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Obama "Pipe Bomb letter"?

Steven G. Erickson
Message Steven G. Erickson

June 24, 2009


Dear Obama,


This letter is about pipe bombs, prostitution, drug dealing, official organized crime, racketeering, and the murdering, beating up, and arbitrary railroading citizens to be held as political prisoners , Americans who get in the way of police and judicial misconduct, reporting public corruption. I am posting this letter with links to go with it on http://starkravingviking.blogspot.com/ [link to post], look for today's date.


In America, a Green Party candidate for governor's campaign manager, can be put on a State Police's "Secret Enemies List", and can be arrested on sight for having tested Free Speech and believing the US Constitution applies in America. [link to that story]


A State Police helicopter pilot can make terrorist threats to blow up aircraft and kill police officers and remain flying for the State Police. [link to police misconduct in the State of Connecticut] Link also contains a story about a Bush relative who ran down and killed a New Haven police officer. There was no drug or alcohol test, there was no arrest. The officer was blamed for his own death for not being "reflective enough".


I saved money, paid taxes, worked, invested in the American Dream looking to raise a family and retire. Stafford Springs, Connecticut, Selectman John Julian told me that I was to sell my home [video] to "more important people", his friends, and sell at a loss and go bankrupt, or I'd be "real sorry". Should the same selectman use police to have a "White Only" town? Pizza shop owners who aren't White were target of a mostly White, and racist, State Police Department. Those who aren't part of the "Good Ole Boy Network", can be put out of business by police, the town hall Mafia, and a rigged court system.


A People's Grand Jury System could help remedy this. [video]


At around the same time, I helped co-found a Crime Watch for my town. Officer "Fat Frank" Prochaska who lived with his mother, seemed infatuated with my then European lingerie model wife [pictures and story link], and told me he'd arrest me if I proposed laws about fixing the youth crime problem and if I didn't shut my mouth and not speak at meetings. 6'3" 280 lb or so, powdered cocaine dealer, Peter Panciera, soon afterward punched me out and left me bleeding down to my underwear after having bit my ear. I dialed 911. The drug dealer fled the scene. The drug dealer's customers told police that they didn't know who attacked me.


After I identified who had attacked me, Stafford Springs Connecticut Police Constable Frank Prochaska re-investigated the case, and only I was arrested after the officer got the witness to suddenly remember their friend, changing their statements to police to say I had attacked the cocaine dealer before he fled the scene for "holding" drugs, high on his own product. I faced a year and a half in prison, no deals. Prosecutor Beth Lemming told me that she didn't care if I did anything wrong, her job was to get fines and put citizen in prison whenever there is any excuse to do so.


I refused to get a lawyer in that case, so I did pay a lying lawyer to help rig my case in a US kangaroo court. I got a lawyer, Michael H. Agranoff, in the next case where I was attacked. He aided the prosecution and colluded with Judge Jonathan J. Kaplan, a judge I had tried to have removed for judicial misconduct before I was attacked on my property. [story] Should it cost a citizen over $17,000 in legal fees for having been attacked on one's own property during an attempted mugging? Should a citizen be sentenced to a year in prison for resisting being mugged, where the mugger is given immunity from prosecution to maliciously prosecute the intended victim?


I found out the going rate to railroad citizens to prison, to beat them up, or even kill them is about $10.000 and even police officers who get in the way can be set up to be jailed, murdered, and their families can also be targets. [The Stephen Murzin story] Should a US Marine face 6 months in prison for causing a disturbance for being stabbed? Should the felon on probation who stabbed the US Marine and two others, trying to kill them, not even be violated on probation?


Connecticut State Police Confidential Informant Barbara Sattel [pictures and story] told me that she was offered $10,000 to set me up to be beaten up by State Police and then to be jailed for 5 to 15 years. The objective of police was to specifically to estrange me from my daughter, make me lose my small business, to make me lose my home that I was current on mortgage payments on, to ruin me, and shut me up. Sattel told me that police illegally wiretap, read a target's personal emails, and snoop into lives to best target "Big Mouths" who politically get in the way of police.


At around that time, Bryn Ouellette (sp.?) was building pipe bombs and detonating propane bombs near my tenants, the Sabatassos and their 4 children in downtown Stafford Springs, CT, police were soliciting criminals to stalk, harass, and assault me. Drug dealer "Jaybone" Drise (sp.?) pulled a gun on me and chased me in my house for telling him he was not allowed to sell drugs off of my front lawn. I tried also to keep underage, and of age, prostitutes off of my property against the will of police. Connecticut State Police told me that I would be arrested if I didn't shut by mouth and were bragging around town that "Big Mouth" is going to be taught a lesson. They also were bragging that I would be going to prison when I had no record and hadn't been arrested for anything. [video of witness talking about my saga]


I then had a druggie felon trying to attack me on each of my properties. Brian Caldwell after weeks of harassing me, threatening my life, and telling my tenants he'd kill me if he caught me out on my lawn acted out on his threats. Police were there to arrest only me, and I was placed on the hood of a police car under a spotlight in handcuffs after being paraded around by police to embarrass me in front of my neighbors. My "crime" was pepper spraying my attacker to end the beating I was taking, after being jumped in my dark driveway being told that I would be killed and have my penis cut off if I didn't hand over my wallet.


It has been almost impossible to find a job with criminal record. I have found myself having to live outside at times and know what is like to try and live outside in the snow. I haven't heard the words, "Daddy", "Happy Birthday", or "Happy Father's Day", since being railroaded to prison.


If this is business as usual, I am asking that children not be taught that we have a US Constitution with protections and that all the bits about our forefathers, freedom, etc is just a load of crap, or if not, please do something in my case and that of others likewise officially abused. Please forward this letter to HUD and to the SBA.


There is rampant corruption in the Connecticut Courts, police, and with elected officials. They are ripping off taxpayers and giving their friends cushy jobs and taxpayer contracts. Just ask Andrea Wilson [blog post]. This type of public corruption probably exists across the nation, with Connecticut being maybe the best example of what is the worst about America. Will you and others do something about this, or this country going to go on George W. Bush as usual? [Video of me with Vincent Bugliosi talking about Bush] [Video of me asking a Phil Donahue audience about Bush]


I respectfully request a pardon, having my bogus criminal record erased, and that my case be looked into for compensation for all the suffering that has been endured.


Should police have taxpayers pay for golf outings for police to celebrate false arrests, perjury, jury rigging, filing false reports, manufacturing and withholding evidence, intimidating witnesses, witness tampering, racketeering, and the defrauding of taxpayers? [click here] for post about the "100 Club"


Should police get financial rewards for illegal domestic spying, breaking up families, and railroading productive, home owning, taxpaying parents to prison using common criminal parasites and prostitutes, paying the criminals tax dollars to take taxpayers offline? Should our US courts be rigged in favor of "more important people"? Should 6'5" Homeland Security thugs be installed in schools to interrogate 13 year old girls who pass notes to other girls, privately grilling them on whether, or not, they are lesbians? [video]


Thank you,


Steven G. Erickson

[address snipped]


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Steven G. Erickson is a freelance cameraman, blogger, photographer, documentary producer, screenwriter, sometimes journalist, and can and will travel anywhere if the terms are right. His objective is to reform America's courts, creating a "People's (more...)
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