suzan DelBene D - 1 - WA 202 225 6311 @repdelbene
Sam Farr D - 20 - CA 202 225 2861 @repsamfarr
Ruben Hinojosa D - 15 - TX 202 225 2531 @usrephinojosa
Derek Kilmer D - 6 - WA 202 225 5916 @repderekkilmer
Ron Kind D - 3 - WI 202 225 5506 @repronkind
Rick Larsen D - 2 - WA 202 225 2605 @repricklarsen
Greg Meeks D - 5 - NY 202 225 3461 @gregorymeeks
Beto O'Rourke D - 16 - TX 202 225 4831 @repbetoorourke
Scott Peters D - 52 - CA 202 225 0508 @repscottpeters
Jared Polis D - 2 - CO 202 225 2161 @repjaredpolis
Kathleen Rice D - 4 - NY 202 225 5516 @repkathleenrice
Kurt Schrader D - 5 - OR 202 225 5711 @repschrader
Terri Sewell D - 7 - AL 202 225 2665 @repterrisewell
Debbie Wasserman Schultz D - 23 - FL 202 225 7931 @repdwstweets

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David Swanson is the author of "When the World Outlawed War," "War Is A Lie" and "Daybreak: Undoing the Imperial Presidency and Forming a More Perfect Union." He blogs at http://davidswanson.org and http://warisacrime.org and works for the online (more...)
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