If the American people ever pulled back the curtains and saw inside Langley they would be shocked at what they find, or maybe not. Despite being massively brainwashed by their leaders, the press, and government institutions, the American people are waking up to the political reality that their country was hijacked by war criminals and extremists who are implementing a tyrannical and anti-American agenda.
Everything that the Wall Street-owned CIA does around the world is illegal, immoral, and evil, but there are many patriots who serve the CIA because they love their country and remain ignorant of what their bosses are doing behind the scenes. They're just cogs in the criminal American war machine. Their admirable service and sacrifice, however, doesn't excuse the CIA's war crimes.
One of President Obama's first acts as President was to reassure his masters at the CIA that their crimes would not be looked into by his administration. Still, that wasn't enough. In September 2009, seven former Directors of the CIA sent a letter to Obama, urging him to stop Attorney General Eric Holder's criminal investigation of CIA torture. The letter explicitly referred to the September 11 attacks four times, and made the point that CIA policies were necessary to defend America from terrorist attacks. What they didn't mention is that the September 11 attacks were committed by the CIA itself, along with Israel's Mossad. Most revealing of all is that they say the CIA must be left alone to do anything it damn well pleases in the name of security. An excerpt from the letter:
If criminal investigations closed by career prosecutors during one administration can so easily be reopened at the direction of political appointees in the next, declinations of prosecution will be rendered meaningless. Those men and women who undertake difficult intelligence assignments in the aftermath of an attack such as September 11 must believe there is permanence in the legal rules that govern their actions. They must be free, as the Chairman of the Senate Homeland Security Committee, Senator Lieberman, has put it: "to do their dangerous and critical jobs without worrying that years from now a future Attorney General will authorize a criminal investigation of them for behavior that a previous Attorney General concluded was authorized and legal." Similar deference needs to be shown to fact-based decisions made by career prosecutors years ago.Glenn Greenwald wrote that the CIA directors essentially requested that President Obama obstruct justice, and allow the CIA to operate outside of the law, regardless of the legal, human, and security consequences for the United States. Greenwald:
What these CIA Directors are urging would be completely improper. In fact, one could plausibly argue that where (as here) the DOJ determines that serious crimes might have been committed and an investigation needed, it would constitute obstruction of justice for the President to intervene by quashing any possibility of prosecution.Several weeks before the letter was written, the sitting director of the CIA, Leon Panetta, threatened to pack up his bags and leave if criminal investigation of torture by the White House was not put to a halt.
There is no way getting around the fact that the CIA and Bush administration committed not just a war crime on September 11, but treason. Serious punishment is long overdue. America's constitutional government must be restored, and the traitors be put to death. Any other restorative action would fall short of the laws of nature. Justice is what is called for, not forgiveness. The CIA's crimes against humanity cannot be forgiven. As Sherwood Ross wrote two years ago:
Americans need to get one thing straight: The Central Intelligence Agency is a spiritual descendent of Hitler's Gestapo. Its directors over the past eight years have been willing pawns in a vast criminal enterprise spawned by George Bush. They have kidnapped, disappeared, imprisoned, tortured, and even murdered uncounted innocents, just as under previous presidents the CIA overthrew legitimate governments, just as it carried out President Bill Clinton's first criminal renditions. Today, the CIA brass is stuck in the Big Muddy up to their lying lips, vulnerable to prosecution as never before.There should be no mystery about the true nature of the CIA, and what it does in the world. Here's a hint: it is not interested in the national security of the United States. America's national security would be better served if American leaders followed the law, and restored justice, instead of torturing innocent Muslims, killing people, and occupying countries.
But before justice can be restored in America, the constitutional republic must be restored. As Alex Jones says in this interview on Russia Today, the American people don't run America. Wall Street, and new-world-order traitors run America. "We don't have a real government," said Alex, "we have a rogue government that is basically looting this country, and until you get a real government back in place, any reform will only be twisted into a scam to further vertically integrate wealth so Wall Street gets hundreds of billions in bonuses every year. Either those parasites go, who are waging war on the real economy, or there's no end in sight, things are only going to get worse on this journey towards an Orwellian nightmare."