In an article Entitled, The Freedom Index - A Congressional Scorecard Based on the U.S. Constitution dated July 23, 2007, in The New American Magazine, Ron Paul receives a 100% constitutional voting record.
This article outlines 10 key issues like Immigration Reform, Budget Resolution, Iran Military Operations (yes, you read correctly, IRAN) and Minimum Wage. It gives arguments as to whether they are valid according to The United States Constitution. It also gives an accounting of each representative’s vote and includes the votes of The Senate.
The findings of this in depth article on voting according to The Constitution reveals that the Constitution, which is designed to protect American citizen’s, has not been the focus of those who swore to uphold it. In fact it shows that the Congress and the Senate are not doing their jobs.
With the majority of scores as low as 40, 30, 20, 11, 10, and even 0% (is it safe to say that 0% equals contempt for the Constitution?) for individuals who voted completely against The Constitution, it is a wonder how the American citizen enjoys life at all! Scores this atrocious only prove that our government is not working for The People. What are American’s left to do?
There is still hope for America if the people decide to pick their elected officials by the same set of Constitutional standards this article outlines. According to the scores, those with a rating of 70, 80 and even 90% inline with the Constitution, were outnumbered but in a place like America, we can work with that. This is what we need more of and this is who we should be voting for!
However, there was the lone exception that held a score of 100%! The man, the myth, the living legend needs no introductions to a growing number of his supporters. They know who 2008 Presidential hopeful, Doctor and Congressman of Texas, Ron Paul is. If you ask them, they will tell you he is the “Hope for America” and I am inclined to agree!
While he did miss out on voting on 4 of the 10 issues brought before him, in the rest of the 6 he voted on were 100% on target with the Constitution. Before you go off half-cocked ranting about missing 4 out of 10 issues listed, think about it again.
The article only focuses on 10 issues that were brought in front of the Congress and Senate. When you look at someone like Hillary Clinton who is also running for President, and who sits in the Senate seat of New York; she voted on all the issues presented in this article. Mrs. Clinton, another Presidential hopeful, who voted on every issue reported in this article, could only come up with a resounding 10% score! This is what wants to run the country? No - thank you!
Upon reflection of the American population’s obvious misguided attempts to “elect” our government officials using nothing more than their ad campaigns as guides; we must reposition our thinking, educate ourselves and respect The Constitution enough to use it. If we don’t, we are to blame for what has happened and what will happen.
Imagine if previous generations would have elected officials with as good a voting record as Ron Paul, a man who obviously respects the rule of law? Maybe, just maybe we wouldn’t be taken advantage of by the illegal Federal Reserve Banking System that has sucked the life, freedom and prosperity out of us and who has near completed their long time aspirations of world domination?
Obama of Illinoise (D) managed a 0% missing only 1 vote
Lieberman (I) (For all those still on the Lieberman kick) managed a 10% missing NO votes
Brownback (R) managed a 75% missing only 1 vote McCain (R) managed 43% missing 3 votes
Edwards (D) managed a 10% missing NO votes