Genesis does not have any "creation stories" or
myths. Genesis chapter one is about the 4.6 billion year history of life on Earth, and not about
Creation Week. Both the worlds of Creationism and Theology do not understand the Genesis
text, and teach false doctrines that Genesis does not support.
I also wrote New Hampshire, Missouri, and Oklahoma bill
sponsors, trying to wake them up to reality. I
urged them to schedule the 62 minute presentation of the "Observations of Moses", for their fellow lawmakers to see, which
proves current creationism and evolution to be in error.
But no. They wanted to try to push
the foolish doctrines of Creation Science, forsaking the truth of God's Word.
Both Creation Science and Intelligent Design have had their day in a court of law, and lost. Neither one addresses the geologic and fossil records of the prehistoric past. When are elected lawmakers going to learn? How can an untruth ever prove another lie to be in error?
How important is it to teach the truth of history? Suppose school children in Japan were taught that Tokyo went to war in 1940 because the USA attacked Okinawa in 1939? The reason is wrong, the place is wrong, the dates are incorrect. Would you think that someone was in denial? Or that they wanted to brainwash the students? That is what the religion of Atheism has been doing in our public schools, and being state sponsored, which is both evil and unconstitutional.
The PowerPoint presentation reveals the truth of our pre-historic past, which state education committees, school board members, and science teachers should all see. It explains Genesis chapter one, and reveals the truth about both the geologic and fossil records of Earth. None of those (other) "origin myths" address the prehistoric history of Earth. The "Observations of Moses" is the ONLY true rendition of Genesis, and is the correct opposing view to the evolution theory
It is the responsibility of school officials to teach students the truth, and not just the false conclusions of science, and neither the false doctrines of current Creationism. How can they make the correct decisions when they fail to examine the correct information? The world of Theology, and all "so called" Bible colleges and seminaries have no clue to what the Genesis text is saying. It is not about "creation", as the world of Creationism teaches. Genesis has no "creation accounts".
Also, I teach a 6-hr class for science teachers, which I call a "Genesis appreciation" course. It goes into more depth concerning the geologic and fossil records of our ancient past, and trains the teachers on how to teach the students about Genesis, and to answer the questions the students would ask.
So, you elected creationist lawmakers. When are you going to learn to drop your
foolishness, and allow the truth to be shown and taught to our
students? The Indiana Education Bill is
now dead, because of the stubbornness of State Senator Dennis Kruse. Didn't I tell you that he would fail, Senator Gary Hopper?
Your efforts will also come to naught, as long as you support a lie.
Herman Cummings