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America Was Attacked From Within

Saman Mohammadi
Message Saman Mohammadi

"Some men's minds are like looking-glasses, for, having no images or impressions of their own, they can but reflect those of other people." - George Clymer, March 16, 1739 January 24, 1813, a signer of both the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.

"Senatus bestia, senatores boni viri": The Senate is a beast, the senators are good men.

America was attacked from within on September 11, 2001, at the hands of the evil and cunning men who secretly wield power in the Shadow State/National Security State/Military-Industrial-Congressional-Media Complex/whatever name you want to give this great beast, along with their equally evil allies in Israel's Mossad. They were perfectly capable, and willing to commit such a horrible crime, and then falsely accuse 19 individuals for it. Thus, besides killing nearly 3,000 innocent people, and a million others in two wars that were inspired by the attacks, these evil men commited another deadly sin; bearing false witness. Since that day those individuals have represented a false face of Islam in the Western world. It is a face that symbolizes savagery, inhumanity, and barbarism, and it was deliberately implanted on Islam by the criminal conspirators so as to alienate the Muslim world from Western civilization, and the rising nations in Asia, and justify criminal U.S./Britain/Israel/NATO aggression in the Middle East.

The treason, betrayal, terrorism, and deception that these few evil men have engaged in, whoever they are, and whatever their involvment, has not gone unnoticed by the American people or the world community, and their deeds will never be forgotten, or excused. A judgment is in order, a restoration must come to pass, justice must be done. And justice will be done.

The whole collective mythology that was born out of the attacks is quickly breaking down because fewer people believe in it today than they did yesterday, and even less will believe in it tommorow than they do today. This collective mythology is based on one of the biggest lies told in human history; that Muslim hijackers were responsible for the largest terrorist attack on America. But the facts do not bear this out. They were made scapegoats. Any mind that takes an honest look at all the evidence can figure out that the accused 19 hijackers, Al Qaeda, and CIA agent Osama Bin Laden were not the true culprits of the attacks.

Men like architect Richard Gage, psychicist Steven Jones, scientist Niels Harrit, firefighter Erik Lawyer, religious professor David Ray Griffin, radio talk show host Alex Jones, and the late radio talk show host William Cooper, along with millions of others around the world have voiced their skepticism of the official narrative, and their support for the truth.

On the day of 9/11 Cooper articulated on his radio show what the attacks really signifed, telling his audience; "Ladies and gentlemen, this is William Cooper, and Allen Weiner has asked me to take the microphone on this probably worst day in the history of the entire world, for what we're witnessing now, today, is most probably the hearld of the, at least, the redefinition of freedom, and most probably its death."

So far, 9/11 is the greatest event of this century. It was catastrophic not because of the amount of lives lost, (compared to one million people that Iraq has lost, 3,000 is not many) but because it symbolized the loss of freedom, truth, and justice in the world. It marked the triumph of evil in our age. The fact that a lot of people have not recognized the event for what it is builds on the evil, and adds to the injustice. Nietzsche said that the greatest events of our lives "are not our noisiest but our stillest hours," (Thus Spoke Zarathustra, pg. 153).

If you watch the documentary "102 Minutes That Changed The World" that captures the immediate moments from when the first plane hit the first tower to the collapse of the second tower, you can relive the "stillest hours" of our time through eyewitnesses. What you'll hear frequently from people on the streets, and in their homes are, "Oh My God!" "I can't believe this is happening" "I can't believe it" and "My goodness!" 9/11 uprooted Americans from their complacency, and thrusted them, along with the people of other Western countries, into aservitude that is falsely called security. Into a world on the brink of collapse, a world in which the truth is stigmatized, and truth-tellers are excommunicated to the underworld. But all is not right on the surface. The ground of lies is breaking. America's monstrous and two-faced leaders assert that they represent the forces of order, and the principles of freedom but throughout the last nine years their barbaric nature has been revealed, and it is naked for all who are willing to see their true identity.

The truth is rising through the mainstream cracks, and I am confident that the day will come when "conspiracy theorists" will be rightfully declared for what they are: truth-tellers. The stigma will die away, the silenced will step forth, the unjustly accused will clear their name, and the criminal conspirators will hang. No longer will we live as we do now, underneath cold-blooded murderers, cursed with ignorance, and shoved into non-existence. The sheer shock of the truth that 9/11 was an act of treason, and a crime against democracy, is hard to get over. It is not an opinion of any one man, or an argument, or a doctrine. The facts speak for themselves. The truth is not fleeting. Like the collapse of the towers, its impact on a person's conscience, and soul is immediate. It's in your face. You can't run away from it, or hide from it. It can't be avoided, ignorned, or silenced. It is a force in perpetual motion, and it is gaining new ground every year.

The truth is shocking because of what it tells about our world that we thought we knew. People are learning that evil is not active in remote regions of the world, but in the heart of the West, occupying the heights of power. We are governed not by angels, but by devils. Since 9/11 the gaze of Western tyranny has turned inward, focusing on its own populations, and some people are too afraid too stare back. And tyranny feeds on that fear. For me, the idea of the devil is best represented in the feeling of fear. The fear of not speaking what's at the tip of your tongue, and at the bottom of your heart. To live in fear is to live with the devil. And to live in ignorance is to live in his shadow.

I'm not religious, but I do believe that the battle between light/darkness, good/evil, Satan/God, is a constant battle in our world, and picking what side you want to fight for is a sacred decision. Knowing which side is good, and which side is evil is tricky because evil disguises itself as holy, and good. But if you peel away the lies, and get past your fears, then you'll see that our governments are taken in by evil. The American empire, as Prof. Griffin says in his article "9/11, American Empire, and Christian Faith," is an evil empire:

"Evil Empire?

If so, then we must ask whether the term "evil," which US leaders have used so freely to describe other nations, must be applied to our own. There can be no doubt about the application of this term to 9/11. We can here quote President Bush himself, who on the evening of 9/11 said: "Thousands of lives were suddenly ended by evil, despicable acts of terror. . . . Today, our nation saw evil, the very worst of human nature."(80) No explanation of why the attacks were despicable was necessary. The proposition was self-evident. This proposition is even more self-evident, of course, if the attacks were orchestrated by our own government.

Accordingly, if we accept 9/11 as a revelation of the American empire--of the basic values it embodies--must we not conclude that this empire is itself evil?"

If we go by Socrates's understanding that sin is ignorance, as Kierkegaard lays out in The Sickness unto Death, then we live in an age of sin. Men and women in America, and the West are ignorant of the real evil that has taken hold of their governments. Kierkegaard:

"The Socratic definition works out in the following way. When someone does not do what is right, then neither has he understood what is right. His understanding is purely imaginary; his declaration of having understood is false information; his repeated protestation that he will be hanged if he has not understood puts him far, far along on the most roundabout way. But then the definition is indeed correct. If someone does the right thing, then certainly does not sin; and if he does not do what is right, then he did not understand it, either; if he had really and truly understood it, it would quickly have prompted him to do it, it would quickly have made him a Chladni figure for his understanding; ergo, sin is ignorance," (The Essential Kierkegaard, pg. 369).

Later, Kierkegaard writes that "the good must be done immediately, as soon as it is known," because if it is put off for another day then a person's understanding of the good diminishes, and he is thus disabled from doing the good correctly. Doing the good in our age means telling the truth, and fighting to restore freedom, and justice in the world. Freedom, truth, and justice means nothing to the evil conspirators who have taken control of our governments. In their hands, our governments are the enemies of Mankind, and the good values of Western civilization. That does not mean that everybody in our governments is bad, in fact, the majority of the people that work in intelligence agencies and the military are inherently decent, and great patriots, but they do not know, like the rest of society, that evil is not far away, but above them, and behind them, and within them.

People are mesmerized by the authority of government. The mind control of the State has gotten so bad in our age that if U.S. officials declared tomorrow that the sky turned purple overnight, the majority of people will adjust their eyes to believe that it is indeed purple. The State attracts psychopaths and evil-doers like Hitler, Stalin, Mao. In the last century, totalitarian States killed millions of people, and even more evil could be done by in this century because the biggest State of them all, the American State, is under the control of evil men.

Nietzsche warned of the evil power of the State, calling it a "New Idol":

"The state is the coldest of all cold monsters. Coldly, it lies, too; and this lie creeps from its mouth: 'I, the state, am the people.'

It is a lie! It was creators who created peoples and hung a faith and a love over them; thus they served life.

It is destroyers who set snares for many and call it the state: they hang a sword and a hundred desires over them.

Where a people still exists, there the people do not understand the state and hate it as the evil eye and sin against custom and law.

I offer you this sign: every people speaks its own language of good and evil: its neighbour does not understand this language. It invented this language for itself in custom and law.

But the state lies in all languages of good and evil; and whatever it says, it lies - and whatever it has, it has stolen," (Thus Spoke Zarathustra, pg. 75-76).

We must be vigilant today against the evil that the State does. There are rumors that a new world State could come into frution in the near future, but we cannot let that happen. Friendship, and economic/political cooperation between nations is a beautiful thing, and should be encouraged, but a new world State will mean the final death of freedom, and independence. One of the pillars of this new State is the global fight against terrorism, but as you and I know, the global fight against terrorism is a total sham. There are practical, moral, and political reasons for why the war on terrorism needs to be shut down immediately. But let's put aside these reasons, and just imagine what humanity will be like under a state of permanent war. War unleashes the ugliest vices of humanity, so you don't have to think long to realize what a permanent war will do the world. It will bring slavery, and death for all.

"There is an apathy that is running rampant in this country that is deadly. We are truly now at this moment a nation of sheep, and, ladies and gentlemen, I assure you that sheep are always led to the slaughter. But it does not have to be that way. There is tremendous power in knowledge. There is also tremendous power in secrecy. Take away that secrecy, you make sure that you're informed, and you can change things. And stop fighting with each other." - William Cooper in 1989.

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Saman Mohammadi is a soldier of the infowar, and a full-time university student in Toronto, Canada. His blog is The Excavator - http://disquietreservations.blogspot.com.
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