For years, politicians have tried to obtain peace in the Middle East by diplomacy and treaties. By using the (lack of) wisdom of man, it has never amounted to anything. But there is another way. Suppose the texts of Genesis and Exodus were proven to be true? How would the region react? What concessions would be made by the nationalities involved?
In December of 1993, the correct rendition of Genesis was discovered. The foolish doctrines of Creation Science ("young Earth"), and the false doctrines of progressive creationists, theistic evolutionists, gap theorists, day/age, and ruin/restorationists were all proven to be in error. They didn't understand the written text, and they failed to reconcile the first chapter of Genesis with the data that secular science had discovered.
Therefore, let it now be known that any article or commentary that you hear or read, where the speaker or writer compares Creationism with the evolution theory, is not qualified to converse on the subject. Creation Week ended on Saturday, after 168 hours start to finish (Exodus 20:11), about 4.6 billion years ago. The timeframe for evolution does not begin until more than 3 billion years later. Therefore Creationism and evolution do not address the same time periods.
However, the correct opposing view to evolution is the "Observations of Moses", which are seven days revealed to Moses in 1598 BC, on Mt. Sinai, which are given in the first thirty-four verses in Genesis. The seven days of Moses and the seven days of Creation are not the same. Therefore, there are no "creation accounts" in Genesis. The public at large is in dire need of education.
What also could bring about change, is the discovery of 60,000 or more of lost property that belongs to the nation of Egypt. In 1598 BC, the pharaoh of Egypt marched most of his army into the Red Sea, in an effort to re-capture the children of Israel. At the bottom of the sea, at a particular location, are 60,000 or more war chariots, preserved for modern day discovery. Yes, there have been isolated discoveries of a few chariot wheels, but those were from a different event, a different time, and a different location.
What would be the effect when the main body of chariots are discovered? Many bible archeologists try to prove the scriptures to be true by looking for Noah's Ark. The ark came to rest in 2610 BC, and was not preserved from erosion and the elements. However, the Egyptian chariots were lost 1,012 years later, and preserved under the sea.
Who wants to find them, and return them to Egypt?