Before there was 9/11/2001, there was Oklahoma City, April, 1995.
Gunther Strassmeier, chief of staff to German Chancellor Helmut Kohl, has a son, Andreas, who was a German intelligence officer, spoke fluent Hebrew and has been married to an Israeli national. Andreas infiltrated the Elohim City, Oklahoma compound as their “security director,” and has been alleged to be the handler of Timothy McVeigh in his involvement to demolish the Murrah Federal Building. Oh, and did I mention that Gunther’s daddy was a founding member of the German Nazi Party?
Why are there so many links, even to this day, between the Mossad and the Nazis?
What makes this story a solid stringer is the fact that the Mossad has been linked to the 9/11 attack on US soil, not to mention that the Mossad has made itself famous by targetting the children of world leaders for its own hegemonic purposes. Married to an Israeli national? Has anyone outside of Israel actually tried to date an Israeli woman? Author Phillip Roth has a few vignettes along these lines that serve to highlight the fanatical nationalism of some of the more Zionist Israelis: it is hard to talk romance with someone who just wants to play with guns and knives. Anyone who has seen former Israeli stormtrooper Rahm Emmanuel with his Blackberry knows the meaning of the term, “high strung.” Rahm has spent considerable time working with the Israeli Defense Forces and, as just about everyone inside the Beltway knows, is a Mossad agent. If Emmanuel is not a Mossad agent, one has to wonder what one has to do to attract their attention.
The tidbit dropped into this vat of boiling oil by a former CBS News Investigative Reporter (who spoke on background because he was obviously drinking way too much vino while yukking it up with Wayne Madsen) was that the Murrah Building attack was originally intended to implicate Arabs living in the US and, ultimately, Saddam Hussein.
Had Saddam known this about the Oklahoma City bombing, methinks he would have been far too skiddish to attempt to negotiate with the Bush Administration for the surrender of his country to the United States prior to our invasion of his country and, ultimately, its delivery to Israeli control. After all, Manuel Noriega continues to be the proof that the US government will stop at nothing to keep its secret foreign policy operations well-funded and running smoothly. Provided that world leaders do not piss off Israel, a Banana Republican like Hussein could have gone on pillaging and plundering his own people forever. Alas, his own guilty conscience got the best of him, and so he attempted to wrap himself in the blanket of all those poor Palestinians while thumbing his nose at the Israelis. Note to self: if you’re going to advertise your evilness as a part of your fitness for duty, you will never be able to double-cross your employers, or violate their interests. One would think all the money the US donates to Israel in the form of cash and weapons would have been a clue to Saddam to keep his mouth shut, but, again, only an idiot would have taken his job in the first place.
The issues here are real and decidedly unfunny, however.
Personally, I like Rahm Emmanuel. When he speaks publically, I get the feeling that I am dealing with a human being who is both warm and fierce – not someone I would freely choose to oppose or to let go to work for the opposition. However, the recent nonsense in Gaza stimulated me to begin digging. When I see such ferocity directed at a people who, like the Jews of Warsaw, have been herded into a ghetto and subjegated, I get the uncomfortable feeling that part of the story is missing. It simply does NOT make any sense that the Israeli government would ever want to be tainted by the same brush they have used repeatedly to tar the Nazis of Hitler’s Germany. And yet, we have Gaza as a most recent and pungent example of just how far the Israelis are willing to go to preserve their hegemony. Throughout Israel’s brief history there have been examples of their duplicity and their ferocity when dealing with their opponents and, as any scholar will quickly find out, their own people.
Given the wholly unsatisfactory outcome of the first Gulf War conflict (Saddam was still left in power), it only makes sense to me that Israel would have the same interest in keeping Saddam’s cheap oil off the open market as would American oil interests. Psychologists have noted that once a person has become acclimated to torturing human beings, they develop a sense of impunity about even their most mundane daily tasks which tends to blossom into tyrannical megalomania. And so while Saddam may have thought he was big and bad enough to put anyone under his thumb, the rich people of the world (to whom Israel is clearly allied) tend to enthusiastically disagree. So the demolition of the Murrah Federal Building should go down in history not only as a tragedy and a nefarious operation involving the Mossad, elements of our own FBI and our own ATF, but as a failed intelligence operation that was at first designed to turn American public opinion against Saddam Hussein and against the Arab world. How the official story was written was a matter of the expedient cleaning up of a failed black operation.
Given the failure of the first WTC attack in 1993, the failure of the Oklahoma City bombing and the downing of TWA Flight 800, one has to admire the verve required to demolish two 110 story buildings into a huge cloud of dust and then so brazenly lie about it. One has to hand it to the Rothschild Family…they simply do not give up in spite of repeated failures…they have and continue to learn from their mistakes, unlike the ordinary reptiles from which they get most of their DNA.
Before the final page of history is turned, everyone will come to understand why old power is old power and why human beings were never intended to be dominated and controlled like so many ants in an ant farm: we simply do not have the nervous system to accommodate all that information without it driving us completely bonkers. So while you and I might bemoan the fact that we can’t buy and sell whole countries and still have change left to manipulate the global economy, we also aren’t looking to bugger our nieces and nephews, marry our sisters and brothers or conduct the blood oath sacrifices of infants in cold, dark basements to the awestruck gaze of entranced onlookers. Sometimes old money needs to die just like old people need to let go of what isn’t worth facing any longer. Living forever only cheapens the human experience, it doesn’t make it more valuable to the species as a whole.