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Bulletin: Wayne Madsen Says Qaddafi May Have Been Trying To Surrender

Peter Duveen
Message Peter Duveen
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PETER'S NEW YORK, Monday, October 24, 2011--Independent journalist Wayne Madsen said today he believes Libyan leader Col. Muammar Qaddafi may have been trying to surrender when he was captured and killed by National Transitional Council (rebel) forces. Madsen said white flags of surrender or truce were were reported to have been unfurled about Sirte at the time of Qaddafi's capture. He also said it would be unlikely for Qaddafi to leave the Libyan city of Sirte in a convoy, knowing that NATO bombardment awaited him, unless he was attempting to surrender. Madsen, who pens the Wayne Madsen Report, will have a fuller report on or before tomorrow, he told radio personality Alex Jones in an interview today.

In the meantime, there have been reports that Qaddafi's wife is asking for an investigation of the murder of her husband. Reports also say Qaddafi's daughter Aisha attempted to call her father when she heard of his capture, but Qaddafi's cellphone was answered by an NTC insurgent, who referred to Qaddafi using a racially derogatory term and said Qaddafi was dead. Aisha is also reported to have been admitted to a hospital after seeing photos of Qaddafi being mistreated or murdered.

PETER'S NEW YORK, has been unable to verify these reports in the foreign press. Many of them are said to have originated from Syrian media friendly to the Qaddafi regime. PETER'S NEW YORK has been unable to confirm reports that Qaddafi's immediate family recognize that he has died. Some sources friendly to Qaddafi, such as the Mathaba news service, have implied video of Qaddafi's death are fakes, and Qaddafi is still alive.


Dennis South, who writes for Mathaba.net, said in an analysis dated October 20 and entitled "NATO surrenders: the real deal," that reports of Qaddafi's death were crafted to provide an excuse for NATO to withdraw, and signaled the Western military alliance's defeat in the Libya conflict. His analysis on NATO's sorry state appears to have been replicated by the mainstream intelligence website DEBKAfile. His second report regarding the parallel article in DEBKAfile may be found here. Links to another report that a special forces team descended on Qaddafi's convoy and shot him in the legs to prep him for his murder by NTC forces, may be found in South's article.


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Born in New York, March 14, 1949. Staff writer for the New York City Tribune, Economic Growth Report, Register-Star. Presently publish on OpEd News. Mr. Duveen heads up a project known as "The Museum of Brooklyn Art and Culture,' which explores (more...)

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