Throughout my life, thrift has saved me often by providing a "life preserver," and now raises my child. Yet, no one confuses me w/ a conservative. My thrift ideas used to be "activist" but are being increasingly identified with Judeo-Christianity.
Krugman's case for high inflation as a beneficial economic model: click here
I am not sure what Krug means by deflation here --it appears to mean "deflation of product (production)." It is not what most would think--deflation as the opposite of inflation, which is the decline of spending power and peril for those with fixed income and near the minimum wage.
Every time I attempt grasp Krug-logic using a Google search, I wind up on an Austrian/libertarian site! Money policy is polarized such that one is either a wasteful liberal (liberals are so wasteful as to be "trickle down"), or a rationally-reducing "austerity" conservative (who wants to raise the economy by "cheapening" the worker) with no shades in between, or perhaps better ideas such as a return to the natural state --now, that's nativist & conservative, something Krug's culturally-sourced, rationally-steeped logic can really hate.
Krug's "openness," to his credit, offers wide insight into the endless stream of noxious fluids draining from the corps.
Note, the notes for this document's are being further developed here on FB, and final work will probably be called "Classical Deception" (CLICK)