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By       (Page 1 of 1 pages)   1 comment, In Series: The Big Mirror
Message Peter Barus
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As we closed in on a couple of weeks of lockdown, a friend of mine asked me this:

"I wonder... whether you share my sense that this particular mismanagement could cook the Orange Man's goose in the next election. And, seeing that, do you think he might try to abrogate the election?"

Last question first: Yes. In a New York minute. It's what he hired Rudy to pull off. That all came out in the impeachment trial. Abrogating an election is not even perceived as a speed-bump. It seems to have been the plan right from the git.

But stealing it is still way cheaper and easier and already, nearly accomplished. Does anybody seriously think Biden will beat that guy at his own game, on his wholly-owned, high-rent turf?

Having just been awakened from a nap by NPR broadcasting a "press conference" featuring the VP and No. 45 rolling out another self-serving story, I heard the President being incoherent. Not just venal and narcissistic, but unable to complete a sentence. No: not just unable to complete a sentence. The man is unable to end a succession of words in such a way that it sounds like it ever was related to a sentence.

He still gets away with it by attacking the nearest possible adversary (anybody at all, really) to keep them off balance so they don't turn the subject to his obvious dementia. Of course the number of people in the room that could possibly raise that point is about equal to the current interest rate. Lately there's hardly anybody else there. Where is Dr. Fauci? And what's all this about "packed churches"?

The man is obviously and completely and undeniably batshit.

And nobody is stopping this scary clown show even now. They must be pumping him full of ketamine or something, so he's a little quieter, but still able to grip the lectern.

This raises two grisly specters. One, instead of discovering how much they really need to spend more time with their families, as is the time-honored custom in Washington, D.C., the toadies and sycophants are piling on, doubling down. The die-hards have started throwing themselves under the bus. Except now that there's no buses running anymore, they can say anything they want. Senior citizens should go out and sacrifice themselves. Everybody should go to church. New York doesn't really need those ventilators; if we order them we'll just end up with a garage-full of surplus obsolete medical equipment. Oh, and let the President handle the oversight of that bazillion in bailout money.

Grisly specter two, and these are not consecutive or alternative specters: the administration seems poised to use the pandemic (with the enthusiastic cooperation of the Barr DOJ) as the pretext to impose a form of martial law and round up anybody they see as a problem for them in their quest for Absolute Dominion.

I'm saying all this insanity and obfuscation is purposeful.

My evidence for this is the extraordinary lengths the admin has gone to in order to make the situation really, irretrievably crazy-bad.

That unspeakable crime couldn't be done, if even the meager measures they destroyed had remained intact. And it is crazy-bad now. People are starting to wonder about getting through the next year with enough to eat and a safe place to sleep. What if they can't pay their internet bills? And look at the numbers. Current projections have us losing more citizens than in World War II. China, meanwhile, has no new cases, but is bracing against being re-infected from outside.

So, to answer the first question last, no, the cook has been goosed, if here is an election, but the election itself is in jeopardy. It was in jeopardy before this new madness came down. How much crazier does it have to get before we abandon the leadership? They're not much more than a distraction now. We got things to tend to.

(Article changed on April 2, 2020 at 15:09)

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