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"At the heart of the matter"

William Finnerty
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"So, here we see the ultimate practical truth of the matter: Private financial special-interest groups buy politicians; in public office these politicians empower the special-interest groups by statute to manipulate the monetary and banking systems; to the extent that these manipulations succeed, the profits are largely privatized; and to the extent that the manipulations fail, the losses are almost entirely socialized. In either case, the general public is held hostage to the racket, and foots the gargantuan bill for its operation. And the guilty parties escape scot free to steal again, and again, and again."

"Obviously, massive efforts in public education will be necessary to overcome this deplorable level of ignorance."

Dr. Edwin Vieira (Leading Constitutional Lawyer)


At the heart of the matter
by Insight Sat May 29, 2010 09:48

Good luck with today's meeting.

I hope you might all be willing to consider the "in a nutshell" type viewpoint provided below, and make some use of it hopefully in connection with your preparations for the "European week of solidarity and protest" (scheduled for 21st 26th June 2010).

"So, here we see the ultimate practical truth of the matter: Private financial special-interest groups buy politicians; in public office these politicians empower the special-interest groups by statute to manipulate the monetary and banking systems; to the extent that these manipulations succeed, the profits are largely privatized; and to the extent that the manipulations fail, the losses are almost entirely socialized. In either case, the general public is held hostage to the racket, and foots the gargantuan bill for its operation. And the guilty parties escape scot free to steal again, and again, and again."

The above excerpt is from an interview on January 10th, 2010 with leading constitutional lawyer Dr. Edwin Vieira.

The full text of the interview is available at: http://www.rapidtrends.com/switzerlands-daily-bell-interviews-dr-edwin-vieira-on-police-states-and-constitutionality-money/


The above text has been copied from the following Indymedia (Ireland) location:

BACKUP COPY at: http://www.humanrightsireland.com/IndyMediaIreland/22May2010/Post.htm#comment269172


Very recent Internet reports (dated May 31st and June 1st 2010) state that:

The Government (Republic of Ireland) has just injected a further 2 billion euros of capital -- borrowed from the privately owned global banking cartel -- into the now nationalised Anglo Irish Bank, which is in addition to the 12.3 billion it has already supplied to this struggling bank in recent times.


"The Constitution (of the Republic of Ireland) has been hijacked ..."

Please see the so far unanswered registered letter -- dated May 9th 2008 -- sent to Republic of Ireland Prime Minister Brian Cowen TD at:



"The universality and indivisibility of human rights" ...


Over five months later, it is still the case that no reply -- not even an acknowledgement of receipt -- has been received from EU Foreign Minister Lady Ashton, from former UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown MP, or from Republic of Ireland Prime Minister Brian Cowen TD to the set of three registered letters sent to them referred to at the Internet address just above.


"End The Fed! - Why the Federal Reserve (US Central Bank) must Be Abolished!"

Video interview with leading Harvard University academic Dr. Edwin Vieira


For future reference purposes copies of the above text have today been placed in e-mails sent to EU President Herman Van Rompuy and Republic of Ireland Prime Minister Brian Cowen TD which can be viewed at the following Internet locations:



As can be seen at the addresses immediately above, UK Prime Minister David Cameron MP, and United States President Barack Obama are among those included in the addressee lists.

Alta Vista translation facilities (for several languages) have been made available at the twoInternet addresses just above.


Human Rights (Ireland):


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William Finnerty is back living in the Republic of Ireland at the present time, which is where he was born and where he grew up. His father was Irish (County Galway), and his mother American (New York City). He has worked mostly in the (more...)
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