I found the above picture [here] on the web. In the 1800's telegraph lines could be tapped into. If you can't see all the wires from a point to another point, there is no absolute privacy. If you send any signal over air, point to point, your transmissions can be compromised. The US Government has been caught using cut outs tapping into every phone conversation, land line and cell, and capturing all internet traffic. So, it doesn't matter if you have passwords, encryption, or take precautions. All of your electronic communications are being jacked. Can you trust the people who have 24/7 control of your money, your family, your property, your children, and can pinpoint your exact location in keystrokes of elapsed time?
White Male Connecticut State Police Troopers would spy on men they perceived as being competition for the better looking girls and women in a town, married, exclusively dating, single, or even prostitutes. A man could lose his business, property, job, and be railroaded to prison if he was in the way of officers pursuing women for sex. These are the men who are spying on your teenage daughter, your girlfriend, your mother, your sister, or wife. These are the creeps who pour over posts on facebook, listening to her calls, and who want to grope her and see her naked at airports.
Town Hall operatives look at what can be stolen from citizens using unsavory characters in behalf of those who run insurance companies, corporations, are organized criminals, or even are bankers located offshore. People who have an interest in taking away your rights, your freedom, breaking up your family, and have been ripping you off since birth might not have any more use for you once everything that can be stolen, is stolen.
How does this help taxpayers if tax money is used to take taxpayers offline to no longer pay taxes and consume goods. Doesn't it ruin the economy to put people out of jobs, out of homes, and out of intact families?
My emails were read by police and my phones tapped illegally by police before 9/11. They would mock the content of my emails and phone calls. When I was married, a overweight police officer who lived with his mother came to my house bounced me off my siding, said my wife didn't deserve me, and told me he'd arrest me. He got two morons to make false statements so he could arrest me.
You have no privacy, you don't own anything, and some international banker or corporation owner can decide if you are allowed to live, have a job, have a place to live, if you are allowed to reproduce, or whether you can be scooped up off the street and tortured.
From irregularities in my emails being sent and received, and other tip offs, I know that I have gotten someone's attention. It is not good attention, because last time, I lost everything, and even lost my cloths, handed a prison jumpsuit to wear in a Connecticut jail.
The thing is now, if you are reading this, you realize that you can be next at anytime. Either support other citizens' rights to live free, or hang separately with those who just sit by and wait for the knock on their door, or to just have their door kicked in.
Too few people are willing to state the facts as they see them and act. If only one in a hundred thousand stands up to tyrants, then you all will be slaves. I will rest in pieces.
Who do you blame first? I would blame lawyers, all of them, and the judges who sit on benches. If they did not swear secret oaths to each other, and took their oaths to uphold and protect the US Constitution, we would not now be in this mess. Act.
Click here for my mugshot.