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Anti-Thiefism Not Anti-Semitism

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Judaism : Great Religion Kidnapped by Zionism.

At the outset it has to be made clear that Zionism is not Judaism. Judaism is a sacred religion meant to purify the sole of hate, greed and evil. Zionism is a political movement meant to conquer the world politically and economically using Judaism and the plight of the Jews to achieve these objectives. It creates a sad feeling that a respectable institution such as YaleUniversity fell in such trap when it held a conference on Anti-Semitism blaming Muslims for the rapid growth of this phenomenon as if Israel's and the Zionists actions and crimes against the defenseless Palestinians has no thing to do with it.

Prior to Zionism, Jews have lived with Arabs and Muslims and it was not easy to tell who is a Jew and who is a Muslim. It is only When the Zionists kidnapped Judaism and use it a s tool for political and economical gains that the number of Jew-haters started growing exponentially.

What we have in hand is not Anti-Semitism, not even anti-Zionism. What we have is Anti-Thiefism. The Zionist Movement which is in control of Israel have stolen Palestinian land in 1967 ( East Jerusalem, West Bank and Gaza ) and they are using every pretext to keep this daylight robbery, including Anti-Semitism. The first and most effective Anti-Semitism doesn't come from Muslims but from the Zionists themselves. The actions, behavior and crimes of the Zionists in Palestine, made in the name of Judaism are the worst thing happened to Jews and Judaism. The seen of a father hiding his son for Israeli fire when the Israeli soldier killed both the father and his son has captured the attention of the whole world.

For how long will the Zionists and their supporters in the US will continue to Kidnap Judaism and hide behind Anti-Semitism to avoid Anti-Thiefism ?

Hamad S Alomar


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