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Noted Architect Richard Gage AIA Has Evidence of Controlled Demolitions on 9/11

Lance Ciepiela
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"On 9-11-10, the noted architect Richard Gage AIA, explains the purpose of a third light beam at Ground Zero, lighting up the night time skies over New York City, in eternal remembrance of 9/11-the three World Trade Center Towers, 1, 2, and 7, demolished, and utterly destroyed, by controlled demolitions, not by fires or planes, as falsely claimed by the Bush administration.

Building 7, a 47 story tall steel and concrete Tower, not hit by a plane, not mentioned or even discussed in the official 9/11 Omissions Report, with only small office fires, on only several floors that were completely under control, subsiding, and not spreading, suddenly collapsed at 5:20PM, just moments after the landlord, Larry Silverstein, told the fire department commander that "the smartest thing to do is [pull it] (a controlled demolition in the trade)", and they "watched the building collapse" in just 6.5 seconds after detonation, falling straight down at free fall, the massive steel core beams cut at precise angle, and the concrete and 47 floors pulverized and then vaporized into huge, deadly, highly toxic, pyroclastic clouds, reaching up to the heavens, and laced with deadly super-thermite explosive residues, something made entirely possible by controlled demolition".."Noted Architect Richard Gage AIA Has Evidence of Controlled Demolitions on 9/11"..read more

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Lance Ciepiela is a retired senior who had an interesting career in government service - a United States Marine Corps (USMC) Vietnam-Era veteran, who became interested in restoring the Constitution after I realized that W Bush had attacked (more...)

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