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Diary    H4'ed 9/6/10

Lest We Forget: Protest Photography and Art From 2008

GLloyd Rowsey
Message GLloyd Rowsey
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These pictures have been brooding about the upcoming elections from their hidden places in my computer files. In 2008, I was contributing (very) modest amounts of cash to IVAW, Glen Ford, Arthur Silber, Dennis Kucinich, Barbara Jordan, and Cindy Sheehan.

Here's hoping that many of you image-loving readers will see what I saw in the pictures back when.



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I have a law degree (Stanford, 66') but have never practiced. Instead, from 1967 through 1977, I tried to contribute to the revolution in America. As unsuccessful as everyone else over that decade, in 1978 I went to work for the U.S. Forest (more...)
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