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A German inspired Irish "Greenback" might be the answer?

William Finnerty
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by W. Finnerty Tue May 08, 2012 18:47

Reply to "lefty" at Tue May 08, 2012 14:51

I'd fully support this idea of yours: particularly if it resulted in the severing of all dependency on the Global Banking Cartel for our national money supply.

I believe the Republic of Ireland should provide itself with its its own debt-free and interest-free money supply: for its own responsible purposes and needs. Otherwise, it cannot truthfully claim to be an independent sovereign nation state: which we fully deserve to be, and have every right to be (in my opinion).

The whole idea of the Republic of Ireland "borrowing" its money from the Global Banking Cartel, who create it out of nothing, and then charge us interest on it, looks like pure unadulterated madness to me. By such completely unnecessary and totally avoidable borrowing, we place ourselves in a position of making ourselves doubly indebted to the Global Banking Cartel: i.e. for the "loan", and for the interest on the "loan".

The sooner this "borrowing" madness ends, the better I would like it: particularly the "borrowing" which is being used to pay off the bankers derivatives gambling debts (thought to be in the region of 1,000 trillion Euros the last time I looked): irresponsible payments which are fuelling yet more of the same kind of irresponsible gambling.

Collectively, it seems to me that our Government (Executive, Legislative, and Judicial) badly needs to have its head examined regarding the way it appears to be so enthusiastic about its continuing efforts to support the Global Banking Cartel and all its socially destructive ways and works: not least the ESM impunity arrangements, which are designed to "lawfully" enable the Global Banking Cartel to commit crime with impunity. The cheek of the bastards!!

"Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."

The Global Banking Cartel should be shown the door: and the sooner the better.

That's how I see the situation at least.

Related Link: http://www.humanrightsireland.com/


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Those who claim there's "no alternative" to the ESM approach are ALL lying their heads off ...
 by W. Finnerty Tue May 08, 2012 13:47

Although I'm no supporter of Hitler's overall policies, not by a very long way, and particularly with regard to his outrageous human rights abuses and atrocities, there is nonetheless very strong evidence to suggest that he got his "national money-supply" arrangements EXACTLY right:

"Hitler began a national credit program by devising a plan of public works that included flood control, repair of public buildings and private residences, and construction of new roads, bridges, canals, and port facilities. All these were paid for with money that no longer came from the private international bankers."

"The projected cost of these various programs was fixed at one billion units of the national currency. To pay for this, the German government (not the international bankers) issued bills of exchange, called Labor Treasury Certificates. In this way the National Socialists put millions of people to work, and paid them with Treasury Certificates."

"Under the National Socialists, Germany's money wasn't backed by gold (which was owned by the international bankers). It was essentially a receipt for labor and materials delivered to the government. Hitler said, 'For every mark issued, we required the equivalent of a mark's worth of work done, or goods produced.' The government paid workers in Certificates. Workers spent those Certificates on other goods and services, thus creating more jobs for more people. In this way the German people climbed out of the crushing debt imposed on them by the international bankers."

"Within two years, the unemployment problem had been solved, and Germany was back on its feet. It had a solid, stable currency, with no debt, and no inflation, at a time when millions of people in the United States and other Western countries (controlled by international bankers) were still out of work. Within five years, Germany went from the poorest nation in Europe to the richest."

The above excerpts are from the following location:

In reality, the "national money supply tactic" outlined above was neither new, nor unique to Adolf Hitler and his Government.

In the 1860s, for example, Economist Henry Charles Carey (whose father was born in Ireland) helped US President Abraham Lincoln to devise a similar "national money supply system" to that outlined in the excerpts above, by using paper US dollars which became known as "Greenbacks": because both of these people wanted to avoid the "banksters" taking over control of the United States of America. One hundred years or so later, President John F Kennedy and his brother (Attorney General Robert Kennedy) started acting on similar plans to those of President Lincoln.

The "greenback" national money supply system worked extremely well, and President Lincoln -- of "government of the people, by the people, for the people" fame -- was very strongly recommending it to the whole world.

Of course the mere MENTION (God forbid that anybody might EVER do such an extremely dangerous thing!!) of the Republic of Ireland copying what Presidents Abraham Lincoln and John F Kennedy did, in this time of great "national money supply" trouble for the Republic of Ireland, is enough to have the Global Banking Cartel Leaders "pissing froth" in zero time; and, there are many, including myself, who suspect that the fact all three (i.e. President Lincoln and the two Kennedy brothers) died of gunshot wounds, may have been more than mere coincidence: particularly since their "national money supply" plans all died with them at the same time (in the case of Presidents Lincoln and Kennedy).

Related Link:


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William Finnerty is back living in the Republic of Ireland at the present time, which is where he was born and where he grew up. His father was Irish (County Galway), and his mother American (New York City). He has worked mostly in the (more...)
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