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Globalization and New World Order

Daniel Penisten
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"Globalization and New World Order ?"

A Comparison

Starting with a wee bit of definition and some viewpoints of the term "globalization"(From "Wikepedia":


"According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the word 'globalization' was first employed in 1930, to denote a holistic view of human experience in education.

[3] An early description of globalization was penned by the American entrepreneur-turned-minister Charles Taze Russell who coined the term 'corporate giants' in 1897,[4] although it was not until the 1960s that the term began to be widely used by economists and other social scientists. The term has since then achieved widespread use in the mainstream press by the later half of the 1980s. Since its inception, the concept of globalization has inspired numerous competing definitions and interpretations, with antecedents dating back to the great movements of trade and empire across Asia and the Indian Ocean from the 15th century onwards.[5]

The United Nations ESCWA has written that globalization "is a widely-used term that can be defined in a number of different ways. When used in an economic context, it refers to the reduction and removal of barriers between national borders in order to facilitate the flow of goods, capital, services and labor... although considerable barriers remain to the flow of labor... Globalization is not a new phenomenon. It began in the late nineteenth century, but it slowed down during the period from the start of the First World War until the third quarter of the twentieth century. This slowdown can be attributed to the inward-looking policies pursued by a number of countries in order to protect their respective industries... however, the pace of globalization picked up rapidly during the fourth quarter of the twentieth century..."[6]

Saskia Sassen writes that "a good part of globalization consists of an enormous variety of micro-processes that begin to denationalize what had been constructed as national -- whether policies, capital, political subjectivity, urban spaces, temporal frames, or any other of a variety of dynamics and domains."[7]

HSBC, the world's largest bank, operates across the globe.[8][9] Shown here is the HSBC Global Technology Centre in Pune, India which develops software for the entire HSBC group.[10]

Tom J. Palmer of the

Cato Institute defines globalization as "the diminution or elimination of state-enforced restrictions on exchanges across borders and the increasingly integrated and complex global system of production and exchange that has emerged as a result."[11]

Thomas L. Friedman has examined the impact of the "flattening" of the world, and argues that globalized trade, outsourcing, supply-chaining, and political forces have changed the world permanently, for both better and worse. He also argues that the pace of globalization is quickening and will continue to have a growing impact on business organization and practice.[12]

Noam Chomsky argues that the word globalization is also used, in a doctrinal sense, to describe the neoliberal form of economic globalization.[13]

Herman E. Daly argues that sometimes the terms internationalization and globalization are used interchangeably but there is a significant formal difference. The term "internationalization" (or internationalisation) refers to the importance of international trade, relations, treaties etc. owing to the (hypothetical) immobility of labor and capital between or among nations.[citation needed]


Takis Fotopoulos argues that globalization is the result of systemic trends manifesting the market economy's grow-or-die dynamic, following the rapid expansion of transnational corporations. Because these trends have not been offset effectively by counter-tendencies that could have emanated from trade-union action and other forms of political activity, the outcome has been globalisation. This is a multi-faceted and irreversible phenomenon within the system of the market economy and it is expressed as: economic globalisation, namely, the opening and deregulation of commodity, capital and labour markets which led to the present form of neoliberal globalisation; political globalisation, i.e., the emergence of a transnational elite and the phasing out of the all powerful-nation state of the statist period; cultural globalisation, i.e., the worldwide homogenisation of culture; ideological globalisation; technological globalisation; social globalisation.[14]

The Green Party Of California, (and I believe the "Green Party of the United States" as well as many organizations of the "Sustainable Living Movement" ), uses the word "Globalization" in their explanations and descriptions of their platform elements and programs. I see many concepts of Globalization overlaps with those of the New World Order, which also addresses itself to One World. As an American I feel fear of dissolving Our Borders for the free flow of labor. I am still very much "old school" in this respect. I still think in terms of American Sovereignty and national uniqueness. I realize that I still feel most comfortable with the "nation state" level of Human Social Structures. I do not feel that Humanity is ready to become "One World" yet and that such will Evolve Naturally in the distant future.

The gist of Globalization's meaning, I think, involves Individual Responsibility in relation to making the world a better place for all Humanity, by "improving" Our Societies and harmonizing them into one peaceful culture of cultures. This meaning is based on the values of Our Obligations to all of Our World and includes consideration for many diverse cultures and societies as co-operative elements in this world and species betterment. But, Capitalists often are only thinking of the economic aspects of this phenomena"some of them seriously entertaining the principles of coercive force, unethical, and immoral manipulation for domination of the world. Which they seem to view as the "big trophy, or prize to be "won"." They seem to fail to see the more important "big picture" of Human Life On Earth. That there is much more to Life than wealth and power.

Cultural diversity is one of Humanities greatest forms of wealth. Because of this, Life On "Earthm" is exciting and challenging. A rich soup for Evolution to happen in. Some cultures are more conducive to co-operation with other cultures in the Globalization quest.

It seems to be intended for as many social groupings as possible, to work together, as Individuals and as Communities, for a Planetary Common Good. Given the differences in these elements, a daunting but perhaps noble task. Certainly, for Us, one worthy of serious consideration. An incredible array of challenges, inherent in Diversity, must be overcome through win win thinking and balancing solutions of give and take. Needless to say, incredible personal energy and time must be invested for progress in this quest. Energy and Time that I don't see happening, because of the state of Our Species. But We should do what We can when We can.

Everyone interested in this gargantuan project, can see that it will not be achieved by trying to bite off, chew and digest all of the challenges at once. Concepts can be produced, plans can be designed and starting points can be assigned, but no one can seriously entertain the notion of doing this all at once. Globalization is a time consuming process.

So. Globalization, at best, will happen only a step at a time. Each step within the capability of each participating Individual, social group and Humanity as a whole.

One of these "steps", applied to the whole effort only through each nation or culture at a time, should be to make one's own culture more and better within itself first. Then will follow the bringing together of successful cultures, or nations, into harmonious and ever increasing "Blocks Of Globalization Success". Add the strong to the strong. This works better than trying to "lift" the weak with the strong"which results in the diminishment of the strength of the strong.

Of course, it will be argued that one of the main purposes of "The Strong" is to strengthen the weak. But this could be an illusion. Not necessarily so, but quite probably. The "weak" has to "take on" the attributes of "strength", when exposed to strength"or the effort is wasted. Energy and Time is spent in this effort. The energy and time is wasted if the "weakness" fails to respond adequately to the stimulus. But, the Strong can afford to squander some of their strength. They know their parameters regarding these "investments" and should stay within them. Otherwise they begin to experience a weakening of their own.

The habits and inclinations of the "weak" have to be effectively overcome. Selective and careful implantation of strong virtue and habit has to be done. We need to master the art of "Potential Recognition" and assist the highest potentials first.

Effort should be slowly administered to the strongest of the weak. This would construct vital allies in the effort"for the success of Globalization. This must not be a one way road. There must be constructive flow from two or more paths, or the result will just be a "pouring out" of strength. The Strong cannot be Strong for the weak; the weak must become Strong. Strong cultures and nations, through their countless Individuals, must be wise in knowing where, when and how much of their strength should be used to turn weakness into strength. In this, it would be unwise to exceed well considered guidelines, boundaries and parameters, in this noble quest. This is an ongoing learning process for both. The Strong learns the arts of imparting strengths and the weak learns of the exciting possibilities of developing their potentials.

Some kinds of weakness have little options of remedy. Some naturally occurring lesser traits of personality are very difficult to overcome; depending on their degree of presence in a given personality. Some politicians, bankers, stock brokers, and needy types, (such as chronic welfare recipients and habitual criminals), will be extremely hard to cure of their socially damaging parasitic and predatory traits. "Soft" techniques may not be good enough to achieve this. Perhaps some sort of isolation from mainstream society would work. These types should be separated from their potential victims.

Others have enough positive potentials and options to be worthy of help. Much of the art of turning weakness into Strengths lies in being able to recognize the kinds of weaknesses and designing remedy plans for them. Every Individual personality requires a tailor made plan. The same for a society"and even groups within societies. I believe that some autonomy for a societies sub-cultures is desirable.

Better to add strength to strength first. Choose the Maximum strengths found in order to maximize the effort for the conversion of weakness into strength. This results in two paths for this uplifting quest.

The strengths of a nation can be used to help Individuals easier than to help other nations. It would be wise to raise an Individual into Strength and then let that Individual do the same, with "backing" for others in their cultures. This is a careful process that will eventually make an entire society Stronger. The initial Individuals can become ever Stronger teams in a "pulsic" dispersal and regrouping process. From this form, Globalization can grow quite solidly.

Introduction of Strength through military means is coercive and not really of the kinds of Strengths that should be considered here. Weakness has to want to change for the better. Forcing change is an unstable approach, with less desirable results. And it leads to tyranny"the imposition of will. Except, when coercion, or force, is required to control negative disruptive elements in the group.

One day, far in the future, We will witness and be part of successful Globalization. Humanity will have mastered collective co-operation on immense scales. Many of the bad things of Life will diminish greatly. A most worthy goal. The intriguing thing is that this wonderful process has already begun and is at work as I write this to you. Strength is being offered by the Strong. Weak Individuals are changing for the better. Not many, but at least some. Enough to offer Hope to those of Us who yearn for a better Humanity and Life On Earth.

It would be ideal for a clear majority of a nation's citizens to decide just what standards are to be established and applied in this "Social Correction On The Way To Globalization process".

But now, the way things are in Our Nations and on Our World, We would do better to make Ourselves Strong first. The United States of America must become "Truly Strong" as a nation first. Truly Democratic in fulfillment of the "American Dream", (which contains Our Beginning Hopes In Life), and the "New American Vision", (which continues and adds to the "Dream" in an awakening and growing process of Direct Democracy, that builds a Better Future For Our Nation.)

We have many of our own Weaknesses to overcome and turn into strengths. We need the time and energy to achieve this. We need to focus on Our Own Needs. We need a period of relative stability, to better expedite this task. Our first Strength would be to minimize disruption within Our Own Nation. To seal Our Borders and stabilize Our Population. To identify and (gently as possible) eliminate the weaknesses and the weaklings that cannot be helped to become all they can be. The habitual parasitic, predator and criminal elements need to be drastically reduced. They are a terrible disruption in Our Society. The worst chronically and genetically unhealthy types should be prevented from breeding.

But all of this cannot be done without enough Americans to decide, through "Direct Democracy", what the nations standards for these things shall be. Ideally, a clear majority of at least 75% of the Populace should assert their will in these incredibly important and delicate matters.

The United States Of America, which may not always be called that, has to focus on becoming More and Better of what it could be"should be. The United States of America needs to become less of some things and More of other things. It, (We), need to rediscover old values and establish new values. We need to build a New Nation based on these determinations of Values. A New Culture of Cultures, of surpassing Beauty and Strengths. A culture that excludes less and includes more. That wastes very little and revitalizes almost all. Built to last"to endure. The squandering of resources, materials and talents must become the "Magic Of Maximizing Our Superb Potentials as me's and We's". We need to build a Vision of these True Cultural and National Greatnesses and then devote Ourselves to this Vision. Each of Us must become as great as We can, in order for Our Nation to be Great.

Good Human Beings need to be valued more than the almighty dollar.

This must be done on ever more increasing paths of endeavor. Utilizing the best of the experience and intelligence of the "old" to form the groundwork for the education of the "young". Truth must become Our Nation's greatest treasure. Thoughts and feelings must be shared and studied. We must seek and find Our Best selves first. Then use this vibrant core to begin helping the rest of Us "To Be All We Can Be""in a Golden Age Of American Democracy, that was only dreamed of before.

We must overcome the weaknesses of self-servingness and find Joy in being a part of a magnificent and vibrant whole. A wholeness that We embrace as Our ultimate reward. A whole that gives much good meaning to Our Individuality. The United States Of America could become the True Finest example of what a People can do for the species and the planet. Our Republic could be rich in shining fulfillment of marvelous Human Potentials.

Individually, We could help to reach these ideals and bring honor and strength to Ourselves by:

(1) Conquering laziness in Ourselves.

(2) Applying Our Developed Energies toward the betterment of Our Communities as well as Ourselves.

(3) Learning the skills of identifying good heart and mind in different ethnicities.

(4) Teaching Ourselves the arts of harmonizing with the diversities around Us.

(5) Developing the skills of Spiritual, Intellectual, Emotional, Economic and Social well being.

(6) Building the mastery of turning negatives into positives through the gifts of humor, tolerance and being able to "Walk A Mile In Another's Moccasins".

(7) Come to a working understanding of the kinds of weakness that should be eradicated and the kinds of weakness that should be converted into strengths.

There is more, but if We accomplish these seven things Our Potentials will begin to become superb and enchanting realities for Our Nation. America will begin to quicken to its New Soul. Then Our Nation will become ready to properly contribute to the Globalization Process of Humanity.

Where do We start this magnificent quest? Reach! Reach into yourself and find some way to improve the kind of Human You are. It can be little , or it can be big.

But there is something else going on too, isn't there. There is another process with very old roots and of negative power. Today We refer to it as the "New World Order".

Again from Wikepedia:


"The common theme in conspiracy theories about a New World Order is that a secretive

power elite with a globalist agenda is conspiring to eventually rule the world through an authoritarian world government, which replaces sovereign nation-states, and an all-embracing ideology, which indoctrinates cosmopolitanism. Significant occurrences in politics and finance are speculated to be orchestrated by an extremely influential cabal operating through many front organizations. Numerous historical and current events are seen as steps in an on-going plot to achieve world domination through secret political gatherings and decision-making processes."

And: "The New World Order's 25 Tenets:

1) Men are inclined to evil rather than good.

2) Preach Liberalism.

3) Use ideals of freedom to bring about class wars.

4) Any and all means necessary should be used to reach their goals as they are justified.

5) Believe their rights lie in force.

6) The power of their resources must remain invisible until the very moment that they have gained the strength so that no group or force can undermine it.

7) Advocates a mob psychology to obtain control of the masses

8 ) Promotes the use of alcohol, drugs, moral corruption, and all forms of vice to systematically corrupt the youth of the nation.

9) Seize citizens' private property by any means necessary.

10) The use of slogans such as equity, liberty, and fraternity are used on the masses as psychological warfare.

11) War should be directed so that the nations on both sides are placed further in debt and peace conferences are designed so that neither combatant retain territory rights.

12) Members must use their wealth to have candidates chosen to public office who would be obedient to their demands, and would be used as pawns in the game by the men behind the scenes. The advisors will have been bred, reared, and trained from childhood to rule the affairs of the world.

13) Control the press, and hence most of the information the public receives.

14) Agents and provocateurs will come forward after creating traumatic situations, and appear to be the saviors of the masses, when they are actually interested in just the opposite, the reduction of the population.

15) Create industrial depression and financial panic, unemployment, hunger, shortage of food, use these events to control the masses and mobs. and use them to wipe out those who stand in the way.

16) Infiltrate Freemasonry which is to be used to conceal and further objectives.

17) Expound the value of systematic deception, use high sounding slogans and phrases, advocate lavish sounding promises to the masses even though they can't be kept.

18) The art of street fighting is necessary to bring the population into subjection.

19) Use agents as provocateurs and advisers behind the scenes, and after wars use secret diplomacy talks to gain control.

20) Establish huge monopolies towards world government control.

21) Use high taxes and unfair competition to bring about economic ruin by controlling raw materials, organized agitation among the workers, and subsidizing competitors.

22) Build up armaments with police and soldiers who can protect and further New World Order interests.

23) Members and leaders of the one world government will be appointed by the director of the New World Order.

Who might this be?

24) Infiltrate into all classes and levels of society and government for the purpose of teaching the youth in the schools theories and principles known to be false.

25) Create and use national and international laws to destroy civilization."

Many think that the New World Order is a conquest and domination movement, that preys upon Humanity"the Commonality Of Humanity"the average Joe and Jane. The Workers, the "Middle Class". The Producers of Prosperity. Instead of true cooperation by all of Us, the New World Order has endeavored to manipulate Us and coerce Us into submission to a few little "e" elite"mostly the very wealthy and powerful with twisted moralities and ethics and who are slaves to their own fears of losing their ill gotten gains.

The men and women of the New World Order, have succumbed to dark pride in arrogance; thinking they are better than the rest of Us. This is their weakness, but they are very dangerous for Humanity. They serve the "dark forces" that began on Earth when lucifer rebelled against God. They are this dark angel's minions and do its work. They are intelligent and ruthless and through the centuries, have done much harm to Our Species. But it is not like they have actually been to "lucifer's school of Creation disruption", (though perhaps there be such a thing and a few have attended it - but it is not directly operated by lucifer - that one is incarcerated on a "dark and lonely world"). No, the minions of evil merely succumb to their own lesser selves, thus failing their greater selves, and become the parasitic plague they are. The worst of these are few in number, but they are followed, for countless "reasons", by sycophantic and misguided Humans that do their bidding; follow their example of world and species destruction. All of these together establishes a clear and present danger to those of Us who have not succumbed to the temptations of Our lesser selves, nearly as much.

This "lesser self issue" began, on Earth, with the first two Human Beings. Each, one Man and one Woman, had the God given personality trait of a Good Side to Their Natures and a bad side that was encouraged when they failed to fulfill the virtuous mandates of the Good Side. Depending on the personality nature and environment of Humans, a trend toward fulfilling the mandates of Goodness, (the Virtues) is manifest, or the failure trend is manifest through default.

I suppose it is rare for a stasis to occur, in the personality of a Human, for long. It is other than We either become Good or bad. Mostly We are a mix of both virtues and vices, strengths and weaknesses. Indeed there is, in most of Us, a constant contest between the two. Some personalities find it easier to be Good, most of the time, and others find it easier to be bad, most of the time. But most of Us fluctuate back and forth, as We learn about Life and Living. The "bad" ones have a tendency to give in to the lesser self urgings or path, more often. The "badder" an Individual is, the harder it is for them to do a Good thing. The worst of the New World Order, only do a seeming Good thing when it serves their dark purpose. But even they, could occasionally do a genuine Good thing once in a while. But it is far overshadowed by the sum and total of the evil acts of their lives. And this is a terrible loss for Our Species, because the potential of some of these evil doers is of a sterling quality. They just couldn't find a way to overcome arrogant pride and fear.

For five hundred thousand years, Humanity was entirely under its own influence as to the struggle between the Greater and lesser self. Then came lucifer and the rebellion against God that plunged Us into darkness.

A Planetary Prince had been sent to Us. Caligastia was meant to help Us and lift Us up toward Our Better Selves; Individually and Socially. A True Elite Cultural Uplifter; one of God's many gifts to Us.

Caligastia started out great. He did all he was supposed to do in relation to his tasks here on Earth. He selected the best Andonites, (original Humans who agreed to participate), to exchange genetic plasma, (blood, DNA, and possibly certain of the Life Energies with him and his Elite Staff of One Hundred Spiritual Beings of his order. I imagine that all these Elite Ones had to say was, "Hey Human. How would you like to live for thousands of years and become the very best of your kind?" I would jump at the chance wouldn't you?

Anyway, the exchange was made and the Humans became Super Human and the Spiritual Beings acquired superb physical bodies with which to Live in, during their sojourn on Earth. Much more of this story is written in the Urantia Book and is hinted at in many other revelations and mythologies of Our Species, including the "Holy Bible". But, so far, (and so far as I know), the Urantia Book reveals the story more completely.

A place was selected on Our World to begin the teachings that would enable Humanity to take a quantum leap into a Better state of cultural and Individual Being. Things were going great.

Then BOOM! Lucifer started his rebellion. This great deceiver managed to corrupt major leadership cadre and portions of populations on quite a few worlds. Some worlds were self destroyed, because of this.

Our Planetary Prince, caligastia, was weak enough to be fooled by Lucifer and with him many of the Elite followers within the caligastia one hundred. It was unbridled liberty and freedom from divine authority that formed the core of Lucifer's deception. Needless to say, almost all of the hard won gains of Our Species was undone. But not all of Us. A few stalwart and Truly Noble Souls, of the caligastia one hundred, both Spiritual and Human, held fast to God's way. They separated themselves from the rebels and moved to another part of Our World to entrench and keep alive "The Truths of the Divine Plan For The Uplifting Of Humanity".

The ones who followed lucifer and caligastia became known as the Nodites"the followers of Nod"who was one of the caligastia one hundred, that did not repent and continued to pervert Us with luciferian doctrine. But, as one might expect, the Nodite "program" of unbridled freedom and liberty for all, backfired. The Human Tribes, rebelled against the Nodites and almost destroyed them. But because the Nodites were the "enhanced" descendants of the caligastia one hundred, they were intelligent and strong enough, ("The Mighty Men Of Old"), to survive the consequences of their work. They built strongholds for themselves and issued forth from them to conquer and enslave. By this they revealed the Truth of the lucifer liberty doctrine that liberty was only for those who could take it for themselves. This was the beginning of the "Takers" of Our Species. And they are still with Us today. "Ishmael" and many others of "Giver" substance are aware of this.

The Andonite Human Tribes began to disperse away from the Nodite centers, leaving room for the increased numbers of Nodite descendants to fill. The City States of Earth began and it wasn't long before they began preying upon each other.

So. This was the beginning of the error thinking of the New World Order. Conqueror after conqueror has entered Our History from this horribly sad source.

Thank God, that Adam and Eve came to try and help Us again. They were partly successful, but were never able to completely correct the damage that the Lucifer rebellion has wrought. But they did give Us just enough Upliftment to enable Humanity to have a chance to become a better species.

Every conqueror had in their hearts and minds a new world order. Their order. Starting with the Nodites they have always been willing to use any ruthless and foul technique and tactic to achieve their goals.

But the nodite legacy entered a new dimension of expression, in the rise of the rothchild of the red shield. Mayer Amschel Bauer - not yet a Rothschild - but began the symbol of the red hexagram which geometrically and numerically translates into the number "666".


This new dimension of world conquest works through economic techniques of loaning to corporations and nations, instead of Individuals. But it also is ever ready to use deceit, coercion and force to get it's way. The url above tells a fascinating story of this development in ways of conquest for a new world order. I do not know which part of this tale is True, or untrue. I assume mostly True"because it does seem to give reasonable suggestions, that makes sense.

There are areas where "Globalization" and the "new world order" overlap or infiltrate each other. Each path has elements that can utilize elements of each others ways and goals. The descendants and inheritors of the Rothschild's movement for world domination, in all their many guises and forms, is a terrifying and dreadful enemy of everything I hold dear in Life and Creation. The new world order is my enemy and the enemy of Our God.

But the basic difference between the two is the amount and way of service to Humanity. One is positive for Humanity, (or so at least I hope), and one is very negative for Us. One brings forth Our Potentials as Children Of God and the other reduces Us to slavery in several forms. One is a product of collective Individual effort into social excellence and the other could well be the beginning of the end for the Human Species On Earth.

This is my opinion. It is what I "see" based on reading and thinking the best I can.

Globalization, done "correctly" is the better way. But I do not believe Humanity is ready for it.

The new world order is a real, now present and terrible dreadful enemy, that I recognize. And I hate this feeling of impotency that comes with that realization. It is a foulness, that emanates from the baser and lesser instincts of Our Species and permeates Our Nation and Our World.

Oh how I yearn for Kindred, Brothers and Sisters, to understand the danger to Us all and dedicate themselves to defeating this terrible evil on Our World.

I seek. Quietly and carefully, I seek.

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"White" male, age 64. Retired forklift operator. Aspiring writer and "First Seed Bearer of Narbarism"...a new culture in the making. I tend to write imaginatively, abstractly and emotionally, "out of the box"...sort of on the level of speeches. I (more...)
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