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A State of 9/11: The Nightmarish Effects of The Departure From Reality

Saman Mohammadi
Message Saman Mohammadi
"Now days are dragon-ridden, the nightmare
Rides upon sleep" - W. B. Yeats, "Nineteen Hundred And Nineteen."
I write so many posts about 9/11 truth because 9/11 is the biggest window into the evil heart of the bankster-owned American empire and Israel. It exposes government villainy and institutional corruption. It gives us a scary glimpse of the horrors in our future if we do not wake up.
I don't go through the day with "9/11 was an inside job" on my mind all the time. But I am not at ease either. I get chills from time to time when I think deeply about the scale of the treason and betrayal that is taking place in our age. It is a big deal that our government leaders and media institutions are lying to us on a cosmic scale about the basic needs of life (security, freedom), and the foundations of our global society.
An unforgivable crime was committed and an even more unforgivable lie was told on September 11, 2001 by the leaders of the U.S. shadow government and Israel. If there ever was a time when people needed to scream "bloody murder," and warn their neighbours of the dangers in their midst, it is now.
Alex Jones screams bloody murder every day on his radio show. I knew he was telling the truth like millions of others because he was angry. If he sounded like a polished lawyer when talking about the government conspiracy behind 9/11 then I would've thought "this guy is a corrupt snake oil salesman." I would've gone on with my day, not looking at the material he presented.
But it was the fact that Alex was angry, fired up, and uncontrolled in his speech that I gave him a moment's notice. I remember asking myself; Why is he so angry? Why is he shouting? Why is he acting this way? Intolerant and judgemental people react with the standard stereotype, "This guy is crazy and delusional, a conspiracy theorist freak." But that is the easy and comforting explanation. I believed Alex was angry for a rational reason, and that he knew something that I did not know. So I looked at his evidence, did my own research, and came to the same conclusion that Alex and millions of other people around the world have come to: 9/11 was an inside job. If you are honest and open-minded then you will understand that this conclusion is true.
And you can't express this horrific truth in a mild-mannered way with a low voice. If you're human you will get angry because the injustice that is being done in the name of America and in the name of freedom is so scandalous. You have to scream at the top of your lungs to warn others that they are being lied to by the government and media, and that their collective security and personal freedom is being threatened.
The implications of 9/11 have been disastrous. It has been used to justify mass murder, invasions of innocent countries, theft of public money, mass surveillance, torture, and the total remaking of the global order. The new order that is being built on the grounds of 9/11 is the order of death, and the order of treason. It is the order of disordered minds.
We are all experiencing anxiety about the future. These are not happy days. Our world is on the brink of another world war because of the stupidity, greed, and criminality of our highest political leaders and elites. A total world war in the Middle East will bring apocalyptic destruction and mass misery on a scale never before seen in recorded history. It will give birth to endless violence and no one will be able to control the region.
The general population does not know what lies ahead of them. A lot of people are going through life in North America in a total daze, as if everything is all right and under control, without any clue of the many disasters that await our societies if we do not wake up and demand answers from our government leaders about 9/11 and the war on terror.
As you and I know, everything is not under control. An ongoing global nightmare is playing out. The world is in a global state of emergency. Freedom and justice will be destroyed forever if we don't take back our governments which are in the possession of a dangerous group of power-mad global oligarchs and financial parasites. They are destroying the general welfare of mankind by staging attacks like 9/11 and creating false threats like "international terrorism" to consolidate power at the global level.
It is hard to communicate the colossal stress that human society is under in this new century because the individual human mind is under even greater stress. The people are brainwashed daily through television and other forms of media about the wars in the Middle East, the global economic crisis, and other global problems. The mass media has been used for a century and more as a tool for mental enslavement and thought control on behalf of a corrupt coalition of totalitarian corporations and treacherous oligarchical families who love exploiting the masses for greater profit and power.
In this era, we are witnessing the liberation of Mankind from the mass media. But it will take more than shutting off the television to get people to think and avoid the sufferings that a global dictatorship will bring upon the world. Even people who don't watch television and read newspapers still tend to accept the general beliefs of the present world which are baseless falsehoods, like 9/11 being a terrorist attack done by Bin Laden.
And this is understandable. People have no time to think things through for themselves, to figure out what is true and what is false, because they are too preoccupied with their jobs, paying the bills, finishing school, putting food on the table, and living a normal life. When they do have some free time they choose to be entertained rather than educate themselves about what their criminal government leaders are doing in secret. After all, this is the golden age of entertainment.
By chance, millions of individuals discover new revealing information on the internet or through a friend about how our world really works. The truth turns their view of the world upside down and makes them question everything, from the motivations of government policy to the basis of the cosmic order. People are either frozen into a state of paralysis and depression, or they are motivated to act and spread the truth in any way they can.
Tony Farrell, a former intelligent analyst for the British police, was motivated to act and speak when he discovered the truth about 9/11. He recognized reality and refused to go along with the established myth that has enabled traitors in government to drain government resources and cause massive destruction in the name of security.
In order for freedom to be regained it is going to take people with courage and honour in all levels of government and the military to come forward and alert the public about the true origins of international terrorism and the real enemies to the public order.
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Saman Mohammadi is a soldier of the infowar, and a full-time university student in Toronto, Canada. His blog is The Excavator - http://disquietreservations.blogspot.com.
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