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"Row over judicial independence deepens" (RTE)

William Finnerty
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The above excerpt is from an RTE article dated April 16th 2013 (i.e. yesterday), and the full text of the article can viewed at:

As I "see" (and "feel") things, the above comment by Republic of Ireland (RoI) President of the High Court, Mr Justice Nicholas Kearns, appears to have a very healthy ring to it.

Correctly or otherwise, this particular comment, well timed and well aimed, and obviously designed to "shut up" Master Honohan, strongly suggests (to me) that Justice Nicholas Kearns, and several of his Judicial colleagues I suspect, know perfectly well that a number of extremely serious legal problems, which are potentially exceptionally dangerous, and which directly relate to "Tripartite Separation of Government Powers" issues, have slowly but surely -- and for the most part completely imperceptibly from the viewpoint of the general public -- built up, over a period of several years, to a point where they now have be tackled, and openly discussed in pubic: if, that is, the BEST INTERESTS of "the people" of the Republic of Ireland are to be protected, both in the here-and-now, and into the short, medium, and long-term future.

Related e-mail to RoI CEO's (dated April 16th 2013):

Copied to several others, yesterday's e-mail was addressed primarily to
"The Three Principal (Republic of Ireland) Government CEOs (Chief Executive Officers, as I see them)":

Prime Minister Enda Kenny TD (CEO of the Executive Branch of the RoI Government),
President Michael D. Higgins (CEO of the Legislative Branch of the RoI Government), and
Chief Justice Susan Denham (CEO of the Judicial Branch of the RoI Government).

The full text of the April 16th 2013 e-mail referred to above, which is titled "Report in Sunday Business Post 14.04.2013", can be viewed at the following Human Rights Ireland www location:
http://www.humanrightsireland.com/ PrimeMinisterEndaKennyTD/16April2013 /Email.htm

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A close to identical  BACKUP COPY  of the above text, together with a "Forwarded" version of the full Yahoo (April 16th 2013) e-mail to the Republic of Ireland CEOs (reproduced at the Human Rights Ireland www location just above) can also be viewed at the following  YAHOO  www location:

http://groups. yahoo.com /group/ T he C eltic P arty/ message/994

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William Finnerty is back living in the Republic of Ireland at the present time, which is where he was born and where he grew up. His father was Irish (County Galway), and his mother American (New York City). He has worked mostly in the (more...)
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