Anthony Sutton was born in London in 1925 and educated at the universities of London, Gottingen and California. He became a United States citizen in 1962. He was a Research Fellow at the prestigious HOOVER INSTITUTE OF WAR, REVOLUTION AND PEACE, where he produced the monumental three-volume study, Western Technology and Soviet Economic Development. Dr. Sutton was a prolific writer whose scholarly works include Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution and Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler. His book, Trilaterals Over Washington was the first book to be published on the Trilateral Commission. [source of excerpt]
Text with video:
Uploaded by LivingDead221 on Apr 17, 2011
Antony Cyril Sutton (February 14, 1925 - June
17, 2002) was a British born economist, historian and writer. He was an
economics professor at California State University Los Angeles and
studied at the universities of London, Goettingen and California and
received his D.Sc. degree from University of Southampton, England. He
was a research fellow at Stanford University's Hoover Institution from
1968 to 1973. During his time at the Hoover Institute he wrote the major
study Western Technology and Soviet Economic Development, detailing how
the West played a major role in developing Soviet Union from its very
beginnings up until the present time (1970). He was forced out of the
Hoover Institute after publishing National Suicide: Military Aid to the
Soviet Union in 1973. CIA Director Glenn Campbell threatened Sutton
saying, "you will not survive," pertaining to academia.
next 3 major published books detailed Wall Street's involvement in the
rise of the Bolshevik Revolution, Adolf Hitler and Franklin Delano
Roosevelt. He then set his work towards exposing secret societies,
namely the Trilateral Commission and the Skull & Crossbones (The
Brotherhood of Death). Sutton considered his book America's Secret
Establishment: An Introduction to the Order of Skull & Bones to be
his most important work.
The co-founder of the Trilateral Commission and national security advisor to Jimmy Carter, Zbigniew Brzezinski wrote: "For impressive evidence of Western participation in the early phase of Soviet economic growth, see Antony C. Sutton's Western Technology and Soviet Economic Development: 1917-1930, which argues that 'Soviet economic development for 1917-1930 was essentially dependent on Western technological aid' (p.283), and that 'at least 95 per cent of the industrial structure received this assistance.' (p. 348)."
In a 2000 interview Sutton was asked about his success. "Judge a man by his enemies," Sutton explains, "William Buckley called me a "jerk". Glenn Campbell, former Director of the Hoover Institution, Stanford called me "a problem".
Transcripts for above video:
Documentation -- The Corbett Report 2009 Video Archive DVD Time Reference: 00:01 Description: Support The Corbett Report. Buy the DVD. Link To: The Corbett Report Documentation -- Peace Revolution Podcast Episode 22 Time Reference: 06:30 Description: Link to a recent Peace Revolution episode featuring an interview with Antony Sutton about the West's help in aiding the Bolsheviks' rise to power. Link To: Documentation -- Antony Sutton 1976 lecture on Western Support for the Soviets Time Reference: 10:33 Description: Click here to listen to the whole lecture. Link To: Documentation -- Time Reference: 08:13 Description: Contains information about Sutton and a link to buy his book on Skull & Bones. Link To: Documentation -- NIST is keeping their WTC7 model data secret Time Reference: 23:37 Description: Apparently, releasing the data would "jeopardize public safety." Link To: Documentation -- The Evolution of the Fire-based Theory for Building 7 by Kevin Ryan Time Reference: 24:10 Description: The Second in A Three-part Presentation "The Case for a New Building 7 Investigation" Link To: Documentation -- 911 Working Group of Bloomington Time Reference: 29:37 Description: A group with research and information on 9/11 in which Kevin Ryan is an active member. Link To: Documentation -- Time Reference: 30:38 Description: Home page of William Pepper. Link To: Documentation -- William Pepper on the US Government and the Assasination of MLK Time Reference: 32:55 Description: A riveting presentation on the Martin Luther King assassination by William Pepper. Link To: Documentation -- Freedom and its Betrayal: Berlin on Rousseau Time Reference: 44:27 Description: Absolutely riveting lecture on political philosophy by Isaiah Berlin. Link To: Oxford University Documentation -- William Faulkner Nobel Acceptance Speech Time Reference: 51:46 Description: A jaw-dropping summary of the importance of the human spirit from one of the masters of the English language. Link To:
Text with video:
Uploaded by corbettreport on Apr 26, 2011
The Fukushima and Chernobyl nuclear disasters
are quite different from a technological point of view as there are
considerable differences between the causes of the catastrophes in each
case and, furthermore, the equipment at the two devastated nuclear power
plants is different, says independent journalist James Corbett who is
in Osaka right now.
What also divides the cases is that in the
Soviet Union, after it became evident that information about the
catastrophe in Chernobyl could not be hidden under a rug, the
information about the liquidation of the aftermath of the disaster was
absolutely open to the international community. The situation in
Fukushima is the opposite: the Japanese authorities censor the
information about what exactly is going on at the devastated nuclear
facility and share it with only a limited number of organizations.
[Japanese] government has proven that it is not interested in giving
free and open access to the [Fukushima] site or the information coming
out of there," he said, adding that briefings on the situation "are only
open to a selected group of Japanese media organizations -- and foreign
media and independent journalists are being excluded from those
This post is dedicated to retired Hartford, Connecticut, Narcotics Detective Richard Murzin. Rich loved history and to understand the real world. Rich was allegedly to release a host of materials linking the FBI, Connecticut State Police, Connecticut Administrative Services, US Homeland Security, Connecticut State Police Intelligence, Connecticut Department of Children and Families DCF, Hartford PD, to organized crime figures and those smuggling heroin and cocaine into the US and Connecticut cities. Rich was to work with AJ Fontaine. Rich tells me about AJ dying of the flu here in [ this post ]. I went to call Rich back about AJ's death, and found out Rich had just died of a heart attack. Both died of natural causes, and each death can be explained. Each was waiting until after the judicial abuse cases against family members were over in Connecticut courts to lessen the retaliation against them for Rich's and AJ's free speech pursuits. I find it strange that the two people with whom I had agreed to work with to release materials died suddenly within 2 weeks of each other.