Due to technical difficulties, I was dropped from the show and my co-host Rick had to take over. Since I had prepared a few stories, I decided that it would be fun to do a show on Love Stories on St. Valentine's Day.
Valentine's Day is billed as a day of romance, but did you know that romantic love blossomed during the time of Eleanor of Aquitaine's Courts of Love, where one of their judgments about love was that it could not be found in marriage. That began a long line of stories about tragic romantic lovers from Tristan and Isolde, Romeo and Juliet, Lancelot and Guinevere to Heathcliff and Cathy, Gatsby and Daisy, Jane Eyre and Rochester, Scarlett and Rhett to Elizabeth and Richard and Vivian and Lawrence.
But the truth is, if you want a great partnership, it doesn't have much to do with romance. Real soul-deep, equal and free love is work. It involves working on yourself and it might even entail saving each other from our complexes and our fears.
So if you're interested in a soul-deep love in your life, please join me this Monday night, St. Valentine's Day for an intoxicating brew of love stories that might just help you find your own true love.
Join me at the Bard's Grove: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/rwspisak at 7pm PST/8pm MST/9pm CST/10pm EST. And please call in - I'd love to talk with you about the stories, about Love and about relationships in general. The number is 909-265-9117. Sorry, it's not toll-free.