During the Democratic debates, Senator Mike Gravel said to Hillary Clinton, "Hillary, why did you stay with that shmuck? You know full well that the Congress is owned lock, stock and barrel by the military industrial complex." Today the oil industry is telling us that the pelicans are adapting quite well to the oil.
Camelot died on Friday, Nov. 22, 1963. The topic of who killed John F. Kennedy and why has beeen hotly debated for 47 years. If anything it testifies to the obsessive compulsive nature of human beings.
Replace the word environmentalist with antipoisoner. The motto at Antipoisoner International is "Antipoisoners, Stop the Poisoners." British Petroleum and Transocean and Halliburton have now poisoned the Gulf of Mexico with the oil spill and cancer causing corexit. The question is, was it an accident, was it a case of negligence, or was it intentional. If it was intentional, why did they do it?
The obvious answer is money. Halliburton is Dick Cheney's company and their motto is "Solutions for today's energy challenges." Halliburton's challenge is how to make more money. Our challenge is how to keep life on earth from going extinct at the hands of the poisoners, the oil companies, chemical companies and the nuclear bomb makers.
Adolf Hitler wrote his manifesto, "Mein Kampf." Dick Cheney, who controlled George Bush and ran the United States from 2000 to 2008 is a founding member of the Project for a New American Century, PNAC. The goal of the Project for a New American Century, PNAC is Global Domination by the United States of America. The goal of the neo cons is to own the world's oil and to make a fortune selling and burning it. This is the same goal as the goal of the oil companies. "Goooooooooaaallll! Gooooooooooooooooal! Gooooooaaal!"
In the PNAC Manifesto of Dick Cheney, Scooter Libby, Jeb Bush, Paul Wolfowitz and Donald Rumsfeld, "Rebuilding America's Defenses", written in 2000, in Section V, it says that the needed revolutionary change in America will take too long unless there is "some catastrophic and catalyzing event, like a new Pearl Harbor", like a 9/11, like a Gulf of Mexico oil spill catastrophe, caused by Halliburton messing up the cement job, and BP ignoring their own people telling them that their own people had broken the well.
Dick Cheney and Tony Hayward both took "Lying 101" from the Prince of Lies. Cheney has gotten away with mass murder, torture, rape and pillaging with impunity and he's just warming up. Adolf Hitler was imprisoned before making a comeback and almost becoming Emperor of the World.
Many Americans believe that 9/11 was orchestrated by Dick Cheney and PNAC. Everyone knows that Dick Cheney lied us into Iraq, sending Colin Powell to the UN with a fairy tale slide show and outing Valerie Plame. PNAC went to Iraq to get the oil and conquer the Middle East.
The goals of President Obama are the opposite of the goals of Halliburton and BP. President Obama is an antipoisoner who wants to switch the world from oil to wind and solar energy. Put simply, an end to burning oil is the end of BP and Halliburton. In addition, President Obama campaigned on a promise to bring in a windfall tax on vast oil company profits and end the congress controlling influence of oil companies and their lobbyists, glorified politician bribers. Now that the Cheney Supreme Court has given Oil Companies the right to make unlimited political contributions the oil companies can install whoever they like to run our country.
The media makes a fortune from oil company advertising, telling Americans that BP stands for green energy, beyond petroleum to wind and solar energy, and so they parrot every lie of the poisoners. The world has been turned upside down by the GOP and their ministry of propaganda. Black is white, day is night and up is down. Although BP and Cheney and PNAC and the GOP and Halliburton caused the oil spill, the volcano of oil, President Obama is the one being blamed by the media and he is plummeting in the polls. Cheney and BP will never cap the oil spill before the mid term elections. The oil spill is having its desired effect of getting rid of the Democratic Congress to Tonya Harding knee cap President Obama and his plans to leave Iraq, Afghanistan and switch us off of oil.
The GOP sees the writing on the wall and the Republican politicians and media are saying the most outlandish things now to curry favor and money and power and electoral victory from the oil companies. Sarah Palin's worst comments were not "drill baby drill, oh yah, oh baby, yah, oh yes!" Sarah Palin's worst comments were her repeated chantings that offshore drilling was environmentally friendly and safe. Now Sarah Palin and Rush Limbaugh are saying that the oil spill was caused by the environmentalists, the antipoisoners, and the media reports this over and over and over until people don't know night from day. This oil spill has handed PNAC founder Jeb Bush or anyone Dick Cheney and BP choose the 2012 Presidency on a platter.
While he was the President, Dick Cheney set up a White House Council on Environmental Quality. Cheney made Phillip Cooney the head of it. Cheney ordered Phillip Cooney to edit the scientific research to say that burning oil was good for the environment by deleting every fact to the contrary. George Bush's oil company was financed by the Bin Laden family. After Phillip Cooney got caught when the memo was published by the New York Times, Phillip Cooney went to work for the PR department at Exxon Mobil.
The GOP see the writing on the wall. They know that Exxon Mobil and BP and Halliburton are staging another coup in the upcoming mid terms and in the 2012 Presidential Election. This is why Joe Barton espoused official GOP policy by apologizing to BP and Tony Hayward for President Obama asking BP for money to help clean up the oil spill. Joe Barton called President Obama a shakedown artist Al Capone. Privately Joe Barton, Sarah Palin and every member of the GOP got down on their knees and swallowed every last drop of oil from Tony Hayward's fire hose.
The liberal base does not remember that President Obama is up against a dead economy inherited from Dick Cheney, PNAC, Stanley McChrystal, Banksters, an entire Congress including his own party members bought and paid for by BP and Exxon Mobil, the filibuster rule, the Supreme Court of the United States, deep seated white racism, and still President Obama was able to avert a depression and become the first President to bring in Health Coverage for the poor, Financial Reform, and next a switch to clean energy, which the liberal base will never allow because in their attacks on Barack Obama they are bringing back a GOP congress and President Dick Cheney to poison more water, earth and air, and fatten the purses of the warmongers in quagmire after quagmire.