ENVISION THIS...Humanity aligning with the flow of the Heart. This intimate, heartfelt, affectionate perception is Humanity's birthright and the key to discovering Paradise on Earth.
Our guest is Tomas Qubeck, a former student of Sri Rajagopalan who taught in his yoga meditations to "accept all changes." Tomas says this was the beginning "of what I call "living meditations' i.e. not sitting with eyes closed intending to quiet my mind and focus on something specific, but rather taking on the challenge to move into my normal life with a changed perspective and attitude and to observe like a scientist what happens."
His website is "an oasis of peace in the heart of blogland." He shares his wisdom with us: "What inspires me to align myself with the Heart. I write Heart with a capital "H' to express the one reality that we all are." (https://heartflow2012.wordpress.com/)
He wishes for "every human on our planet to understand how we got ourselves here where we are today, and to see how 'judgment' is something like a virus that has spread throughout humanity to wreak havoc in our own lives and on the planet as a whole. "
*This is a prerecorded show that has yet to be aired.