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The diamond box

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Message Gary Lindorff
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In 9056 the NewEarth corporation unearthed a diamond box

The box contained 100 cuneiform tablets

Te engine of capitalism is already dead

Next te engine of life

All we can tell you is a diamond box was deep in the mantle

12 miles down

The tablets? Carbon

Yes, carbon

Slow-mo violence

Petroleum compounds

End up in all bodies

The question was raised: Could this have been prevented?

Yes, there were "environmentalists"

People who cared about the fate of the planet

Yes, they wanted to prevent it

Yes it appears that a "liberal" created the 100 tablets

They represented a very small but vocal subgroup

Known as the "liberals"

They were a loosely defined branch of a political "party"

What was a "party"?

It was a social gathering of invited guests, typically involving eating, drinking, and entertainment

Also conquering production co-opted creation binary economies goods and services

Everything was exploitable and disposable

Were humans considered disposable?


Can you hold your questions?

Why would anyone want a party when the earth was "doomed"?

The priority at the time was making things out of "plastic" and that required being disposable

Everything in the ancient world was made of plastic

Mumble mumble

Can you please hold your questions?

This is just one tablet

There are a hundred tablets in the diamond box

Translation is ongoing and cannot be hurried

Send your questions to

I was just informed that we have run out of time

Just a second

. . . Yes, OK

Nothing we have translated has revealed any insight into the thinking of the last people to inhabit the planet

But to recap, the assumption is that by the time the biosystem failed, so much plastic had infiltrated all organic systems we have to assume that the

The conversion of the earth into a

I'm sorry. We hav run ut of tme

Was anyone angry?

We don't know


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Gary Lindorff is a poet, writer, blogger and author of five nonfiction books, three collections of poetry, "Children to the Mountain", "The Last recurrent Dream" (Two Plum Press), "Conversations with Poetry (coauthored with Tom Cowan), and (more...)

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