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Largest Civil Disobedience Movement in US History Underway

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National Campaign for Nonviolent Resistance, Year 2007 Resistance Against the War Update
By Max Obuszewski

I am of the opinion that there has never been a movement in U.S. history with the number of arrests which have taken place in opposition to the Iraq War. This list of appeals, arrests and legal cases is not all-inclusive. Please send additions, corrections and updates to mobuszewski at verizon.net.


11— Peter Ryan, Sky Ogawa Cohen, Jesus Lopez, Jesse Schultz III and Fiona Thompson are scheduled for trial on a charge of failure to disperse while blocking arms shipments going to the port.


23— Wally Cuddeford is scheduled for trial. He was arrested on Mar. 6, 2007 during public comment time in City Council chambers after he condemned police brutality.

16— Thirty-four peace activists are scheduled for trial on two disorderly conduct charges in Superior Court. They were arrested in a National Campaign for Nonviolent Resistance-organized die-in at the Crypt of the U.S. Capitol on Sept. 20.

14— Wally Cuddeford, Jeff Berryhill and Caitlan Esworthy are scheduled for trial on a charge of resisting arrest during a blockade of arms shipments going to the port. Berryhill and Cuddeford face the additional charge of assaulting police.

3— Around 20 protesters will go on trial for crossing a police line on Sept. 15 on the

west side of the U.S. Capitol. Close to 200 people were arrested, but the vast majority paid a citation fine.


29— Beth Adams, Johnny Barber, Ellen Barfield, Michelle Grise, Sherrill Hogen, Kathryn McClanen, Joan Nicholson and Max Obuszewski are to file their brief with the District of Columbia Court of Appeals. They are appealing convictions related to protests on Sept. 26 or 27, 2006.

On Feb. 16, some 30 defendants who appear before D.C. Superior Court Chief Judge Rufus King III are convicted and ordered to pay a $50 assessment fee. One defendant was found not guilty. On Mar. 14, 20 defendants who appear before Judge King facing charges from either Sept. 26 or 27 are convicted and ordered to pay the $50 fee.

17-- Mona Shaw, Lou Hellwig, Ajax Robert Ehl, Kathy Hall, Megan Felt, Lee Mickey, Nyssa Koons, Brian Shearer, Gloria Williams, Brian Terrell and Renee Espeland are to go on trial for trespass. On July 6, they were arrested in Sen. Chuck Grassley's office. Also arrested was David Goodner, but he pled guilty and paid a small fine.

14— Peg Gallagher, Fr. Jack McCaslin and Jerry Ebner are scheduled for trial, facing a charge of refusal to leave on Oct. 10 during a die-in outside the Strategic Space and Defense Conference.

12— Five members of San Diego Civil Disobedients are scheduled for trial on a charge of trespass after being arrested in Rep. Susan Davis’ office on Sept. 20.

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David Swanson is the author of "When the World Outlawed War," "War Is A Lie" and "Daybreak: Undoing the Imperial Presidency and Forming a More Perfect Union." He blogs at http://davidswanson.org and http://warisacrime.org and works for the online (more...)
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