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The tyrannous "ruling elite" cartel of global bankers

William Finnerty
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"Cradle of democracy" (Athens)
by Realist Thu May 06, 2010 09:54

Maybe it should come as no surprise that fearsome resistance to the tyrannous "ruling elite" cartel of global bankers would emerge from Athens in the way that it now is?

"Cradle of democracy is Athens, ancient Greek city-state, situated in beautiful part of Peloponez, in Attica. Athens owe the first penal and civil law code to Draco. That was him who differentiated premeditated murder from accidental manslaughter."

The above excerpt is from: http://www.ancient-greece.us/democracy.html

How cowardly, stupid and puny our political leaders here in the Republic of Ireland now look -- all of them -- of the left, the right, and the centre, still all sucking-up and kowtowing to the bankers for all they're worth, while giving away our vast oil and gas resources to the likes of Shell: who I imagine are probably largely, if not fully, already owned by the global banking cartel (in one way or another).


"When two worlds collide": Democracy and Tyranny ...
by Observer Thu May 06, 2010 10:49

That's just it "Realist".

"With their tongues, our political leaders fraudulently claim to be fully supportive of genuine democracy -- as in 'government of the people, by the people, for the people' -- while the rest of their bodies completely contradict their tongues: by daily "acting out" the tyrannous and potentially explosive role of 'government of the bankers, by the bankers, for the bankers'."

For how much longer will our political leaders be able to sustain their dangerous duplicity on this crucially important, and absolutely "core" social issue I wonder?


The above text has been copied from the following Indymedia (Ireland) location:




by Despairing Thu May 06, 2010 17:10

The sad (and sick) reality of the Republic of Ireland at the present time is that the "ruling elites" can commit crime (of all kinds and sizes) with impunity, and that nobody seems to know how (in practice) to "decommission" this deeply unhealthy and obnoxious social arrangement of theirs: even though there is an abundance of "law" in place for just such purposes.

Obviously, the Republic of Ireland's legal profession now desperately needs to be PURGED of all the accumulating political and corporate corruption it has foolishly and irresponsibly been absorbing and embracing over the years.

Unfortunately, nobody here seems to have any idea of how -- in practice -- to successfully go about cleaning up our legal profession either.

To further compound matters, most (close to all possibly) Republic of Ireland citizens appear to be either unaware of, in denial over, or feigning ignorance of, the MASSIVE problem which we actually have with our legal profession: even though -- for example -- our judges have in recent years very publicly jailed at least eight people (that I know of) who have tried to peacefully object to the "great (and unconstitutional and consequently unlawful) giveaway" of our oil and gas resources, which have been valued at 5.4 trillion Euros.

Though it is the case that a number of small street protests have been tried, so far they appear to have produced just the odd hopeful looking "flash in the pan", and a few short-lived "false dawns" for some perhaps -- which is not by any means the fault of the street protestors concerned as far as I know, and much more likely to be the fault of all those who are so far completely failing to lawfully and peacefully protest in public: in the face of what they should sensibly be viewing as exceptionally serious and dangerous developments deep within our own society?


Solon: (Lawmaker of Athens) 638 BC558 BC

King Ollamh Fodhla: (Lawmaker of Ireland) Period of 40 year reign: 1317 BC1277 BC (According to The Annals of Ireland by The Four Masters completed in 1632 AD).

The Four Courts (Dublin): Solon and King Ollamh Fodhla


For future reference purposes copies of the above text have been placed at the following two Internet locations:



Alta Vista translation facilities (for several languages) have been made available at both of the Internet addresses immediately above.


There is NOTHING to prevent governments producing their own INTEREST-FREE and DEBT-FREE money.

It has been done very successfully and very easily before, both by former US President Abraham Lincoln, and by former US President John F. Kennedy (for example).


Human Rights (Ireland):


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William Finnerty is back living in the Republic of Ireland at the present time, which is where he was born and where he grew up. His father was Irish (County Galway), and his mother American (New York City). He has worked mostly in the (more...)
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