Dear Eva Air, Why do you let UNIAIRMistreatMatsuIsland Passengers?
By Kevin Stoda
Dear Eva Airways,
I have to ask you to consider ways to help (1) tourism in the MatsuIslands and (2) the residents of the Matsu Archipelago to get better treatment and assistance from UNI-Airlines (a major partner of yours in Taiwan). EVA's investment here is important.
UNI AIR, financed largely with EVA investment, has a monopoly in the MatsuIslands. Meanwhile, the nascent tourism industry needs much more support than UNI AIR is currently willing to provide. In fact, UNI AIR's erratic performance as a service company and transportation company in the MatusIslands makes it untrustworthy locally as a supporter of Matsu's developmental future.
As you know, life in Matsu is changing. The military is no longer controlling most all of the local economy--as it once did--and new reasons for existence are being discovered created, and promoted in the Matsu islands. I like it here and have considered working and living here long-term. This is why I am saddened by the way Matsu residents, visitors, and tourists are treated by UNI AIR.
I wrote in my online blogs over two weeks ago about the treatment (or mistreatment) of my family by UNI AIR here on Beigan Island. I know that my family's sad story is not a singular one. Almost every resident in Nangancan tell of horror stories and delays/cancellations. (In my case, however, the ongoing mistreatment of my household's finances due to UNI AIR's stubbornness in not compensating us for our financial losses caused directly by un-notified trip cancellations in December 2011 is worth investigating yourself.)
EVA Air, I turn to you because you are a major stakeholder in UNI AIR, which holds the monopoly on MatsuIsland flights. (There can be 10 flights a day to the two major islands of Nangan and Beigan.)
Matsu 's tourism industry would very much benefit from more trustworthy departure and arrival times, but UNI AIR is not providing it.
This sad situation in the monopolistic transport sector here leaves mostly-only room for retired visitors--i.e. people with lots of time on their hands--to come to Matsu. Very few young people come here and consider staying. People with families--i.e. with kids in school in Taiwan--can hardly make the trip to Matsu on a weekend if the airlines are not trustworthy.
The only way to reverse these developmental negative trends is to make a 5 to 10 year commitment to have more competition and better service to and from the MatsuIslands. Perhaps EVA could invest in hotel rooms and (even raise &) diversify the standards of clientele who come to relax and visit here.
Unlike UNI AIR's tainted-reputation here on the MatsuIslands, EVA Air has been improving its reputation internationally.
Alas, since UNI AIR is the major Taiwanese feeder airline (and major feeder airline) for EVA Air, only you (EVA AIR) have the power to tell UNI AIR to improve its relationship with the minority language peoples of the MatsuIslands. Plesee create a better plan for connecting Matsu with Taiwan and the rest of the world. (A flight into china would certainly help but other projects of improving service and tourist infrastructure are good steps, too.)
Kevin Anthony Stoda, English Teacher
Ban Li Elementary School
No. 59, Ban Li Village
Beigan Township
Lienchiang 210
Phone 0836-55222
Fax: 0836-55070
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