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The True Costs of making a Police Misconduct Complaint

Steven G. Erickson
Message Steven G. Erickson

I was a successful bidder at a HUD auction in Oct. 94, purchasing a 4 bedroom house in Stafford Springs, Connecticut.

I had thought of staying in Europe with my European lingerie model wife [picture here, scroll down].

I made the wrong choice. I came back to America and invested in the "American Dream", which imploded into a daily nightmare. 

The Connecticut State Police, Troop C, and the Stafford town constables, known as "Town Clowns", would refuse to protect and serve downtown home and business owners if they didn't have political or Mafia connections.

Before I even moved into the house, knowing no one, my mail was opened and written on, and vandals targeted the house and our vehicles, a new Toyota 4x4 and a BMW.

I found out who was doing the vandalism and property damage as I caught them. The Connecticut State Police AND the Town Clowns were either too lazy, or arrogant to even take my complaint or even come out when called for just about anything.

I co-founded the Stafford Springs Crime Watch.

Officer Prochaska seemed to be ogling my lingerie model wife, standing in front of me and pushing me out of the way, so he could talk to my wife. I had proposed that Police should be able to write teens and children detentions to be served at local schools year round. 

Constable "Fat Frank" Prochaska told me that if I proposed that legislation that I would be arrested and if I didn't leave the State and shut my mouth that I would be arrested. 

I reported Prochaska to the town selectman and to elected officials in town. Prochaska then arrested me at my house and faced a year and a half in prison for having my ear bitten, being beaten to a pulp, by a cocaine drug dealer, Peter Panciera who had fled the scene when I dialed "911". Panciera was so high on his product he thought I was an undercover cop, so he attacked me. Only I was arrested after 6 weeks for the incident. I had identified my attacker. Witnesses didn't know who attacked me and fled the scene. Prochaska, "re-investigated" and the witnesses changed their statement to say that I had attacked their friend.

So, I faced prison for attacking a drug dealer's teeth with my ear, and attacking his massive fists with my face. 

My wife said I had lacked good judgment for having bought property in downtown Stafford Springs, Connecticut. We divorced. 

I then spent 100's of thousands of dollars and years of my life fixing up these boarded up rental properties. [video]

Connecticut State Police then started blocking my way out to work in the morning, telling me I would be arrested if I didn't shut up and leave the State. I had been proposing laws to legislators and had gotten "mouthy" have written letters to the editor critical of police.

Ritt Goldstein, also, proposed Civilian Oversight of Police. Goldstein was so terrorized by police after making [this video] he fled to Sweden seeking political asylum.

Drug dealers, prostitutes, and vandals told me that State Police were asking them for help to get rid of me. I was then attacked on my property by a felon who had been leaving death threats on my voicemail and telling my tenants he would kill me.

I was then arrested for resisting being beaten up on my property. State Police then were bragging "Big Mouth is going to prison", before I even had a trial. I had no criminal record and the prosecutor offered me no deals, just prison telling me to plead guilty.

The above is my mugshot. 

I was sentenced to a year in prison for pepper spraying a felon who told me he'd kill me if I didn't hand over my wallet. The felon was never arrested for attacking me, trying to rob me, and for making death threats, stalking, and harassing me. 

So, I have been estranged from my daughter and can't get almost all jobs due to my criminal record. The criminal record has multiple dates for the same "offense", so it looks like I am a career, violent criminal. 

My credit is ruined.

I don't buy new vehicles, no longer contribute, and don't have any need to pay taxes.

Police, prosecutors, and a judge decided your tax dollars should be used to ruin my life, break up my family, and make me no longer a taxpayer.

Was YOUR MONEY well spent?

A Police State ruins the economy and America. 

-Steven G. Erickson

[my blog]

A post on police [here]

A White Hartford Connecticut Police Officer likes to shoot Blacks in the back and wants your donation. [more]

How do Connecticut courts "work"? [find out]


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Steven G. Erickson is a freelance cameraman, blogger, photographer, documentary producer, screenwriter, sometimes journalist, and can and will travel anywhere if the terms are right. His objective is to reform America's courts, creating a "People's (more...)
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