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Breaking News: A Presidential Troika

Luis Magno
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A Presidential Troika

Last week Rep. Dennis Kucinich signed on as an early co-sponsor of Rep. Marcy Kaptur's "Return to Prudent Banking Act" (H.R. 1489), a piece of legislation heavily promoted by the LaRouche faction which, in turn, praised Rep. Kucinich for taking Pres. Barack Obama to court over the War Powers Act and the undeclared war on Libya. A political troika is in the making.

Rep. Dennis Kucinich has a democratic transitional view of the nation. Political maverick Lyndon LaRouche has an oligarchical present view of the nation. Rep. Ron Paul has a republican future view of the nation. The three together are emerging as a potential potent ruling American presidential troika in a post-Obama interlude leading up to the federal elections of 2012.

Mr. Kucinich fills the role of President, Mr. Paul the role of Vice-President and Mr. LaRouche the role of senior economic advisor to the Presidency. The morality and ethics of Representatives Kucinich and Paul are beyond reproach. LaRouche's scientifically-grounded creative ideology perfectly complements Kucinich's high moral ground and Paul's high ethical standards.

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