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The Rights of Indigenous People vs. The Rights of Sovereigns in the Hawaiian Kingdom which have gone "under ground"

Amelia Gora

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There are more than 40 groups/governments in our Hawaiian Islands today moving with various ideas, definitions, Kings, Queens, and pirate/conspirator based organizations such as OHA or the Office of Hawaiian Affairs which is an arm of the pirate/ conspirator based entity State of Hawaii supported by the U.S. government, England, the Morgan, and the Bank of England/international bankers.

Some of the groups/governments operate in sync with the conspirator based entity Provisional government, which turned into the Republic of Hawaii, then the Territory of Hawaii, and the Presidential Executive Order government the State of Hawaii.

Others operate with the Rights of Sovereigns in the de jure government that did not go "under ground".

A few of the groups are set apart from the rest due to their genealogy base, their being descendants of the rulers of the Hawaiian Kingdom/Ko Hwaii Pae Aina including Kamehameha, his siblings, King Kalakaua, and Queen Liliuokalani. These also represent the original House of Nobles, the Royal Families House of Nobles descendants who currently operate as the true landowners, the protectors of kanaka maoli, also known as the "hoaaina", the konohiki, also known as the "land owners", et. als.

The following is a brief history of our kanaka maoli/ Hawaiians:

Reasons Why the Hawaiian Kingdom/Ko Hawaii Pae Aina Exists
Why the Entity State of Hawaii is Not a State/Is a Fake State/Why They are Truly Bankrupt, Corrupt, and the Criminal Mecca of the U.S.
Compiled by Amelia Gora, etals., Royal persons (2009) rev. 2010

Chronology of Events
c. 750 A.D. Arrival of the Polynesians
c. 1758 Birth of Kamehameha I
c. 1775 Birth of Kaumualii, future King of Kauai
1778 Jan 18 Discovery of Oahu and Kauai by Captain James Cook. On return voyage from the Northwest Passage Captain Cook discovered Island of Maui, November 26, and Hawaii, December 1.
1779 Feb 14 Death of Captain Cook at Kealakekua, Hawaii.
1782 Jan Death of Kalaniopuu, King of Hawaii.
1792 Mar 5 Arrival of Captain Vancouver at Kealakekua, Hawaii.
1794 Feb 25 Cession of Hawaii to Great Britain.
1795 May Battle of Nuuanu and conquest of Oahu.
Kamehameha I, King 1795 - May 8, 1819. Born 1758; died 1819.
1796 Liholiho (Kamehameha II) born in Hilo, Hawaii, of Kepluolani, wife of Kamehameha I.
1810 Cession of Kauai by Kaumualii. Islands became one kingdom under Kamehameha I.

Monarchy government formed. Connection with Aetearoa and Samoan Islands made, formed, recognized as the Pacific Empire.

1813 Mar 17 Birth of Kauikeaouli (Kamehameha III) in Kailua-Kona, Hawaii.
1819 May 8 Kamehameha I died at Kailua-Kona, Hawaii. Descendants exist today.

Liholiho (Kamehameha II) assumes sovereignty.
Kamehameha II, King, May 20, 1819 - July 14, 1824. Born 1796; died 1824. Heirs' descendants exist today.
1820 Mar 31 Arrival of first American missionaries in brig "Thaddeus."
1823 Sep 16 Death of Queen Keopuolani, mother of Liholiho (Kamehameha II) and Kauikeaouli (Kamehameha III). (born c.1778). Heirs descendants exist today.
1824 May 26 Death of Kaumualii, ex-king of Kauai. (born c.1780) Death of Queen Kamamalu in London. (born c.1803). Descendants and heirs exist today.
1824 Jul 14 Death of Liholiho (Kamehameha II) in London.Descendants of his heirs exist today.
1825 Kamehameha III (Kauikeaouli), King, June 6, 1825 - December 15, 1854.
Born 1813; died 1854. Descendants of his heirs, and hanai/adopted children's descendants exist today.
1827 Feb 8 Death of Kalanimoku. (born c.1768). Descendants of his heirs exist today.
1830, Dec 11 Birth of Kamehameha V (Lot). Descendants of his heirs exist today.
1832 Jun 5 Death of Queen Kaahumanu. (observed birth date, March 17, 1768). Descendants of her heirs exist today.
1833 Mar Kamehameha III assumed absolute power of king. Descendants of his heirs and descendants of his hanai/adopted children exists today.
1834 Feb 9 Birth of Kamehameha IV (Alexander Liholiho). Descendants of his heirs exist today.
1835 Jan 31 Birth of King Lunalilo (William C. Lunalilo). Descendants of his heirs exist today.
1836 Jan 2 Birth of Queen Dowager Emma. Descendants of her heirs exist today.
1836 Nov 16 Birth of King Kalakaua (David Kalakaua). Descendants and his heirs descendants exist today, includes his children and adopted children.
1837, Feb 2 Marriage of Kamehameha III to Kalama, Daughter of Kapihe. Descendants of heirs, descendants of Kalama exists today. Descendants of his hanai/adopted children exists today.
1838 Sep 2 Birth of Lydia Liliu Loloku Walania Wewehi Kamakaeha (Queen Lili"uokalani) in Honolulu. Descendants/heirs exist today.
1839 Apr 4 Death of Premier Kinau. (born c.1805). Descendants of her heirs exist today.
1842 Revised laws published. 1842 Dec 19 Recognition of independence by United States.
1843 Feb 25 Provisional cession of islands to Great Britain demanded by Lord George Paulet. Hawaiian flag taken down and British flags flown.
1843 Jul 31 Restoration of independence by Admiral Thomas.
1845 May 20 First legislature opened under new constitution.
1846 Feb 11 Land commission organized.
1848 Jan 27 Mar 7 Great Mahele or land division. Alodio/Allodio/Allodial titles to kanaka maoli given. Freehold less than Alodio/Allodio/Allodial given to foreigners/non-aboriginal people.
1851 Mar 10 Islands placed provisionally under the protection of the United States.
1852 Jun 14 Constitution of 1852. Legislature and courts as instituted today.

Kamehameha III passed the anti-slavery law.

Note: 13 years later or in 1865, the U.S. passed their anti-slavery law which is worded nearly the same as the Hawaiian Kingdom's law.

1853 Aug Petition to king for annexation to U.S. sponsored by mostly commercial interests.
1854 Jan New petition for king to annexation to U.S. but was never signed. William Lee, American conspirator left for Washington before Kamehameha III died.
1854 Dec 15 Death of Kamehameha III. Descendants of his heirs, including his hanai/adopted children exist today.

Kamehameha IV, (Alexander Liholiho), King, December 16, 1854 November 30, 1863.
Born 1834; died 1863. Descendants of his heirs exists today.
1856 Jun 19 Marriage of Kamehameha IV to Emma Rooke.Descendants of their heirs exist today.
1862 Aug 27 Death of Albert Edward, Prince of Hawaii; 4 years old. (born May 20, 1858). Descendants of his heirs exist today.
1862 Sep 16 Lili"uokalani and John O. Dominis were married at Haleakala and lived with his mother at Washington Place. Descendants of her heirs exist today.
1863 Nov 30
Death of Kamehameha IV.
Kamehameha V (Prince Lot), King, November 30, 1863 - December 11, 1872. Born 1830; died 1872. Descendants of his heirs exist today.

1864 Aug 20

1868 Nov 24

New constitution decreed.

Mataio Kekuanaoa, father of Kamehameha IV, Kamehameha V, etals., died. His descendants/heirs exist today.

1870 Sep 20 Death of Queen Kalama, widow of Kamehameha III. (born c.1820). Her descendants and heirs descendants exist today.
1872 Dec 11 Death of Kamehameha V. No heir named. Descendants of his heirs exist today.
1873 Jan 8 Prince W. C. Lunalilo elected King by special session of the Legislature.
Lunalilo, William Charles, King, January 8, 1873 February 3, 1874. His heirs descendants exist
1874 Feb 3 Death of King Lunalilo in Honolulu. No heir named. Descendants of his heirs exist today.
1874 Feb 12 Election of Hon. David Kalakaua as King of Hawaii by a special session of the Legislature.
Kalakaua, David, King, February 12, 1874 January 20, 1891.
Born 1836; died 1891. His descendants and heirs descendants exist today.
1874 Feb 13 Kalakaua proclaimed King. 1874 Feb 14 Prince W. P. Leleiohoku proclaimed heir-apparent. His heirs descendants exist today.
1875 Oct 16 Birth of Princess Ka"iulani. Her heirs descendants exist today.
1876 Sep Reciprocity treaty with U.S. enacted.

1877 Mar 13

1877 Apr 10

Charles Kanaina, father of King Lunalilo, died. His heirs descendants exist today.

Death of Prince Leleiohoku. (born January 10, 1855). His heirs descendants exist today.

Princess Ka"iulani proclaimed heir-apparent.

1878 Liliuokalani composed "Aloha Oe" after a weekend trip to Maunawili.
1881 Jan 20 King Kalakaua sets out on a tour around the world.
Princess Lili"uokalani appointed regent.
1881 Oct 29 Return of King Kalakaua from world tour.
1882 Nov King Kalakaua moves into Iolani Palace. King Kalakaua had purchased the 1/9 interest of Charles Kanaina from Kaaua. Other heirs existed then and exist now. The land that the Palace sits is owned by the others interest holders. Their descendants/heirs exist.
1883 Feb 12 Coronation of King Kalakaua
1883 May 24 Death of Princess Ruth Keelikolani. (born June 17, 1826) Descendants of her heirs exist today.
1884 Oct 16 Death of Bernice Pauahi Bishop. (born December 19, 1831) Descendants of her heirs exist today.
1885 Apr 24 Death of Queen Emma, widow of Kamehameha IV. (born January 2, 1836) Descendants of her heirs exist today.
1887 Kalola, first cousin and heir of Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates died. Her descendants/heirs exist today.

Reciprocity treaty extended.

1887 Feb 2 Death of Princess Likelike. (born January 12, 1851). Her descendants/heirs exist today.
1887 Jul 7 New constitution proclaimed (Bayonet Constitution). King Kalakaua was under duress, coercion, stress, usurpation due to a gun pointed at his head when he was forced to sign.

1889 Jul 30 Revolt to upset the constitution of 1887, led by Robert Wilcox.
1891 Jan 20 Death of King Kalakaua, in San Francisco.His descendants/ heirs exist today.
1891 Jan 29
Liliuokalani proclaimed Queen of the Hawaiian islands.
Liliuokalani, Lydia K., Queen, January 29, 1891 1893.
Born 1838; died 1917. Her descendants/heirs descendants exist today.

1891 Aug 27 Death of John Owen Dominis. (born March 3, 1832) on August 27, 1891.

Conspirators planned to dethrone Queen Liliuokalani:

- Lorrin Thurston and Benjamin F. Tracy, U.S. Representative met with Thurston in Makua, Oahu on the 'preliminary contemplation of dethroning the Queen'.

- Dr. Mott-Smith, Lorrin Thurston, Thomas Akaka etals. planned to dethrone Queen Liliuokalani in Washington, D.C.

- May 24. Volney V. Ashford and Robert Wilcox with 18 others were "charged with the crime of treason against the Hawaiian Government" and arrested. "Their object was the overthrow of the existing form of government, by deposing Queen Liliuokalani and establishing a Hawaiian republic."

Note: It appears that this was a trial run for the January 1893 premeditated plan to dethrone the Queen seven (7) months later or January 1893. See article "Arrests for Treason in Hawaii" in THE NEW YORK TIMES, published June 1, 1892.

- Masons/Freemasons gathered, paraded by the hundreds and celebrated a new building/a Temple and called Honolulu their "home city". (This happened in December 1892 or a few weeks before dethroning our Queen.)

Note: Masons/Freemasons were set in place to break down Monarchy governments worldwide. Also see the 1822 Secret Treaty of Verona's goals.

1893 Jan 9 - U.S. /Congress gave a standing order for the U.S. citizens in the Hawaiian Islands to assume Hawaii -- which meant to dethrone the Queen. This was a planned/premeditated maneuver to assume land, monies, etc. from a neutral, friendly nation, and an act of war. See New York Times article, "Pearl Harbor Coaling Station, Imperative Necessity that the United States Take Possession" Published on January 9, 1893 - article found by Shane Lee, researcher.

Jan 14 - Queen Liliuokalani announced that she would present a new constitution. This is later withdrawn. Annexation club formed by the Queen's enemies. U.S. diplomat John Stevens threatened the landing of troops from American warships.

1893. Jan 15

Men from the cruiser BOSTON "poured ashore....to protect American lives and property," according to United States Minister John L. Stevens. The action came a day before the committee of safety took possession of the government office building and abrogated the monarchy, forcing Queen Liliuokalani from her throne."

"The "Committee of Safety" was formed and the conspiracy for the immediate dethronement of the Queen took definite shape and began active operations."

1893 Jan. 16

"Three companies of bluejackets, one of artillery, one of marines, 154 men and 10 officers; with 14,000 cartridges for rifles and the Gatling gun, 1,200 revolver cartridges, and 174 explosive shells for the revolving cannon." came off the Boston.

Queen Liliuokalani destroyed the Constitution, which gave her authority once more unrestricted by a Constitution which her brother had signed under duress, stress, coercion, usurpation which was dubbed "the Bayonnet Constitution".

1893 Jan 17
Queen Liliuokalani was illegally dethroned. "Sanford Dole and his committee declared itself the Provisional Government of the Kingdom of Hawai????i on July 17, 1893, removing only the Queen, her cabinet, and her marshal from office." The entity which was neither de facto nor de jure called themselves the Provisional government which was planned/supported by the U.S. 1893 Feb 1

Jan 31. President Benjamin Harrison used his executive order to deny the passing of the bill into law to prosecute "crimes on the high seas". Congress House and Senate were denied the bill passing into law. Note: Hawaii is "on the high seas".

Provisional protectorate proclaimed. U.S. flag raised on government buildings. Treaty of annexation written and signed by President Benjamin Harris. The new President, Grover Cleveland, had the treaty withdrawn and sent James Blount, investigator, to inquire into the circumstances of the revolution.

Pirates laws passed by the entity Provisional government under Sanford B. Dole etals., which diminished the rights of kanaka maoli in their own lands. Kanaka Maoli became people with lesser status likened to slaves.

1893 Dec 18 Blount's report to Cleveland is submitted. Queen Liliuokalani did not return to the throne. Failed.

1894 Jul 4

Because a Provisional government has only a 2-year life the turn to a Republic discussion was made in the Habeas corpus case of Sheldon, editor of a Hawaiian newspaper who printed the near accurate version of the wrongful dethronement of Queen Liliuokalani.

Establishment of the entity Republic. Sanford B. Dole, first President.

The entity Provisional government operating under the directions of the U.S./Congress, proceeded in making a treaty with their own; yet, calling themselves a separate nation.

They were actually conspirators/pirates, treasonous persons claiming to have a lawful right to dethrone the Queen and subjects numbering 40,000 vs. their 3,000 which included paid off supporters who were given $50-$500 each. Therefore, the Pearl Harbor Treaty was based on multiple frauds. See Pearl Harbor Condemnation Case over Pearl Harbor which included a fraud deed by King Kalakaua deeding land to ancestors who died 8-9 years previously.

Freedom of speech was canceled.

Important note: The Constitution of the United States does not follow the flag in its territories, claimed protectorates. Aside from the legal issue that the President and Congress has no jurisdiction outside of the 3-12 mile zone, according to the Constitution "or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press;" is denied to territories, and claimed protectorates. Therefore, the Constitution of the United States does not apply to Hawaii, etc.

1895 Jan 6 Counter-revolution to restore Liliuokalani to throne. Failed.

1895 Jan 7 Queen Liliuokalani "was arrested for no specific charged offense, taken by force, and confined alone in the Iolani Palace....She was told that those she dearly loved, personal friends, were awaiting execution, and the only act which would save their lives was an act of abdication to be signed by her...To save those she loved she executed the document you publish. It was an act consummated under the plainest kind of duress, void even had it been legally executed."

Ref: Washington Evening Star article "The Republic of Hawaii" purchased off the internet from a private owner in Greece.

1895 Jan 24 Liliuokalani signs statement of abdication. She remained under duress, stress, coercion, and usurpation. She directed her subjects to maintain a neutral, friendly, non-violent status, even though many were beaten, killed, thrown on Kalaupapa, Molokai and declared lepers. The issues of genocide remain, the issues of piracy(ies) on the high seas remain, along with theft, conspiracies, treasonous activities, etc.

1895 Oct 2 The Queen was tried and convicted of treason. While sentenced to confinement in her room in Iolani Palace, she composed "The Queen's Prayer."

Princess Poomaikelani died. She had called her a daughter. Her descendants/heirs descendants exist today.

1896 Fall Liliuokalani freed by the entity Republic and remained under duress, coercion, usurpation, and stress.

1898 Jul 8 American claimed annexation claimed disregarding the 40,000 subjects oppositions to Annexation.

The true letter of Opposition to Annexation was found in the Maryland National Archives by researcher Kiliwehi Kekumano.

Note: Since 1929, a fraud/genocide evidence letter of Opposition has been sitting in the Archives, Honolulu, Oahu left for people to believe to be true. A comparative study of both documents shows the lies, deceit, frauds maintained vs. the truth.
1898 Aug 12 U.S. flag raised in Honolulu. Hawaiian flag lowered. Liliuokalani remains secluded at Washington Place. Queen Liliuokalani remained under duress, usurpation, coercion, and usurpation.

Death of Princess Ka"iulani. (born October 16, 1875). Descendants of her heirs exist.

1899. Queen Kapiolani died. Her heirs descendants exist today.

1900. Organic Act, 'An Act to Provide a Government for the Territory of Hawaii' was passed by the usurpers. Only Republic of Hawaii citizens who were declared to be citizens of the United States and citizens of the Territory of Hawaii were covered. U.S. citizens (relocated) declared to be citizens of the Territory of Hawaii.

All persons/kanaka maoli who signed the Kue Petition opposing Annexation were excluded from the Organic Act.

Note: Alex Luka researcher.

Archibald Cleghorn husband of Princess Likelike died. He was a Mason/Freemason, an organization set in place to break down Monarchy governments worldwide.

Articles favoring Whites documented. Example: "Hawaii Wants the White Man" appeared in the Mid-Pacific Magazine, 1911, see the Main Library, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii.

Charles Reed Bishop, banker, lawyer, sugar plantation owner, investor, pirate, husband of Bernice Pauahi died. He had only a life interest.

Queen Liliuokalani "said to me she did not sign a Trust Deed but had made a will and Mr. Damon and Cecil Brown were the witnesses to it" stated Samuel Parker on oath.

Ref: Archives, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii records: First Circuit Court - Equity Case 2009 Jonah Kuhio Kalanianaole, Petitioner vs. Liliuokalani, et al.

1917 - Nov. 11. Death of Queen Liliuokalani at Washington Place. She was given a state funeral and her remains interred in the Royal Mausoleum.

The request to utilize Kamehameha's cape for her funeral services was denied. Private invitations to attend her funeral was made, attended by the treasonous persons, limited kanaka maoli/Hawaiian Nationals.

(Note: who knows what kind of rituals, or dirty acts done about bodies with Masons/Freemasons attending - especially since they do unholy rituals.....see youtube.com for more information.)

Queen Liliuokalani was not paid for the use of the Crown Lands, etc.

1918. Prince Kuhio took an out of court settlement on the claims that Queen Liliuokalani did not sign a Trust Deed with Damon, etals. He received Queen Liliuokalani's home in Wakiki, Oahu.

1920. Women suffrage/right to vote occurred in the U.S. Women and children were no longer viewed as property.

1959. U.S. President Proclamations No. 3300 "Admission of the State of Hawaii Into the Union by the President of the United States of America" was signed.

Dwight D. Eisenhower signed the clause "...twenty-first day of August in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred and fifty-nine, and of the Independence of the United States of America the one hundred and eighty-fourth."

Note: It appears that the President at the time did maneuver in bringing about a new entity called 'the Independence of the United States of America the one hundred and eighty-fourth."

The President and Congress under their duties documented by the Supreme Court Justices of the U.S. have only a "3-12 mile limitation" and they have no authority or jurisdiction outside the contiguous U.S. Research incomplete.

Harold Abel Cathcart, Kamehameha descendant, filed opposition to Statehood and recorded it with Judge Samuel King.

Note: Samuel King is a descendant of treasonous, conspirator James King. The Cathcart opposition was filed by researcher Toni Auld Yardley in the First Circuit Court case. The information was also filed in the Kingdom of Hawaii records and the entity State of Hawaii Bureau of Conveyances Notice/file no. 96-177455 (281 pages) filed on 12/17/1996.

1993. Joint Resolution filed under Public Law 103-150 - Nov. 23, 1993 103d Congress "apology law" signed by U.S. President William Clinton.

Note: The Akaka Bill is intended to squelch this apology but the value is that it is an admission of some of the crimes.

Oppositions to the U.S. President Clinton claim that the coral reefs of the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands would receive a broad protection and a long-term program to protect coastal areas around the country was made, and oppositions were documented in a letter dated December 11, 2000.

Note: 1822. The coral seas were claimed by our alii and the rights of "piscary" was assigned to konohiki. See Native Testimonies/ Registers at the Archives, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii. Also, our Kingdom of Hawaii did receive revenue from ships who fished/whaled in our Hawaiian archipelago. See government records.

Oppositions to the Akaka Bill recorded in 2000 to 2009.

'America's reputation for bad foreign policy started in Hawaii' by Stephen Kinzer OVERTHROW: AMERICA'S CENTURY OF REGIME CHANGE FROM HAWAII TO IRAQ' has affected 14 nations: Hawaii; Cuba; Nicaragua; Puerto Rico; Philippines; Guatemala; Honduras; Vietnam; Chile; Iran; Grenada; Panama; Afghanistan; and Iraq.

Oppositions to the National Monument made and filed.

Genocide Activities file assigned from the Honolulu Police Department to list problematic people/pirates etc.

Recording information about and for the Hawaiian Kingdom/Ko Hawaii Pae Aina continues.

Royal Families House of Nobles also known as the Hulu Manu reformed.

Maintaining claims, genealogies made for our iwi, our families lands; Affidavits/Liens filed.

Documenting issues ongoing. Discovery and Uncovering of Frauds remain

Maintaining claims, lands, identities, including our aboriginal Hawaiian identities and based on the pre 1893 definitions/ legal and other through the term "kanaka maoli" instead of the theft of the identity "Hawaiian" for anyone born in the Hawaiian Islands which allows non-aboriginal Hawaiians to benefit off of our families through the "Rice vs. Cayetano case", yet, another piracy of identities through the 'legal maneuvers' which is totally illegal due to the duress issues which renders everything "null and void".

So, in continuing the Opposition to the claimed State or Fake State or Criminal Claims to being a State, everyone needs to know that the entity State supported by the U.S. has no claims to the Crown Lands due to the above issues and due to the facts that the descendants and heirs of Kamehameha exist. Thanks to the many researchers and the combined efforts of revisiting the ongoing wrongs of a pirating nation, everyone needs to know that our Queen did secure all lands because of the following:

1) Opposition to Annexation - the true letter was found which maintains that the rights of the Ruling Chiefs -includes descendants/heirs of aboriginal Chiefs based on the Royal Patents, alodio/allodial system, etc. and maintains the Crown Lands belonging to the Royal families, etals.

2) Queen Liliuokalani did not sign a Trust Deed with the conspirators/treasonous persons; however, she did do a Trust with her families which has only been found recently.

3) The issues of Piracy(ies) on the high seas is on record.

4) The issues of duress/Duress, coercion, stress, usurpation is on record.

5) The issues of genocide is on record.

6) Problematic issues discovered in historical documents, genealogies, laws, and overall research.

7) Our kanaka maoli have continued opposing the documented criminal deviants, etc.

8) Our kanaka maoli maintain a neutral, friendly, non-violent nation.

9) Our alii continue to assist, maintain, inform many nations about the wrongs done to our aboriginal Hawaiians/ kanaka maoli over time.

10) Our alii and konohiki maintains the claims, laws affecting the Hawaiian archipelago/Hawaiian Islands/Hawaiian Kingdom/ Ko Hawaii Pae Aina, a nation that exists and documented as having gone "under ground" since 1893.

11) Adjudication of crimes on the open seas needs to be made by our kanaka maoli and documenting wrongs in the International courts for the records, etc.

12) World Court case for the purpose of naming the U.S. as a terrorist nation (like the Sandanistas) and documenting genocide activities against our Royal families, subjects, citizens, foreigners in our Hawaiian archipelago recorded since 1893 and present day which includes: GMO's/genetic modified organisms, toxins, DU/depleted uranium, etc. leading to the extermination of our people affecting the World today.

13) Bring back into existence the Law of Nations which existed prior to the League of Nations, CFR/Council on Foreign Relations, and United Nations, because the U.S. did breach the Law of Nations and created the other organizations with England and the bankers (Morgan and Bank of England).

14) Form an International Court of Justice along with the Law of Nations.

15) Cases of Genocide, etc. affecting all nations, etc.

16) Return legal language to the pre-1893 period, etc.


The use of the word indigenous with the meaning "uncivil" likened to uncivilized, barbaric, the person viewed as having no lands, resources, etc. due to their being incapable of handling such as the American Indians and others who have been defined and accepting of the use of "indigenous" term to label them, which is what the United Nations does, created by the U.S., England, and the bankers (Morgan and the Bank of England) through the CFR/Council on Foreign Relations the builders on the New World Order/ One World Order Warlords who departed from the Law of Nations through breach documented by Queen Liliuokalani in 1893.

The meaning of the word "indigenous" was given to Keoni Choy, and others, in a meeting with the United Nations Representative, after several of the Hawaiian groups leaders stormed out of the meeting, including well known activist Mililani Trask.

If an "indigenous" is utilized by anyone, that means that they basically agree that they own nothing, have nothing, and equate to nothing and continue under the definitions of "useless" and "needless eaters" set up for extermination by the New World Order/ One World Order goals by the U.S., England, and the bankers who set up the United Nations.

More on words by Mahealani Ventura Oliver, et. als. website: http://kohawaiipaeaina.net/custom7.html



Remember anything created by the government/ entity is OWNED by that creator of it.

PERSON: An office of person, can be any artificial thing within an Office, acting as, fake, fraud, a cover or front to operate in commerce, a building, an organization. Identifying yourself as this will make you a player in a foreign court.

NATURAL PERSON: can be a real live human being, still giving partial player rights to foreign court, or agency/office, capable of contract.

AMERICA: The Entire Continent known by that name.

UNITED STATES: a de facto corporation (1791) of that country, an office of a person used as a front to operate in commerce, unconstitutional, 12 States; OR ADMINISTRATIVE GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES IN THE UNITED STATES. (1783) Re-treaty with King George; has several meanings: 1) name of sovereign occupying the position analogous to that of other sovereigns in the family of Nations; 2) designation of territory over which the sovereignty of the United States extends; 3) may be the collective name of the state which are united by and under the United States (1791) constitution; Hooven & Allison Co. vs. Evatt, 65 S. ct. 870, 880, 324 U.S. 652, 89 L.Ed. 1252. 1) consists of 1) Union States 2) federal zone (stuff owned by the feds) 2) This second United States was created by Art. 1, clause 8, 17 & 18, amd. Art. 4. clause 3, C1.2 "to dispose of and mate all needful rules and regulations respecting the territory other property belonging (with proper valid chain of title) to this United States, but it gave no authority to Congress to extend it's municipal authority into the Union States; gave Congress extension of powers to exercise over territories, possessions, etc. It's governing flag is the yellow - fringed one, plenary Marital Law. United States citizens are those residing in (DC); United States vs. Cruikshank, 92 U.S. 588.

GENERAL REPUBLIC OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: in the family of nations, a de jure corporate republic, (1776); constitutional of that nation/ United Colonies, Thirteen States de jure republican constitutional; The Republic has de jure citizens of its own called Amercian Nationals; Preamble citizens; who are governed under the de jure Constitution limited powers delegated under Art. 1 clause 8, 1-16 and Art.4, clause 3& 2. Congress (de jure and de facto) are bound within the jurisdiction of Art. 1 clause 8, Cls. 1-16, "out of the jurisdiction of any particular State"[18 U.S.C. Clause 7 (1), (5) & (7), clause 7(3)].

DE JURE: lawful, having basis in law, of lawful substance.

DE FACTO: existing only in fact, without law, having no lawful basis.

NATURAL BORN CITIZEN: de jure, under common laws of civitas, domicile.

14th AMENDMENT CITIZEN: de facto, statutory laws/Admiralty (11th Amd.) 1888 for slave uses/ 3/5ths human; not of all white ancestry; commercial conduit.

Admiralty law and maritime law are virtually synonymous and are concerned with commerce and navigation over navigable inland waters and the oceans. It includes the law of ships, carriage of goods, harbors, masters, seamen, contracts, marine insurance, salvages, cargo, liens and municipal seizure, marine bankruptcy of ships, etc. Maritime law traces its origins to the ancient maritime countries of the Mediterranean Sea. The United States maritime law is based on British maritime law with the main difference being that the United States extends its jurisdiction to inland navigable waters. The source of admiralty law is an individual state whereas law of the sea is international law that governs the behavior of countries. Slaves/Aliens are considered "cargo" on ships.

The DE FACTO/ ILLEGAL CORPORATION "STATE OF HAWAII": successor in interest of the REPUBLIC OF HAWAII ILEGAL/DE FACTO CORPORATION/ IN CONTRACT WITH THE DE FACTO/FABRICATED "TERRITORY OF HAWAII" falsely claimed to have "adopted" the foreign United States 14th Amendment for it's "citizens" described and identified in Section 4 of the "Organic Act" (1900) being ONLY the Citizens of the Republic of Hawaii de facto/illegal occupancy group fabricated on July 4, 1894; this "group" fails to have met the legal requirements of transfer of jurisdiction, lawful basis and was never, ever recognized by the United States President/ government; there is absolutely NO record of delivery, NO authorized transfer of any kind whatsoever and No record, instrument or document exists as the valid delivery of title, property or sovereignty from Ko Hawaii Pae Aina to the self proclaimed illegitimate "republic."; Not a party-in-interest.

QUALIFIED VOTER: a natural born citizen of that nation who is of age, competency, etc. to vote on national matters/ constitutional.

REGISTERED VOTER: a de facto citizen/ annexed/alien/ foreign/ UN- Qualified to vote on national matters/ having no valid right, voter governed by admiralty and non constitutional

NATIVE HAWAIIAN:a de facto "office of person", a misnomer, unconstitutional, having no natural born rights, a building, an office, an empty transmitting utility, incapable of birth/ birth right, a Native American 14th Amendment slave/creation of fiction/ fabrication/ for use as commerce conduit/Admiralty fiction to transport goods/ term, label, commercial identity for use in admiralty laws; tribal origin, use as a tribe, Un Sovereign and Un Constitutional. - A native Hawaiian tribal body seeking to compel the State of Hawaii to apply the proceeds from the Hawaiian Home Lands Trust to finance the distribution of land for the benefit of native Hawaiians did not qualify for (foreign) 28 U.S.C. 1362 jurisdiction, but did qualify for (foreign)federal question jurisdiction;a federal citizen created under (Art.14, clause 1)federal state of being is a "privilege"; a downgrade of national freeholder constitutional status as born within the original jurisdiction of Ko Hawaii Pae Aina; separation of natural born national from national status, rights, etc.

HAWAIIAN: a de facto term/ label/ color/ racist misnomer/commercially created/ venue of commerce/14th Amendment, alien/ contract partner/ foreigner, unconstitutional. (English).

KANAKA MAOLI HAWAII: taken by the "STATE OF HAWAII" incorporated as a office of the person, admiralty use for commerce, un constitutional, used as misnomer, mistaken identity, act 200 (1996), attempted use, copyrights, ownership by the de facto/illegal group called "State of Hawaii" over anything considered "Hawaii-an".

HAWAII: a de facto corporation, successor in interests of fabricated/fraudulent groups known as: "The Territory of Hawaii Illegal occupant, invalid by creation to be a "Territory"; "The Republic of Hawaii", Illegal occupant, propagandist/group, "The United States", a de facto unconstitutional/fabricated corporation without authority/ power; "The Provisional Government" Illegal occupant, fixers of trade (crimes)/ de facto, invalid by creation to meet requirements, club, organization, society, foreign 14th amendment citizens, artificial transmitting utilities in commerce.

KINGDOM OF HAWAII: a de facto term, label, foreign created use, reduction, foreign conduit for use as an illegal, fabricated business,alleged name of a"Trust", fabrication by foreign entity, a Commercial device, transmitting utility, owned by the "state of Hawaii", an office of person, 14th Amendment slave/un constitutional misnomer, English reduction, mistaken identity.

NATION OF HAWAII: a de facto term, there is no nation known as "Hawaii", a label as above.

SOVEREIGN: freeholder, head of State i.e. of Royalty.

TRIBAL SOVEREIGNTY, PARTIAL SOVEREIGNTY, FULL SOVEREIGNTY, ABORIGINAL SOVEREIGNTY, INDEGENOUS SOVEREIGNTY, INHERENT SOVEREIGNTY, TEMPORARY SOVEREIGNTY, SPIRITUAL SOVEREIGNTY, TRANSFER OF SOVEREIGNTY, PERSONAL SOVEREIGNTY, PUBLIC SOVEREIGNTY, PRIVATE SOVEREIGNTY: all terms, labels, misnomers, half forms, undeveloped stages of Sovereignty, imparting subjective sovereignty under foreign occupant rules, which is NOT sovereign, it is false, fabricated, used as artificial conduits in commerce.

TRIBAL: freeholder only as tribal member, subjected to foreign United States definitions, creations and oppression.

ABORIGINAL: incapable of full, partial or tribal, owning the barest humanistic kind of self survivalist, subjected to foreign manipulation, etc.

INDIGENOUS: incapable of full, only partial or tribal sovereignty; as without property/ kuleana/ land/ resource rights or private property protections, subjected as above..

INHERENT: incapable of full, only freedom is inheritance, under the limitations, definitions and oppressions of a foreign power, subjected as above.

TRANSFER OF SOVEREIGNTY: a falsehood created by the foreign United States Congress, a fabrication, office of person, artificial transmitting device in commerce.

PUBLIC:a term to describe what the general populace holds in common, subject to government taking, what is offered in public, liability, commercial contact zone for conduits to pass through, what is not private.

PRIVATE: a natural born citizen(s) with sovereign rites and rights, inalienable, true, personal, non governmental, non regulated, of what was created, held in private, what is not public.

KO HAWAII PAE AINA: the legitimate, Constitutional, Sovereign Identity and true name of the Archipelago of Hawaiiloa. The ONLY Authority and Power of that nation, genealogical, cosmos, lineal connection of all Maoli, kanaka a oiwi to that Royal Patented Domain, distinguished June 7, 1839 and founded by Constitution on Oct. 8, 1840, lawful party to 46 treaty, power to issue never extinguished Royal Patents and Certificates of Title; the forerunner of the world in oceanic trade, a Royal Patented Domain, the true identity thereof, possessing anunbroken chain of full sovereign power and authority, un acquired, un assumed, still in existence.

HAWAII/HAWAIIAN GOVERNMENT: de facto, illegal corporation group, entity, office of person, artificial conduit of commercial use, fabricated to act as if; based on provisional de facto , illegal charter of Jan. 20, 1893 by society of "safety", falsely created occupant of civil rights and revenues of the Constitutional nationals of Ko Hawaii Pae Aina.

LAND COMMISSION AWARD: a de facto term, label, misnomer , fabrication to conceal real identity, fraud, alteration of the olelo for Certificate of Title: Palapala Hooko , in the language of lawful precedent, "ward" is inapplicable to private property owners.

LAND PATENT GRANT: an invalid, VOIDpaper, fabricated by the de facto/ illegal/ invalid groups in illegal occupancy; unauthorized and illegal alteration of land patent system documents, of no value, worthless documents used to defraud actual, lawful, legitimate kuleana owners.

LAND COURT AWARD: a de facto, invalid VOID paper,illegal, worthless document fabricated to conceal the actual, lawful ownership of the Royal Patented properties, concealment of fraud, overlaid, artful merger of "words", created to attempt transfer to plantations, missionaries, mercenaries and accomplices of treason crimes, this office of person, conduit of commerce uses, falsehood was fabricated our of thin air on April 28, 1903 and has no connection to legitimate royal patented domain, an entity lacking power and inherent authority to adjudicate title incepted in Ko Hawaii Pae Aina;use of fabbed paper is illegal within original jurisdiction of inception of validated title; inapplicable to lawful owners of kuleana.

NATIVE TENANTS: a falsehood, misnomer, alteration of identity, reduction of actual language, meanings, fabricated, foreign, term, label, discriminatory uses, office of person used in commerce, transmitting utility, artificial 14th amendment foreigner, alien, tenancy, tenant, commercial use, value, purpose, contractual, renting, leasing, occupying without ownership rights, etc. unconstitutional, illegal alteration of a foreign language, identity fraud when used to define or describe the actual lawful owner or kanaka Maoli a oiwi, a "tenant" does not own his/her own private property; a "tenant" was not granted ownership of a Royal Patent and or a Certificate of Title; a kanaka Maoli was pre-vested with private property rights as ofJune 7, 1839 Bill of Rights; Magna Charta; settled in lawful case law citing 1846 statutes, in re: Gill v. Kukiiahu 1851.

COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC LANDS: falsehood, de facto, illegal term, misnomer, alteration, identity fraud, office of person, conduit fabricated for use 14th amendment foreign manipulation, fabricated by the de facto/illegal occupant group without legal basis or lawful authority; "the Republic of Hawaii" group in 1894, August 14; displaced the lawful owners of their properties and gave them out to friends, plantations, de facto institutions. The Mahele contained no public lands as defensive measure, whereas a foreign country by Law of Nations could legitimately take first; the koe nae were created in it's place to prevent foreign intrusion into private property rights of kanaka Maoli (est. 1839); "public lands" do not exist in Ko Hawaii Pae Aina; inapplicable term, illegal usage, artful merge, misleading.

PUBLIC LANDS: falsehood, illegal de facto fabrication to conceal internal displacement of a people based on nationality; (fabricated on July 4, 1894) placed privately owned kuleana of Crown and koe nae na kuleana o na kanaka interests within lands given to the de jure government were "fabbed", "merged on paper" by the lawless group calling themselves "republic of Hawaii" for illegal uses, made up, falsified, used for commercial artificial offices, conduit, unconstitutional, foreign term, a literal assertion, frivolous, without lawful basis, invalid, void and meaningless term, does not apply to the Royal Patented Archipelago of Hawaiiloa, the de jure Domain. [United States patents require the presidential seal and signature, NONE exist either in the illegal corporate fraud [state of hawaii] or within the de jure Nation of Ko Hawaii Pae Aina; absolutely inapplicable lie'promotion of internal displacement and racial economics against nationals of Ko Hawaii Pae Aina.

TERRITORIAL LANDS: Same as above, (fabricated Feb. 22, 1900).

FEDERAL LANDS: Same as above (fabricated Feb. 22, 1900) double falsehood: a real territory is not under Federal rule; NO instrument, document nor valid transfer or delivery exists of any property whatsoever possessed by the legimitate nation and nationals of Ko Hawaii Pae Aina to the foreign Federal United States exists; No US Federal Land patents exists illiterate use when applied to Hawaii/ Ko Hawaii Pae Aina.

FEDERAL RECOGNITION: same as above; annexed states (49) create federal jurisdiction out of it's non - patented, public property (lawfully gotten/ inapplicable in Ko Hawaii Pae Aina); this scope is directly under the whims of Congress, Internal Revenue can only lawfully tax "federal citizens", de facto recognizance; legally bound; re-organized into an artificial 14th amendment citizen enjoying"privileges" Not rights, granted by the foreign US Congress;subject of legislation only (if legislation is lawfully gotten).

BOUNDARY COMMISSION: a de jure semi judicial tribunal of inherent and competent authority created in 1862 to hear claims and issues in regards to boundaries of kuleana lawfully granted. If and when this term is used as being a judicial court of the de facto, or determinations de facto, illegal oligarchy altered and fabricated by de facto; the record or document is useless and has no value except as a fraud exhibit.

MINISTER OF INTERIOR AWARDS: only valid when and if used within proper jurisdiction of inception of title; it becomesinvalid, void and useless when used or applied by de facto/ illegal/ artificial corporations./ successors in interest of oligarchy groups.

MONARCHY: implies absolute when not explained or defined, under one King or Queen, having a fiefdom, fairies,anglo-saxon,serfs, elves and dairy lands, foreign, "native tenant", "tenant farmer", etc. a fabrication or artful use of a singular word, a royal lineage of absolute rulers, type, kind, identity of, is ommitted, as opposed to the de jure Constitutional Monarchy with full parliament and Konohiki Guild, invalid, unconstitutional and worthless, meaningless, inapplicable to the nation of Ko Hawaii Pae Aina.

GOVERNMENT LANDS: lands given to the legitimate government de jure of Ko Hawaii Pae Aina and no other, to be used to administer upon with duty and obligation of care and under the direction of a Sovereign Minister, with reservatio of allodium, mineral, prevested rights, etc. there are no government patents of land, rights or interests, designed by King Kauikeaouli to abate political corruption, if and when this term is used by the de facto/ illegal occupants/ artificial corporations, it is invalid, worthless and has no value, the de facto/ self fabricated illegal group "the republic of Hawaii", alleged to unlawfully displace private patented ownership of kuleana by compressing private and government granted lands together, essentially making a messy cover up outside of lawful basis or due process.

CEDED LANDS: complete falsehood, de facto illegal term, none exist at all; used when attempting to justify the annexation myth, without proof of a cession, there can be no ceded lands, double falsity; if and when, illegal use of an illegal term to falsify; false, illegal, unproven, unconstitutional, criminal, identity fraud, foreign incorrect literary assertion without factual, substantial proven evidence; inapplicable to the Constitutional, Unacquired Royal Patented Nation of Ko Hawaii Pae Aina; there is No instrument of transfer of private Crown lands, No transfer of Certificates of Titles, Royal Patents or otherwise of any property whatsoever; no authority existed in the self proclaimed illegitimate "republic of Hawaii"group to remove privately owned property in the possession of nationals and suddenly call them "ceded lands" on July 7, 1898; the real parties-in-interest, the nationals of Ko Hawaii Pae Aina never transferred any property whatsoever to the "republic of Hawaii" group or their contract partner - the de facto United States; No property everbecame allegedly "ceded".

HAWAII SUPREME COURT: a fiction, alien, artificial conduit for commercial use, de facto, illegitimate, false, lacking inherent competency, lacking treaty, lacking authority, lacking power, foreign 14th amendment office of person of foreign fabrication, an administrative function without judicial powers, possessing an administrative purpose only, not authorized by treaty, office, room, public meeting hall, without jurisdiction, without inherent authority, without possession of foreign jurisdiction or subjectum, etc. of Ko Hawaii Pae Aina or it's nationals; Hawaii - de facto term; created under the illegal occupancy without authority, power or original jurisdiction; a commercial conduit for the national bank; section 75; fabrication/ occupancy document: Organic Act (1900); lacking any judicial powers; only administrative; clerical; financial, etc.

CROWN LANDS: the personal private lands of the Constitutional Monarch in that official capacity, subject only the koe nae na kuleana o na kanaka laws, invalid and worthless, illegal use of term,is used by and with the de facto, illegal, oligarchy successors in interests, illegal occupants, void and meaningless when applied in their favor, loses power when manipulated by foreign artificial 14th amendment administrative functions; the late Constitutional Queen Liluokalani never transferred any Crown property to any of the oligarchy illegitimate groups lawlessly based uponthe charter of Jan. 20, 1893; except by natural inheritance to her children/ heirs.

HAWAIIAN HOMELANDS: illegal use of private property, deprivation of private property, malversion, alteration, frivolous, falsehood, fabricated to conceal lawful ownership, an attempt to justify "territory" label, illegal entity, term, identity, fraud, concealment, uses for commercial conduit, compound, reservation, encampment, holding ground, genocidal tactic, fraud lease on already owned lands, internal displacement of nationals, interruption of society, internal fractioning, blood quantum illegal, unconstitutional, demise tactic, displacement of kanaka Maoli, tool, instrument controlled by foreign, artificial 14th amendment entity; without authority, transfer or lawful basis, economicaly regulated, capped production, holding pen, barter exchange, indoctrination center, rehabilitation camps, exchange agreement forced uponkanaka Maoli stipulates "fabricated lease lands" to discriminated against nationals, for the illegal use/occupancy of their national revenue and civil rights by the illegitimate/illegal/ de facto self proclaimed group: "provisional government" and successors in interests, supported by the propaganda of United Statesprivate corporation military "empty threat"; see fabricated, literal assertion, falsehood called the "Organic Act" (1900). Rehabilitation: rehab: habilitate: inapplicable to nationals.

DEPARTMENT OF HAWAIIAN HOMELANDS/ ACT: Fabricated on July 9, 1921, illegal concealment of private property rights belonging to nationals that could not be removed (and never were), royal patents, court decrees; a double and triple fraud, identity fraud, alteration of identity; an unauthorized act on behalf of "Native Hawaiians" who needed "rehabilitation" by non royal, unauthorized, alien, foreigner, called "republic of Hawaii" office of person, Jonah Kuhio Kalanianaole, as a United States de facto citizen/14th amendment slave/ conduit for commerce/ unlawful conspirator to genocide, an oligarchy controlled corporate fiction designed to perpetuate genocide of Maoli, displace, discord, disperse; a propaganda tactic to disempower and disenfranchise the nationals of Ko Hawaii Pae Aina, by causing internal displacement of families, to erupt civil discourse, breakdown socio-cultural cores, defeat nationalism, fabricate dependency of foreign suppression, illegal, unconstitutional encampments, holding grounds, compounds of waste management, casualty crisis center, testing holds, reservations, concentration camps, commerce/ disease/military controlled sites, experiment stations. A fabricated "compact" between Hawaii and the United States strictly limits the manner in which Hawaii may manage the homelands and the income they produce. Price v. Akaka, 928 F.2d 824 (9th Cir. 1990). [**breakable contract between two corporations]. Federal contact of alien; 14th Amd. Unlawful taxation/extortion, discrimination, illegal displacement; practice by foreign congress in racial economics.

KANAWAI: as with any olelo iwi; if used by or intentionally applied by in any condition or circumstance any de facto/illegal/artificial officer of corporations/ illegitimate situation, it is void.

Kanawai, kanawai Maoli a kumukanawai: water, duality, continuum of life, essence, jurisprudence, natural science, natural cycle, confluence of all matter in balance, abiding, with and by the Ka na of wai, wealth, abundance, obligation, duty, natural symbiotic relationship, the relationship to all things to which humankind aspires. Copyrighted. 2007.

MAINLAND: false, illegal term, misapplied, mis used, as in reference to America or United States of America; is in applicable , illegal, unconstitutional and meaningless in relation to the Constitutional of Ko Hawaii Pae Aina (The Archipelago of Hawaiiloa) which to date, has NEVER been acquired.

BROKEN TRUST: There is no proven existence of a valid, lawful, "trust" placing any national of Ko Hawaii Pae Aina within it; an illegal fabrication to conceal fraud of illegal, de facto, oligarchy "state of Hawaii" group; alleged to be by fabrication, the "Kingdom of Hawaii", no "trust" exists, one cannot "break" falsified literal assertion, therefore inapplicable term, illegal use, label, misleading, identity theft; theft by illegal occupants; No valid. legal, legitimate authroized trust exists that must have a transfer of property into it by the legitimate owners duly authorized to deliver/ transfer property to the Trustees; none exists.

TRIBE: an inapplicable fabrication if and when used to falsify identity of validated, natural born nationals of the Constitutional Nation State of Ko Hawaii Pae Aina; opposite of the freeholder, constitutional, national status of the nationals of Ko Hawaii Pae Aina; manipulated and merged by de facto slave racists in and for the interest of the office of person; successor in crimes of the Provisional group called the "state of Hawaii"; to increase revenue consumption by the foreign United States under the Indian Commerce Clause; dysfunctional, inapplicable, downgrade, incompetent to form a civil government, etc.

"OVERTHROW" OF CONSTITUTIONAL MONARCH QUEEN LILIUOKALANI, CONSTITUTIONAL PARLIAMENTARY GOVERNMENT, KONOHIKI GUILD, HOUSES & ROYAL PRIVY COUNCIL: a proven myth by absence of an "overthrow", fabrication to conceal illegal fix of trade in Pacific by unaccepted, deceptive, illegitimate, illegal, de facto, self proclaimed oligarchy; fundamental propagandist myth, contradicting this falsehood, illegal identity fraud, alteration of identity/ instruments; are 1) Ko Hawaii Pae Aina ceased as an absolute Monarchy in 1812; 2) No nationals "overthrew" their Constitutional Queen and Parliament, 3) No nationals created a "republic" and 4) there has never been a termination of jurisdiction, which is a paramount element to an "overthrow"; pathetic attempt in literal and oratorypromoted by the illegitimate de facto state of Hawaii group to "justify" their promotion of racial economics, discrimination against nationality, illegal occupancy of our revenue and civil rights; NO requisites of an "overthrow" exist.

ANNEXATION OF THE HAWAIIAN KINGDOM: a proven myth, double falsehood upon fabricated fundamental myth of an alleged and falsely claimed "overthrow" of a Constitutional Queen and entire Government structure; there is no proof or evidence of an "annexation" taking place, exhibited by a total lack of treaty, lack of identified parties, lack of inherent power and authority, false literary assertion, NO lawful Treaty exists, propagandized during a staged, fabricated "flag raising ceremony" in front of the Iolani palace in July of 1898, unconstitutional, illegal, unlawful, ridiculous, an experiment in mass fraud, invalid and void for lack of lawful basis, the mistaken myth of the alleged" joint resolution treaty" of 1898 by a foreign senate within a foreign country without proof of treaty/ transfer/ lawful basis, is meaningless, void, unautorized, inapplicable for lack of requisite law, concealment myth of an illegal "joint resolution" in the foreign U.S. "congress" without law, without the real-party-in-interest vested with lawful authority; without the owner; without the nationals in whose possession all of the Royal Patented Domain was vested, without one shred of a transfer instrument of any kind whatsoever, without any connection or otherwise to the legitimate nation and nationals of Ko Hawaii Pae Aina; ludicrous assumption, inane presumption; without due process, discriminatory, illegal, excluding law, unacceptable offer, insult, literal disgorgement of myth to conceal reality, illegal attempt to artificially manufacture "ownership",a paper waste, without authority, illegal attempt at excess of jurisdiction, etc.

STATEHOOD: a falsehood, illegal, unconstitutional, void for utter displacement and disregard for due process, a over propagandized affair without lawful basis, lacking elements required in laws; an artificial term, label, inapplicable, a null and void allegation for lack of an overthrow, lack of an annexation, lack of a territory, lack of anything resembling lawful due process and lawful treatment of human nationals with constitutional private sovereign rights, 16 % populace present at the time of qualified voters only; if and when used artfully to conceal, defraud and disenfranchise, illegal and inapplicable having novalue; an impossibility, ungratified, contradictory to law, discriminatory, without lawful transfer, witout evidence of proof, no record or lawful document exists, inapplicable, concealment of fraud; unratified by 2/3 of congress in addition, illegal attempt to subject citizens to federal taxation in 1967, etc.

BISHOP ESTATE/ BERNICE PAUAHI PAKI BISHOP TRUST/ BISHOP HOLDINGS, INC. BERNICE PAUAHI BISHOP: a falsehood, a double falsification of a natural born sovereign, unlawful alteration of instruments, illegal, identity fraud, fraud, embezzlement, displacement, murder, marriage fraud, conspiracy to conceal evidence of fraud, conspiracy to steal, theft of

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Am a descendant of Kamehameha,Kalaniopuu, Kaumualii, John Young, Isaac Davis,Princess Poomaikelani, etals.heir of Queen Liliuokalani, et. als. from Hawaii. Am a 40 year history, 29 year genealogy, 15+ years legal researcher in Hawaii. Have (more...)

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