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The Manufacturing of Terrorism: 9 Ways The U.S. And Israel Create Conflict and Chaos

Saman Mohammadi
Message Saman Mohammadi
I. Demythologizing Terrorism

Terrorism is a tricky word. First of all, it is a political categorization. Aggressive regimes like the ones in America, Israel, and Iran all have political enemies that will never go away as long as these regimes continue their aggressive and unjust actions towards them. Instead of resolving conflicts with their enemies and becoming friends, such regimes choose the more destructive path: war. And the first stage in war is to demonize your enemy, and that's where the word "terrorist" comes in. It is a useful word to use if you're a state murderer and a tyrant, but it is stupid for citizens to view life and world events through this narrow prism because such thinking ensures that conflicts will never be resolved.

Anybody who gets called a terrorist, whether they are Palestinians, Irish, or any other group, is automatically turned into a moral villain, pushed to the edge of the conflict, and their grievances are forgotten. Those of us who are interested in peace and building bridges know how counter-productive and illogical it is to cast an entire group of people as terrorists. People who fight, resist, and die have motivations for what they do, and most of the time those motivations are entirely justified. If you're living under occupation what would you do? Submit to the conqueror and give up, or die with honor by defending your land and family? If you're not a coward you will fight, regardless of the circumstances. You will do whatever it takes to gain freedom, and you will be in the right.

So terrorism as we've been brainwashed to know it by the mainstream media, and Western governments does not exist. The people of Iraq who are fighting against the occupiers are not terrorists, they are resistance fighters. Hezbollah is not a terrorist organization, it is a resistance army. I don't agree with their politics or extreme religious views, but I'm not going to lie and call them something they are not.

Edward Peck, a retired U.S. diplomat who served as the deputy director of the White House Task Force on Terrorism in the Reagan Administration, said on the show Democracy Now in July 2006 that the definition of terrorism is not black and white, and that the terrorist "is in the eye of the beholder." Peck:
In 1985, when I was the Deputy Director of the Reagan White House Task Force on Terrorism, they asked us--this is a Cabinet Task Force on Terrorism; I was the Deputy Director of the working group--they asked us to come up with a definition of terrorism that could be used throughout the government. We produced about six, and each and every case, they were rejected, because careful reading would indicate that our own country had been involved in some of those activities.

After the task force concluded its work, Congress got into it, and you can google into U.S. Code Title 18, Section 2331, and read the U.S. definition of terrorism. And one of them in here says--one of the terms, "international terrorism," means "activities that," I quote, "appear to be intended to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination or kidnapping."

Yes, well, certainly, you can think of a number of countries that have been involved in such activities. Ours is one of them. Israel is another. And so, the terrorist, of course, is in the eye of the beholder. And I think it's useful for people who discuss that phrase to remember that Israel was founded by terrorist organizations and terrorist leaders, Menachem Begin, who became statesmen and went on to win the Nobel Peace Prize.
To go to war against an undefinable enemy like "terrorism," is an absurdity. It is a fact that the global war on terrorism is a cruel hoax. Counter-Terrorism is a fraud, despite what the governments of Israel, America, and other governments tell the people. G8 leaders can make statements on Counter-Terrorism every year, it won't change anything until members of the G8 stop occupying countries, funding terrorist groups, and radicalizing people by oppressing them.

The American philosopher Robert Anton Wilson noted the hypocrisy of countries like America and England demonizing the people they oppress and tyrannize over as terrorists."Terrorism," said Wilson, "means we could disarm them to the extent that the only way they can fight back is by blowing themselves up in the process. Oh, how horrible they must be to do something so stupid. Well, when you conquered people, and you've taken their land away, and you're mistreating them every way you can think of, and taken away all the weapons they can possibly use, of course they're going to use whatever is left, and you can call them terrorists. They called the IRA terrorists, too. My god, England terrorized the world for seven centuries or more and they dare call somebody else a terrorist? The United States has been bombing the world and blasting it all through my lifetime, and they dare say anybody who strikes back is a terrorist?" (From Robert Anton Wilson's CD called TSOG [Tsarist Occupation Government]).

The biggest terrorists in the world are the states of U.S. and Israel--or rather, their shadow states which are undemocratically managed by oligarchs who view the people as sheep and war as a good thing. The main objective of these two states is to conquer - by war or deception. America's military is being used to conquer the Middle East in order to consolidate wealth and power for a tiny group of private banks and fascist corporations who control the American government, and Israel is conquering its neighbours instead of living in peace with them because it is an expansionist and racist state. Israel can change its aggressive policies and live in peace, but not until the leaders of Israel stop deceiving the Israeli people and instilling fear in them.

People are viewed as sheep by elites because people are sheep, at least for most of the time. Mankind is a herd species. All the advancements in society throughout history have been made by visionary leaders and outcasts, not by the majority of men. History is full of examples of how the majority of men are misled, and deceived about the most basic state policy: the destiny of their country. Sheep have but one destiny, and everywhere it is the same: slavery and death.

Sheep are sacrificed when they are slaughtered, men are honored when they die. The individuals who were killed on September 11 by the shadow states of America and Israel were sacrificed to launch a new global war, justify the destruction of Western freedoms, and give Israel a free reign to do whatever it wants to the Palestinian people.

II. Power Terrorizes The Powerless: The Conqueror vs. The Victim/Resister

Let me be clear. Terrorism is real, but it is state terrorism that should worry us the most. State terror creates conflict and chaos in society, and some people respond with violence. But to lay the blame on the oppressed for political violence is morally repugnant. The authoritarian tricksters in political power in America, Israel, and the West are to blame. We are being terrorized by our own illegitimate and criminal governments in the West, not anybody else.

Global domination by illegitimate international private banks and multinational corporations who control Western governments is a real and persistent threat to the interests and freedoms America and other Western nations, as opposed to global Islamic domination which is a manufactured threat that is used to take away civil liberties, justify aggressive wars in the Middle East, and excuse Israel's unjust actions towards the Palestinian people as "counter-terrorism."

Only Israel faces Islamic resistance from some groups and nations in the Middle East and that's not because these people are anti-Semitic or they flatly refuse to recognize the state of Israel, although that is a part of it, but due to the fact that the racist leaders of Israel have had a mentality of conquest and war since the inception of Israel in 1948 instead of a mentality of cooperation and coexistence. Of course, the leaders of Israel never publicly state their aim, but after six decades it has become obvious. Those who can't see that the Israel-Palestinian peace process has been consistently manipulated and undermined by the lying leaders of Israel have either not been paying attention, or they are willfully blind.

Israel's present political aims are unreachable because history shows that whenever a state aims to conquer a land and put a group of people under its will by force or fraud, that state will be met with forceful and continual resistance. To refer to such resistance as "terrorism" is a political tactic that does not reflect reality and history but rather the interests of the state which does not want to abandon its strategy of conquest. In Israel's case, it has done almost everything under the sun to conquer the Palestinian people and the land that they live on, such as crippling their will through psychological warfare and social conditioning, conducting massacres, destroying their infrastructure and homes, imprisoning their whole society with walls and surveillance, denying them dignity and human rights, and casting them as terrorists to the world when they fight back. In other words, using the word terrorism in a social policy and security context is meaningless, because the conqueror, who has the power to do real harm, is the biggest terrorist of all.

The conqueror has the power to create new public myths for his own benefit, to mold minds and shape his thoughts and beliefs, to invent new histories, to use language to paint his victim as a barbarian and a beast, to prohibit him from resisting, to dumb him down and put him in a corner, and to use any weapon necessary to finish him off, all the while defending his actions as necessary, and even holy.

The conqueror knows that the best way to disarm your victim is by calling him the aggressor, the terrorist, the murderer. This is what the state of Israel has been doing to the Palestinian people since World War II, and what America's shadow terrorist state has been doing to the world in that same period.

It is hard to believe, but, nonetheless, it is true that in the last century America's constitutional republic was silently conquered from within, through propaganda, deception, and political assassinations, by a traitorous global ruling oligarchy made up of global financiers who own the Federal Reserve Bank, criminal multinational corporations, and their functionaries which include bought-off politicians, corrupt academic experts, and members of the press, the intellectual pimps of power as the English essayist William Hazlitt called them.

"Power," wrote Hazlitt in his essay Toad-Eaters and Tyrants, "is one and indivisible; it it self-centered, self-willed, incorrigible, inaccessible to temptation or entreaty; interest is on its side, passion is on its side, prejudice is on its side, the name of religion is on its side; the qualms conscience it is not subject to, for it is iron-nerved; humanity it is proof against, for it sets itself up above humanity; reason it does not hearken to, except that reason which panders to its will and flatters its pride. It pursues its steady way, its undeviating everlasting course, 'unslacked of motion', like that foul Indian idol, the Jaggernaut, and crushes poor upstart poets, patriots and philosophers (the beings of an hour) and the successive never-ending generations of fools and knaves, beneath its feet; and mankind bow their willing necks to the yoke, and eagerly consign their children and their children's children to be torn in pieces by its scythe, or trampled to death by the gay, gaudy, painted, blood-stained wheels of the grim idol of power!" (William Hazlitt, The Fight and Other Writings; pg. 356-357).

III. The Manufacturing of Terrorism: 9 Ways The American and Israeli Shadow States Create Conflict and Chaos

If there was such thing as a terrorism factory the CIA would be the closest thing to it. The low-level grunts don't have a clue about who they are working for, they think they are serving and defending America but in reality their missions and orders come from a hijacked government and treasonous leaders whose aim is the complete destruction of America and the establishment of a new global dictatorial government. The self-inflicted 9/11 attacks accelerated the destruction of America, but the process towards global government began much earlier.

People who deny the validity of the scientific and common sense facts that show 9/11 to be an inside job resort to established dogma to explain their belief. One of the complaints that is repeatedly made by 9/11 truth deniers is that 9/11 truth activists don't name names and put faces to the crime, but that is not true. Here is a list of individuals who were definitely involved in the planning, execution, and cover-up of the 9/11 attacks: George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Mossad Operations Chief Mike Harari, and American academic, diplomat, and executive director of the 9/11 Commission Philip D. Zelikow. More names can be added, but you get the idea. There are names and faces that can be connected to the 9/11 crime and cover-up, just like any other state crime in history.

I don't know the complete truth about what happened on 9/11, there are no shortcuts or back alleys to the truth, because such knowledge indicates that I know the residence of truth. I don't know where the house of truth about 9/11 is, but I know the neighbourhood it is located in, and the names of the landlords. I also know this: it takes conscious effort to reject the popular myth that is heaped upon us by our governments and the Western mainstream media as the one and only truth about how and why 9/11 happened.

So many people respond automatically to the claim that 9/11 was an inside job, disbelieving it without registering the facts first and taking in all the contradictions about the official story. It's like they have become zombies, mentally defenseless and psychologically retarded. "It is the rigid dogma that destroys truth," said the English philosopher Alfred North Whitehead, "and, please notice, my emphasis is not on the dogma but on the rigidity. When men say of any question, 'This is all there is to be known or said of the subject; investigation ends there,' that is death. (From 'Dialogues of Alfred North Whitehead as Recorded by Lucien Price; pg. 168).

Understanding the truth about terrorism and the 9/11 attacks is a slow and painful psychological process. Very few of us can fit all the pieces together, and I'm not one of them. Hopefully I can explain to the best of my ability how the "counter-terrorism" fraud works and illustrate the methods and techniques that are used by the secret governments of America, Israel, England and other nations to psychologically condition the people of America, Israel, and the West and create the impression that there is an unresolvable cultural and political conflict between Islam and the West.

1. False Flag Attacks: This is the most obvious and most well understood technique so I won't go into any detail. The basic definition of false flag terror is "governments attacking people and then blaming others in order to create animosity towards those blamed," (quote from Washington's Blog). This Washington's Blog article has over ten examples of government officials around the world admitting that they use false-flag terror, including Israeli agents, the former boss of Italian counterintelligence, and the former Indonesian president. I wrote an article back in November called " When Will U.S. Leaders Confess To The American People That America Carries Out False-Flag Attacks As Part of Its Foreign Policy?" that has more information on false-flag terror.

2. FBI Sting Operations: Governments don't always commit terrorist attacks, most of the time they outsource it to others, usually stupid people and useful idiots who they pay, train, and even coerce into placing a bomb at a designated location. For more about how and why this tactic is used, read Glenn Greenwald's November 2010 article called "The FBI successfully thwarts its own Terrorist plot,"

3. Release Video Tape Confessions of Intelligence Operatives Posing as Terrorists Screaming Against America: The most famous example of this is the Mossadagent Adam Yahiye Gadahn a.k.a. Adam Pearlman posing as a member of Al-Qaeda. Here are two good articles that explain this cynical technique, "Adam Gadahn: Domesticating the Fake al-Qaeda Threat" by Kurt Nimmo, and " Double Agent Gadahn Threatens Bush In Neo-Con Stunt ," by Paul Joseph Watson. Another example is CIA officials creating fake Osama Bin Laden video messages. The article to read on that is called "Former CIA Officials Admit to Faking Bin Laden Video" by Steven Watson.

4. Stage Fake Terror Incidents : This method is meant to build up tension in society, demonize a group or nation by blaming them for the incident, and keep people under stress and in fear, without giving them a release. A government can at least respond to a full-blown terrorist attack, whether staged or not, by issuing threats and increasing the level of political rhetoric, and people can experience the emotions of grief and hatred, but it is much more puzzling to respond psychologically and politically to a terrorist misfire. There are many examples of these types of incidents such as the Christmas Day "Underwear" Bombing. In that case, a government patsy from Nigeria was given a fake bomb and boarded onto a plane with the help of an intelligence official. Check out this interview of Kurt Haskell on the Alex Jones Show for more information about this case. Haskell was on the same plane and saw that the government patsy was assisted onto the plane by a man who appeared to be a intelligence official, either from Mossad or the CIA.

5. Bomb and Occupy Countries, and Torture Innocent People : This is probably the most obvious way to create chaos and needless conflict in a region of the world. America has enemies in the Middle East because it has disrespected Muslim people, bombed their nations for immoral reasons, overthrown democratic governments, and tortured people young and old. These are the actions of states who want chaos and blood, not peace and order.

6. Spread Paranoia and Fear : Fear is a tyrant's favorite weapon to use against his people because it works so well. The tyrants of America have been using this weapon against the American people for the last sixty years and more. First it was directed against Communism and now it is directed against Terrorism. The intent is make people feel insecure and make them run to the government for protection. The Department of Homeland Security spreads fear in America by creating video messages that portray helplessness and chaos in society and advices people that they can help by spying on their neighbours and reporting suspicious activity to the government. Such fear-based communication by the government targets the emotional side of human beings rather than their intellectual and rational side.

7. Media Propaganda: William Hazlitt said that since the French Revolution "the press has been the great enemy of freedom, the whole weight of that immense engine (for the purposes of good or ill) having a fatal bias given to it by the two main springs of fear and favour." In the last century the press was used to rile up nationalism and national prejudices in order for people to support their government's wars against other nations; wars which were entirely fruitless and demonic. The same trend has continued into this century. It has been pointed out again and again that the media was used to brainwash the American public about the threat of non-existent WMDs, and terrorism. If it wasn't for the mainstream press, hundreds of thousands of people in Iraq and Afghanistan wouldn't be dead, and millions wouldn't be homeless. I view the establishment media as even more traitorous, cowardly, and corrupt than the government leaders who are part of our shadow governments in the West. Silence is consent. Spreading poisonous government propaganda, and giving aid to government traitors and state terrorists is an unforgivable crime against humanity.

8. Support and Arm Ethnic and Political Groups : This is a classic realpolitik way of how governments destabilize other governments, and create human suffering and turmoil in the process. Governments train, arm, and fund ethnic and political groups in countries that they want to destabilize, conquer, and eventually control. The governments of America, Israel, and Iran are all guilty of this behavior. The result is conflict, and war. And in the end the minority ethnic and political groups get betrayed by the governments who originally supported them. One example of this is America's support for Kurdish rebels in Northern Iraq at the start of the Persian Gulf War, and then stabbing them in the back once the war was over. Currently, Israel and America are training and supporting Kurdish armies in Iran and Iraq and may use them against the regime in Tehran once World War Three officially begins. Of course, the Kurds will be betrayed again by the American government but on a much larger scale this time around.

9. Create A Public Myth : The art of lying and creating public myths has been mastered by powerful states and powerful conquerors. All great religions that aim to conquer and attract converts rely on popular and historical myths, especially Islam and Christianity. Point blank: the victors call the shots in any conflict, and that means they get to invent history. One of the chief architects of the 9/11 myth is the guy who served as the director on the 9/11 Commission which was established to investigate the origins of the attacks: Author and former U.S. diplomat Philip Zelikow. Independent journalist Mike Whitney has wrote about Zelikow's myth-making ways in his articles, "Information Warfare, Psy-ops and the Power of Myth," and "Stealing the Midterms and the Power of Myth."

Here is an excerpt from his article "Information Warfare, Psy-ops and the Power of Myth":
The Pentagon's bold new approach to psychological operations (psy-ops) appears to have derived from the theories of former State Dept official, Philip Zelikow (who also served on the 9-11 Commission) Zelikow is an expert on "the creation and maintenance of "public myths' or "public presumptions'. His theory analyzes how consciousness is shaped by "searing events" which take on "transcendent importance" and, therefore, move the public in the direction chosen by the policymakers.
Myths are generated by conquerors, and the most powerful conquerors in the world today are the private banksters and criminal multinational corporations who hijacked the U.S. government, created the CIA, and assassinated one of America's greatest presidents because he wanted to liberate America and the world from war and fear. Whitney writes more about Zelikow's cynical view of history and the public mind in his article, "Stealing the Midterms and the Power of Myth":
Isn't that the same as saying there is neither history nor truth; that what is really important is the manipulation of epochal events so they serve the interests of society's managers? Thus, it follows that if the government can create their own "galvanizing events", then they can write history any way they choose.

If that's the case, then perhaps the entire war on terror is cut from whole cloth; a garish public relations maneuver devoid of meaning.
The belief that governments have the power to create public myths reflects Zelikow's anti-democratic beliefs about the role of the people in society. Karl Rove expressed the same belief when he said that America is an empire that can invent new realities simply because it can. Kings and tyrants thought this way. Hitler thought this way. And we know what happened to them.

IV. The Bigger The Lie, The Easier The Sell

Hitler and the Nazis didn't invent mass lying, and mass propaganda, and discover the magic of telling a big lie. Throughout history governors have lied to the people they were elected to serve on a grand scale. Israel's leaders and the American empire picked up where the Nazis left off, and have repeatedly told big lies since World War II. The American empire told a big lie about the attack on Pearl Harbor in order to force the American people to support America's entrance into WWII, and a generation later another big lie was told about the Gulf of Tonkin incident which led to the Vietnam war. Israel's leaders have used the same trick, and consistently lied about Israel's role in instigating Israeli-Arab conflict and starting wars.

The "Big Lie" is considered ancient wisdom by tyrants and statesmen of powerful empires and nations. William Hazlitt wrote in his essay "Toad-Eaters and Tyrants" that "the greater the lie, the more enthusiastically it is believed and greedily swallowed."

"Power is the grim idol that the world adore;" wrote Hazlitt, "that arms itself with destruction, and reigns by terror in the coward heart of man; that dazzles the senses, haunts the imagination, confounds the understanding, and tames the will, by the vastness of its pretensions, and the very hopelessness of resistance to them. Nay more, the more mischievous and extensive the tyranny - the longer it has lasted, and the longer it is likely to last - the stronger is the hold it takes of the minds of its victims, the devotion to it increasing with the dread. It does not satisfy the enormity of the appetite for servility, till it has slain the mind of a nation, and becomes like the evil principle of the universe, from which there is no escape. So in some countries, the most destructive animals are held sacred, despair and terror completely overpowering reason." (William Hazlitt, The Fight and Other Writings; pg. 359).

The political theorist Hannah Arendt echoed Hazlitt over a century later, applying "the evil principle of the universe" to modern totalitarian states, and especially to the Nazis. She wrote in her book The Origins of Totalitarianism:
There are numerous reports by survivors. The more authentic they are, the less they attempt to communicate things that evade human understanding and human experience--sufferings, that is, that transform men into "uncomplaining animals." None of these reports inspires those passions of outrage and sympathy through which men have always been mobilized for justice. On the contrary, anyone speaking or writing about concentration camps is still regarded as suspect; and if the speaker has resolutely returned to the world of the living, he himself is often assailed by doubts with regard to his own truthfulness, as though he had mistaken a nightmare for reality.

This doubt of people concerning themselves and the reality of their own experience only reveals what the Nazis have always known: that men determined to commit crimes will find it expedient to organize them on the vastest, most improbable scale. Not only because this renders all punishments provided by the legal system inadequate and absurd; but because the very immensity of the crimes guarantees that the murderers who proclaim their innocence with all manner of lies will be more readily believed than the victims who tell the truth. The Nazis did not even consider it necessary to keep this discovery to themselves. Hitler circulated millions of copies of his book in which he stated that to be successful, a lie must be enormous--which did not prevent people from believing him as, similarly, the Nazis' proclamations, repeated ad nauseam , that the Jews would be exterminated like bedbugs ( i.e., with poison gas), prevented anybody from not believing them. (The Portable Hannah Arendt; pg. 120).
The lie about the 9/11 crime is another example that showcases the principle for all who are willing to see with eyes open that "the very immensity of the crimes guarantees that the murderers who proclaim their innocence with all manner of lies will be more readily believed than the victims who tell the truth." Most people are overwhelmed by the evil American empire, and the evil Israeli government, and would rather go down in history as the faithful slaves of these governments rather than resist them and change their governors. They think that people who tell the truth about 9/11 live in a parallel universe. But the truth is that the leaders and policymakers in America and Israel are the ones who live in a parallel universe. They are the real crazies. The traitors and war criminals in America have not only hijacked the government, but they have hijacked history itself. Come Judgment Day, they must be hanged for their treason against humanity.
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Saman Mohammadi is a soldier of the infowar, and a full-time university student in Toronto, Canada. His blog is The Excavator - http://disquietreservations.blogspot.com.
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