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Screenplays and TV dramas (0 articles.) (# of views) (Created by John Hawkins)
  here is where I'll put my ideas, skits, sketches and drafts of works for screen or TV.  
Kid Power (0 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Meryl Ann Butler)
Deep State elected President in latest Coup (0 articles.) (# of views) (Created by dale ruff)
  In part 1 and II, I examine the way that the Deep State, acting through the FBI with the help of Russia and Wikileaks, has taken control of US elections and thus is in control of the President, who is then required to serve the Deep State.Both parts examine the timeline of events which led to a very unpopular President and the defeat of HRC  and show the cunning and hypocrisy of the  very logic the FBI (thru Comey) is using to defend its selective intervention in disclosing  a new investigation of Clinton just before the election, while concealing that Trump's campaign had been under investigation for 8 months...before disclosing this fact long after Trump had won by virtue of the October surprise,  which swung the election to Trump.  
Business Essay & Academic Writing Services with 100% Quality (0 articles.) (# of views) (Created by )
  Connect to Writingxpert.com to get a premium quality Business Essay and Academic Writing Services. We have international writers for MBA Dissertation Topics & Literature review writing services. Call us today at +919600020070/+919884072954.Business Essay Writing Services  
MBA Dissertation Topics & Literature Review Services (0 articles.) (# of views) (Created by )
  Connect to Writingxpert.com to get a premium quality Business Essay and Academic Writing Services. We have international writers for MBA Dissertation Topics & Literature review writing services. Call us today at +919600020070/+919884072954.Dissertation Literature Review Services  
Professional Report Writing Services (0 articles.) (# of views) (Created by )
  Writingxpert.com is having an excellent experience in offering wide range of professional business & research report writing services at affordable price. We value your time, so provide 100% on time delivery!Professional Report Writing Services  
Climate Accord (0 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Russ Doty)
Dakota Pipeline (0 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Joan Brunwasser)
Guaranteed Passport,Citizenship, Cards,Driver's License,Diplomas, etc. (0 articles.) (# of views) (Created by tchoumi roddy)
  We are an independent group of specialized Graphic Designing,IT professionals and data base technicians who are specialized in the production of quality documents such as passports,drivers license,id cards,stamps,visas,diplomas of very high quality and other products for all countries: USA, Australia,UK,Belgium, Brazil, Canada,Italian, Finland, France, Germany, Israel, Mexico, Netherlands, South Africa, Spain,Switzerland, . This list is not full.To get the additional information and place the order just call or contact us via email or mobile.Contact e-mail:= tchoumiroddy150@gmail.comGeneral support: Contact e-mail:= tchoumiroddy150@gmail.comKeywordsCanada CardsUnited States CardsStudent CardsInternational CardsPrivate CardsAdoption CertificatesBaptism CertificatesBirth CertificatesDeath CertificatesDivorce CertificatesMarriage CertificatesCustom CertificatesHigh School DiplomasG.E.D. DiplomasHome School DiplomasCollege DegreesUniversity DegreesTrade Skill CertificatesSocial SecurityValidate SSN NumberDriver License SearchSpy ProductsVoice ChangersListening DevicesInvisible InkDMV Record InquiryBackground CheckInvestigate AnyoneContact e-mail:=tchoumiroddy150@gmail.com  
The Growth Trap (0 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Charles St Pierre)
  If the global economy is allowed to continue to grow, it will reach the limits of growth set by the world ecology.  It will then be too late to prevent its collapse. It will have out grown its ability to acquire the resources needed to sustain it.If the world's economy collapses, few will survive.  
Social Justice (0 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Muhammad Irfan)
  Unfortunately, Pakistan whose creation was presupposed to be a testimonial for the Islamic fundamental principles lags behind in the subject of social justice implementation. Herein, the affluent families wielded a predominant control over Pakistan's decision making. This proved as a menace, which badly derailed the system from the exact path which was accountable for undertaking the right decision for a balanced society. There are three testaments through which the condition of social justice in Pakistan can be assessed.            Social Stratification            The sad factor of a society is to suffer social stratification. In fact, it depicts a society as a venue where the differences among the different segments are haplessly observed. In Pakistan, unfortunately, a class division, urban-rural stratification is evident where the elite class is addicted to show their supremacy by dint of immense riches through a variety of tactics. The elite class (exploitative segment) includes landlords, industrialists, military generals, civil bureaucrats and business tycoons.      They manage to stand as distinguished in the society. For the purpose, they utilize certain tactics. (a) They try to be immune from all kinds of moral, ethics and lawful norms. (b) They influence the local, district and divisional executive administration on account of the usage of immense of wealth flow. (c) This class manages to undergo personal links and approaches for setting up business in the coveted zones, discarding the merit.      (d) These big guns avail the services of riches in order to escape from being persecuted in the wake of committing a murder. (e) They mobilize the administration for the sake of being elected as the member of provincial and national assemblies, paving the way for social inequity and injustice. (f) They opt for disturbing the rule of merit, credibility, ability and quality by making the kith and kin inducted in the high posts. (g) These elements wield special control over the rates of commodities, hence making enormous profits though illegal. Under such circumstances, the social stratification is torment for the social justice.            Economic Equilibrium            It is also a criterion to estimate whether a society is entertained with the social justice. In the contemporary circumstances, Pakistani society gives a picture of an economically unbalanced community. The difference between the rich and poor was eminent since the sub-continent was portioned in 1947. More sad-fully, this class difference used to worsen with the passage of time.      Contemporarily, the current crises have added fuel to fire to the area disturbed a balance. The Pakistani populace is divided between rural and urban areas. In rural areas, the huge chunk of the population is directly associated with agriculture, which plays a pivotal role in the financial sector of the country. Nonetheless, this sector in Pakistan suffers bi-fold problems.      First, the farmers do not possess their owned lands where they can do sufficiently the agriculture jobs. Thus, they keep on falling the prey to the landlords' an exploitative mindset. This does not allow the community to contribute productively to the financial sector. Second, the current decline in the security and economic stability has deteriorated the agricultural outcomes the farmers expect in the return of hard work and invested capitals. The corps produced after investing costly fertilizers and soared prices of diesel are unlikely to get the due market rates.      This moribund situation has a negative impact on the rural economy, which discourages the farmers and averts the attention towards opting alternative earning sources. Accordingly, the financial difference among the different classes, contrary to the social justice, is deepening day by day. The urban areas are also not immune to the deterioration in economic equilibrium.      In fact, the business tycoons in the urban and metropolitan hubs avoid from paying taxes and even bills for electricity usage. Thus, the burden of taxation, the common person has to bear, which is baleful for his bargaining capability. Consequently, the rich get richer and the poor become poorer, which widens the class gap.    
America, an Empire in Twilight (0 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Paul Fitzgerald Elizabeth Gould)
  PART I of IV: When America Became the Dark Force       PART II of IV: How Guilt, Innocence   & Facts Have Been Rendered Irrelevant      PART III of IV:   Neoconizing the Just War Doctrine in the service of American Empire      PART   IV of IV: America's Late Stage Imperial Dementia   
Russia (0 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Scott Baker)
  Articles on or relating to Russia  
Saudis and 9-11 and the Larger Truth (0 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Barry Kissin)
  The truth is pregnant. The official myths are spouting   holes. For the first time, in September, Congress overrode an Obama veto, and   it's all about exposing the government of Saudi    Arabia to liability in U.S. courts for facilitating the   attacks of 9-11. Exposing Saudi    Arabia exposes the American-made part of the   9-11 operation -- hence the cover-up by Bush and Obama.  
IRS and Government Financial Fraud (0 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Jeff Maehr)
  Most Americans have little or no idea how U.S. economics work,   and the government and bankers don't want you to know,   either. With the advent of the personal computer and the internet, things have changed.  What once took many months or even years of research in law libraries and other sources of actual physical documents now takes days or weeks... perhaps months, and what is being discovered is not only revealing, it is shocking. This series will provide you with this evidence and prove to you that you've been deceived by the system, but you don't have to remain a slave to it.  Simply research this topic, even briefly, and you will see the pieces coming together and the light beginning to grow brighter.Then pass this on to others and we can bring a real change...   the change we all want and need.  
Jack Truman for U.S. Congress (0 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Jack Truman)
  Congressional Candidate Jack Truman shares his views on today's most pressing issues  
Occupy! (0 articles.) (# of views) (Created by b. sadie bailey)
  We the People occupying and reclaiming fundamental human and environmental rights  
Story Jams (0 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Dwayne Hunn)
  Norcal Peace Corps story jams with a not-so-subliminal People's Lobby message that the US needs to build a robust AWSC National Service program.  www.peopleslobby.us   
Cryptocurrency (0 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Carl Mullan)
  An in-depth look into the future of cryptocurrency.  
Tax fairness (0 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Gerald Scorse)
  Articles that make the case for tax fairness and suggest ways to get there.   
militias/domestic terrorists (0 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Joan Brunwasser)
Climate Change (0 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Potomac Oracle)
  Anthropomorphic methane build up from oil and gas exploration creates methane hydrate accumulations in sea beds and permafrost.  Oil and gas exploration use fresh water to pressurize wells and that water mixes with CO2 to form methane hydrate. There is no other way to create these hydrates.  When they dissociate the explosions can be deadly to drilling wells and catastrophic to civilization if accumulations in the arctic, Siberia, Lake Baikal, and Alaskan permafrost are destablized.   
Holacracy-- the Non-Hierarchical, Bottom-up alternative to Management-- Discussing it with Creator Brian Robertson; Podcast and transcript (0 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Rob Kall)
   As Brian described, we went deep discussing the aspects and implication of Holocracy, a powerful manifestation of how the organization is transitioning from a top-down patriarchal, parent child model to one with distributed power, empowering ALL the employees. I see it is the leading edge of a movement that could change the way we think about leadership, about how government and organizations work.  
Mind Indian Media (0 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Ashish Shukla)
  Indian media clearly appears to have an agenda as the crucial Bihar elections conclude. Their attempt to polarize the country on communal lines, linking every crime to Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his ruling party, Bhartiya Janata Party (BJP), even when the crimes have appeared in states governed by other parties, is disturbing. Are they mere puppets? Is someone else pulling the strings in the background?  
Stop Indian Media (0 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Ashish Shukla)
Identity News, Color Blues, & Ethnic Dues (0 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Jack Hickey)
  Identity News, Color Blues, & Ethnic Dues  
Halloween Part III (0 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Edwin Sumcad)
Edwin A. Sumcad                    It is time for nuisance   candidates to come home to roast for contributing their Halloween pranks in the   most irritating and disgusting manner this coming 2016 presidential election.   Point of reference is the 2008 U.S. presidential election when Barack Obama was   elected president. I documented those annoying front liners diligently, hoping   to roast them during the 2016 presidential election campaign in the most   rib-tickling way possible that will make NBC's Last Comic Standing contestants   delivering their funniest materials sound like a very depressed eulogy for the   dead in the funeral parlor.            The point of their relevance to   this satirical expose is the fact that as a bothering distraction during the election   campaign period, the annoyed public listening to their speeches that are so   boring and forgettable nobody listens to, is an insult to the average American's   intelligence. Their audience only consists of viewers and listeners addicted to   television programs and radio broadcast 24-hours a day who trapped by their   viewing and listening habit are at the same time catching a terrible headache.            From the geopolitical sector, record   shows that Ralph Nader is consistently on top of the list. A never-win   scarecrow candidate [he scares the light of me], he keeps on trying to become   president until the crow turns white, or until he stops to breathe, whichever   comes first.           Nader's Evangelical rivals are   tough competitors too. I'll just pick Chuck Baldwin at random, a political   pastor moonlighting as a radio host of Florida who is an everlasting   presidential candidate for the handful members of the Constitution Party.            Chuck always sends e-mails to   his election campaign audience including me, trying to convince us that he was   the hope of the fatherland once elected president. Then he asks for campaign money   to make that happen.             Claiming as a champion of   morality, the thought of an evangelical candidate begging for money to secure   himself in politics drops my jaw to the floor.                I was in a state of shock, to say the least! I   feared that in the eyes of the Lord what Chuck was doing was biblically objectionable,   perhaps a sin worse than that moral debacle which offended God resulting in the   destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah by a rain of fire and brimstones.            But the most eccentric of them   all that mainstream Americans worry about and fear the most in the lineup of   never-win everlasting presidential candidates was Republican Congressman Ron   Paul of Texas. He is a doctor of medicine turned politician-cum moralist, cum-economist,   cum-self-proclaimed monetary expert, internationalist and constitutionalist who   threatened to abolish the Federal Reserves, United Nations, taxation, and   security check in the airport when he is elected president. He was always a   presidential candidate since the first Pilgrim boat -- the Mayflower -- landed   in Virginia, possibly at Cape Cod, not really literally but just to give you an   idea how long ago that was when he started running for president.            For the first time, I do not   see Ron Paul in the current Republican nominee line-up for president but his   son Rand Paul, a Senator from Kentucky had taken over. Judging from his stand   in the Republican debate [in the polls, he hardly made it to the Podium] Sen.   Paul is his son's father who will do exactly what Congressman Paul will do when   elected president. Foremost among those Paulian programs of action are to defund   the nation's national security program, abolish TSA and FDA, and declare into   law the right to drink unpasteurized raw milk and eat uninspected milk products   and farm produce as an absolute freedom of the individual.             Can anybody show me a   perennial non-electable presidential candidate more extremely exciting than the   Congressman from Texas? Of course many viewers of the televised Republican   debates to select the party's standard-bearer, including me believe that the possibility   of any of the father and son getting elected president of the United States is   less than that of a Chinaman's chance. The survival of their presidential   ambition is nil if not zero.  Anybody who   swims naked the icy waters of the English channel during winter has a better   chance of surviving.            We can live in a ghost house   and survive the haunting, but I doubt if any of us can survive  Paul's America in a world without   international order [no United Nations] in this Armageddon-threatening nuclear   age; a new America without a central bank, without fiscal revenue, no national   security, but with a lot of freedom to drink raw milk and die of Salmonella,   E-Coli and Listeria, and also a lot of liberty and freedom to die in the hands   of terrorists, local murderers, serial killers and bombers. Terrorists are free   to terrorize. Ron Paul repeatedly argued in front of the television camera that   911 was the fault of America, not of Jihad terrorists that killed more than   6,000 innocent civilians in New York.               But in the Philippines, every day is a   Halloween Day of Corruption. My study shows that the Dark shadows of evil   gather together and celebrate Halloween not just on October 31st but every day   except on November 1st which is All Saints Day. The Undead rest on All Saints   Day. Unlike in the United States, Filipinos don't have to wait from 4 to 5 days   following October 31st before the final 10-second- bell of Election Day rings   to get the shock of their life.              The horror of corruption has been legalized.   The multi-billion-dollar DAP-PDAF heist of public funds [Assistance Development   Programs and Priority Development Assistance Fund] is a recently discovered scandal   of yet unimaginable proportion and incomparable magnitude. The modus operandi   was part of the General Appropriation Act [GAA] Congress passed into law. It   attracted international attention only when the Philippine Supreme Court declared   DAP-PDAF unconstitutional. Several Senators and Congressmen and their civilian   accomplices are now facing charges of corruption.              It is reported that the   discovery of this new strain of corruption is just the tip of the iceberg. The   trail of the continuing investigation is said to be leading directly to   President Benigno Aquino III whose term of office expires in 2016.            Records show that for obvious   reasons presidents are charged of plunder only when they leave Malacanang   Palace, the Philippines' equivalent of White House in the United States.     As president, President Aquino   himself has under the GAA a 'P1.3 trillion' pork barrel. [2] In comparison, the   staggering amount makes the pork barrels of politicians in Congress combined --   some of them are now charged in court of plunder -- only look like peanuts.  But what is more horrifying than this little drop   in the bucket is that majority of Filipinos is not aware or if they are, does   not accept the fact they have elected to office a pork-barrel-president!            And what might be described as   a gigantic tsunami of corruption is yet to come. The eyes and ears of   international observers are on the P399 billion infrastructure projects that   the Aquino administration had proposed for the year 2014. Published reports   indicated this will rise to P820 billion [approximately 5% of the GDP] by the   year 2016. [3] That's when the guillotine drops right on the neck and separates   the head from the body -- actually, the separation of a dead brain from a rotten   heart. Indeed, this metaphor sounds so bloody, but in my roast menu, it is so   Halloween!            In the Philippines, EDSA I and II people   power revolutions erstwhile described as the 'power of the mob' is power that changed   power. With this 'power of the mob' President Marcos and President Estrada were   kicked out of office in a trail of blood.             In comparison, U.S. political   Halloween is David to the Philippines' Goliath. It is so nerve-wracking to   think about it. That's because the bloody Hail Mary [EDSA III] is just around   the corner. #                 
Halloween (0 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Edwin Sumcad)

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