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Payments stopped

William Finnerty
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Copy of e-mail text sent on June 16th 2010 to:

Leslie Morgan (Manager)
Disability & Carers Service
Castle Court
Royal Avenue
Northern Ireland

June 16th 2010

Your reference:
UK National Insurance Number:YH615974D
Northern Ireland Health Care Number: 486 704 5144

Dear Ms Morgan,

After noticing that the payments from the Northern Ireland Disability & Carers Service which were being sent directly to my Bank of Ireland account (Omagh Branch) had suddenly stopped, without any warning and without any explanation, I discussed the matter with a local Social Welfare officer in the Republic of Ireland (Mr Tony Duffy), and he advised me to write to the Republic of Ireland's Social Services Welfare Office in Longford regarding the matter.

A copy of the letter I sent to the Longford office (dated May 20th 2010) can be viewed at the following Internet location:

In response, I have received a reply from the Longford Office which states that "no decision can be made" until I provide them with "An official letter on headed notepaper from the Northern Ireland Disability Office stating that your Disability Living Allowance has been stopped".

A scanned copy of the letter from the Longford Office (dated May 24th 2010) can be viewed at the following location: http://www.humanrightsireland.com/LongfordSocialWelfareServicesOffice/24May2010/Letter.htm

I am concerned regarding the request being made by the Longford Office, for the following two reasons: a) For several years now I have been finding it extremely difficult -- close to 100% impossible in fact -- to get written answers from public officials and bodies I write to; and, b) if for any reason your Office decides not to answer this particular letter, it seems to me that from January of this year I will receive only about half of the disability payments I am entitled to.

Among the several registered letters I have sent to public officials and bodies, which I am at present waiting for a written reply to, is the one I sent to the European Union Foreign Minister, The Right Honourable The Baroness Ashton of Upholland dated December 21st 2009.A scanned copy of the letter in question, together with scanned copies of the associated Post Office receipts, can be viewed at the following Internet location:

In your reply to this letter, it would be much appreciated if you would please take account of the fact that an e-mail copy of the above letter to Baroness Ashton was sent by me to your Office on the same day (i.e. December 21st 2009), as can be seen at the Internet address just above; and, that it was just a month or so later that your Office appears to have decided to stop all payments to me. The last payment I received from your Office is dated January 19th 2010 on my Bank of Ireland statements.

In the complete absence (so far) of any help of the kind I have requested from Baroness Ashton, I do not know how I am ever going to be able to recover from the mental torture (which involves C-PTSD please note) that I am at present experiencing in connection with the ongoing and growing consequences of the "traumas and stresses" at the hands of "public officials and bodies" I have been subjected to over a period of several years, as described by Dr Michael McCavert (Omagh GP) in the scanned copy of his "To Whom It May Concern Letter" dated October 28th 2005 at the following location:

At this stage, I feel I should point out to all concerned that I attempted what I saw as valid alternative means of achieving the necessary "settlement, resolution and closure" -- which is essential for recovery from the C-PTSD injuries I am suffering from, and which I have referred to in my December 21st 2009 letter to Baroness Ashton -- through the use of an e-mail I sent to Republic of Ireland Prime Minister Brian Cowen's Office on July 8th 2008. Unfortunately, I never received any reply.

Thirteen months or so later, on August 20th 2009, after Consultant Psychiatrist Dr Anne Jeffers and Clinical Psychologist Niamh Gralton had both informed me (on a number of occasions) that they could not assist me in any way to get the legal help I needed, I asked Niamh Gralton if it might be possible for her and her team to help me to negotiate for the "settlement, resolution and closure" I need using the text of the July 8th 2008 e-mail (originally sent to Prime Minister Cowen's Office on July 8th 2008), and which might have avoided the need for legal representation of the kind I have throughout been unable to find: i.e. legal help of the kind which recognises the factual existence of human rights law, and which is prepared to take the necessary legal steps to see that it is enforced for the purpose of I being enabled to recover from the C-PTSD injuries I am suffering from.

A scanned copy of the July 10th 2008 e-mail, which I handed to Niamh Gralton on August 20th 2009, can be viewed at the following address:

A few weeks later, during the next appointment I had with Niamh Gralton (on September 7th 2009),and after it became clear to me that Niamh Gralton and her team were unwilling (or unable perhaps) to try to help me to negotiate a settlement on the basis of the contents of the e-mail at the address just above, I decided to stop going for the medical treatment I was receiving for the C-PTSD condition I am suffering from -- for the reasons stated in my letter to Niamh Gralton dated October 5th 2009, which was copied to Prime Minister Cowen (using the registered postal services). A copy of the letter in question, and the associated Post Office receipts, can be viewed at the following location:

Please note that the text of the registered letter at the address just above contains reference to the crucially important subject of "unconstitutional legislation", which is what lays at the root of the set of difficulties that have directly lead to the C-PTSD injuries I am at present suffering from; and, although the vast majority of people (including senior politicians) still appear to be completely oblivious to the fact, it is also -- among several other socially disastrous events and processes which involve unconstitutional legislation -- the core legal and political source of social trouble which lays at the very heart of the present global financial crisis.

I have never received any reply from Niamh Gralton, or from Prime Minister Brian Cowen, to the registered letters I sent to them on October 5th 2009: even though I very clearly requested a review of my medical case in that particular letter. Consequently the set of C-PTSD injuries I suffer from has remained entirely untreated, as far as the medical profession is concerned, since September 7th 2009.This is because I do not know of anywhere I can find professional medical treatment of the kind which I believe would actually help me. All I can find is medical "help" of the kind which seems to me to be far, far more helpful and supportive (in surreptitious ways) for the perpetrators of the C-PTSD causing abuses, than it is for me (as a target of their abuses): especially regarding my "Right to an effective remedy" under the terms of Article 47 of The Charter of the Fundamental Rights of the European Union, which I understand "became law" on December 1st 2009, as I have pointed out to Baroness Ashton in my December 21st 2009 letter to her referred to above.Please note that my December 21st 2009 e-mail to Lady Ashton was also copied to Consultant Psychiatrist Dr Anne Jeffers, and to Consultant Psychiatrist Thomas Foster.

This matter of the way in which consultant psychiatrists (in both of the jurisdictions operating on the Island of Ireland) appear to be helping the government associated perpetrators of C-PTSD causing abuses much more than their targets (at least in my particular case), may also explain why consultant psychiatrist Dr Thomas Foster suddenly decided to have me thrown out of Tyrone and Fermanagh Hospital (with nowhere to go) on December 14th 2004 -- shortly after I provided him and his medical team with irrefutable written evidence of wrongdoing by government officials and bodies in the Republic of Ireland.

In addition, it may explain why, on August 31st 2008, three uniformed members of the PSNI (Police Service of Northern Ireland), two of them carrying large machine guns, suddenly, and for no good reason whatsoever that I know of, turned up at the Greencastle (near Omagh) address I was then staying at: just 20 days after my August 11th 2008 registered letter to Dr Foster requesting an explanation from him as to why he had me thrown out of hospital on December 14th 2004. A copy of the registered letter in question can be viewed at the following location: http://www.humanrightsireland.com/DrThomasFoster/11August2008/Letter.htm

Please note that copies of the letter to Dr Foster on view at the Internet address just above were sent through the registered post to former UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown and to Republic of Ireland Prime Minister Brian Cowen on the same day (i.e. August 11th 2008). This being the case, I have always assumed that the PSNI visit I received 20 days later on August 31st 2008, must, at the very least, have had the tacit support and approval of both Mr Brown and Mr Cowen; and, the unhelpful manner in which Mr Brown and Mr Cowen have responded to my efforts to get help from them since then (and indeed before then) all seems to strongly support this viewpoint.

Among the several attempts I have made since to remedy the so far unresolved set of difficulties connected with my PSNI "machine gun interview" (as I tend to think of it) of August 31st 2008, which was conducted in a very public manner that was witnessed incidentally, and which resulted in I leaving the Greencastle address (in fear for my life) within hours of the PSNI departing on that day, is the registered letter I sent on December 19th 2008 to Omagh based Senior Social Worker Gerard Madden. A copy of the text of the registered letter in question is on view at http://www.humanrightsireland.com/GerardMadden/19December2008/Email.htm and it would be much appreciated if you would please take careful note of the contents. As I have never received any clear acknowledgement of receipt for my December 19th 2008 letter to him, I have no way of knowing whether (or not) Gerry Madden ever received this letter.

As a forerunner to this letter, I sent an e-mail to you last Wednesday titled "The 'administrative psychopath' in (and around) governments", which contains information that I believe is in several respects very relevant to my particular case.I trust you have received the e-mail in question. If for any reason you have not received it, please note that there is a copy of it on view at http://www.humanrightsireland.com/HermanVanRompuy/9June2010/Email.htm and that I believe it might be very helpful (from my viewpoint at least) for you to be aware of its contents.

For future reference purposes, I will later today place a copy of this e-mail at the following Internet location:

Assuming your Office decides to reply to this letter, please note that the temporary address I am at present staying at is as shown below, and it is the same as the one shown on the scanned copy of the letter I sent to Baroness Ashton on December 21st 2009 (referred to above).

Yours sincerely,

William Finnerty. (Web Site: http://www.humanrightsireland.com )

c/o Finnerty's Shop
New Inn,
County Galway,
Republic of Ireland.

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William Finnerty is back living in the Republic of Ireland at the present time, which is where he was born and where he grew up. His father was Irish (County Galway), and his mother American (New York City). He has worked mostly in the (more...)
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