Ten days into Operation Iraqi “Freedom,” 12 year Ali Abbas’ family was burned alive. He, himself, sustained bizarre non-contact heat burns across his torso and his forearms which were both incinerated.
The village where this horrifying crime was committed was 30 miles from Baghdad. Ten members of Ali’s family turned into dust and the only evidence of this crime that we have is Ali’s burned body.
But these burns, while they result in the same disabilities and liabilities to survivability as if they were contact burns, are not, in fact, contact burns. These are radiation burns. Anyone who has watched what happens to organic material that cooks too long inside of a microwave oven will attest, the substance in the oven burns from the inside, out.
But beyond the nature of the burns there is the rectangular area of Ali’s burns: Ali’s head and legs are left intact, suggesting that whatever ionizing radiation struck near his family’s home in March, 2003, that radiation was readily deflected by the everyday building materials available in a Baghdad suburb in 2003.
Only neutron radiation can be deflected by common household building materials. Provided that the blast is far enough away from the building to leave it standing, a tactical neutron bomb can readily incinerate human bodies unprotected by distance (from the blast), or common materials (such as graphite) that can readily absorb excess neutrons.
The horrifying burns of Ali Abbas, a 12 year old Iraqi child, demonstrate clear evidence that US forces deployed tactical nuclear weapons – neutron bombs – on innocent Iraqi people, burning most of them beyond recognition and thus hastening any clean-up or cover up efforts required by US forces.
Odd. Back during WWII the Germans had to dig mass graves to dispose of large quantities of human remains, even after incinerating them in their ovens. We’ve come such a long way in 64 years, I am anxious to see what other “innovations” the slimebag neo conservatives can come up with to readily dispose of our “excess organic material.”
For those of you sympathetic to the present administration’s “humanity” rest assured that the techniques used to dispose of “excess” Iraqi biomass will also be deployed on your children, too. In fact, kilojoule for kilojoule, ridding the world of Americans saves energy owing to our incredible appetite for petroleum…and other people’s sovereignty.